Monday, September 23, 2013

September 23, 2013 -- Monday
平成二十五年九月二十三日 -- 月曜日

on board:  ii otenki desu ne.  (ne is confirming question, like "right?" at the end of an English sentence
いい おてんき です ね。

handout about where Hello Kitty comes from, Akihabara in Tokyo

handout from
一Kimono ワークブック の 百十八ページ -- relational particles
仲間のワークブック の 六十五ページーーrelational particles verbs, and adverbs of frequency

description on board --functions of relational particles

は    wa -- indicates topic or subject of sentence
と    to --  1) "and" between nouns, and 2) "with, accompanying"
で    de -- 1) indicates location where active verb happens, 2) "by means of" for transport or tools
に    ni -- 1) indicates location where things exist います、あります
   2)indicates destination in sentences
     with traveling verbs like 行きます、来ます、かえります、はしります
   3)indicates and exact time with a name or a number
を    wo -- indicates the direct object of the verb

kanji  漢字 on board
    門 mon - gate
    耳 mimi - ear
    聞きます kikimasu - "an ear at the gate hears"

There will be a binder check on September 27th. 九月二十七日、金曜日

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