Thursday, September 5, 2013

September 4, 2013 -- Wednesday

一 1.Cultural discussion -- Japanese baths and bathrooms and toilets, with labels for men's (男)  and women's(女), and how they differ from those items in the U.S. Nakama's 六十四,五ページ

ニ 2.Students looked at examples of colorful カタカナ charts.

三 3.Handout regarding aisatsu at first meeting, and related verbs:

Some related words (in case you are feeling confused):
  はじめまして、 How do you do” (spoken only the first time two people meet)

  はじまります,  Begins/starts (intransitive), as in “When does it begin?” 
            なん時 に 始まります か。.

  はじめます、Starts/begins (transitive), as in “He will start the job in August.” 
          八月    しごと を 始めます。

  はじめて、 For the first time, as in “On Monday I will go to Japan for the first time.”

                                    月曜日 に 私 は はじめて 日本 に いきます。

四 4.In order to practice verbs for existence and nouns for furniture and location, each student made a line drawing of a room's floor plan, and then wrote a dialogue which included certain required information 「仲間」という教科書のワークブックの三十一,ニページ:
   a. what kind of room it is (adjective)
   b. whether or not there are windows
   c. what kind of windows they are
   d. what's near the window
   e. what kind of thing is on the right side of the room
   f. what kind of thing is on the left side of the room
   g. what is near the door

五 5.宿題(しゅくだい)Homework:
Complete dialogue about room, above.

{明日キメル先生は休むからシュメデキ先生は教えます。Kimmel Sensei will be absent tomorrow, therefore Schmadeke Sensei will teach.}

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