Monday, August 31, 2015

August 31, 2015 -- Monday
平成二十七年八月三十一日 -- 月曜日

Warm-up:  Write 3 times in Nihongo (in hiragana)

Four students in each class performed the dialogue on pages 32-33 of Nakama

Kanji Review #

学 まな(ぶ)learns 

        セイ          is born 

    さき  ahead, before


Write in ローマじ  RŌMAji, and then translate into えい語 eigo. (Write each  日本語sentence 3 times.)

一.たなか 先生 は 大学 の 先生 じゃ ありませんでした。Tanaka Sensei wa daigaku no sensei ja arimasendeshita.  Teacher Tanaka was not a college professor.

二.あの 学生 の なまえ は たかくら けん くん です。Ano gakusei no namae wa Takakura Ken kun desu.  The name of that student over there is Takakura Ken.

三.「生きる」 は ゆうめいな くろさわ 先生 の えいが です か。"Ikiru" wa yuumeina Kurosawa Sensei no eiga desu ka.  "Ikiru" is famous Kurosawa Sensei's movie.

四.ハーバード 大学 や シカゴ 大学 は 大きい 大学 です。HAABAADO Daigaku ya SHIKAGO Daigaku wa ookii daigaku desu.  Harvard University and the University of Chicago (and others) are big universities.

五.大かわ(おおかわ)は よこはま の かわ です か。Ookawa wa Yokohama no kawa desu ka.  Is OoKawa a river in (of) Yokohama?

六.みな は OPRF こうこう の 学生 でした ね。Mina wa OPRF koukou no gakusei deshita ne.  Every one was an OPRF High School student, right?

 宿題 しゅくだい
Finish the sentences on kanji review #1 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

August 28, 2015 -- Friday
平成二十七年八月二十八日 -- 金曜日

Kimmel Sensei was absent.
The following directions were left for the substitute teacher:

'Late-summer article from the Japan Times, “Farewell until next year, heat, humidity and o-haka-mairi”:  students are to write a 4 paragraph summary, in English.  They should also write all of the Japanese words in the article at the bottom of their summary.
The other handout is a sample of two kinds of Japanese fans, a folding fan and an oblong fan on a stick, with the proper Japanese words for these items at the bottom.  Almost everyone, male and female, uses fans in Japan in the summer. Students should color one of these items.  Finish for homework, if necessary.     

'If they have extra time, they should study the vocabulary from Chapters 1 and 2 from Nakama.'

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Computer Lab Lesson # 1

 Computer lab lesson # いち (一)

一.Visit all of the websites below.  Using Word, write a 1 paragraph description, in English, about what each website does, explaining how a student of Japanese might find it useful or interesting.                           

ニ.Then, go to the lexilogos site.  Type a 3 sentence description, in the Japanese writing system, of your room at home, telling what a visitor might find in it  あります.  Leave spaces between words and relational particles.  Skip lines.  Write your name in the upper right hand corner of the page in BOTH English and katakana and include your class number.  Type other foreign words in katakana.  [Example: sofa  ソファ]  Start each sentence on a new line, at the left.  Copy what you have written and paste it into the Word document.  Do this even if you know how to add Japanese to Word – it’s a good backup system to know about.

三.Using  ,  look up the following words, each one with 2 kanji characters.  Write what each word means, and then what each individual kanji means.  Some words have the same kanji.   がくせい、だいがく、せんせい

四.If you can print out at the lab, hand in your work at the end of class.  Otherwise, email it to yourself as an attachment, finish it, print out at home, and bring to school for our next class

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

August 26, 2015 -- Wednesday
平成二十七年八月二十六日 -- 水曜日

Scheduling was difficult today because of the fire drill and lock-down drill during 7th period.

(Partial) Word List, Nakama Chapters 1 and 2

せんせい              ―さん                                        ―くん                    ―さま
Teacher                 Honorific                              Honorific                       High honorific

おはよう             ございます                     こんにち は                     こんばん は
Early                       Humbly (say)                     Good day                         Good evening

おやすみなさい                    いって きます           いって らっしゃい       ただいま
Good night (before sleep)      I go and come back         Go and come back       I’m home just now

おかえりなさい                    いただきます               ごちそうさま(でした)
Come home (Welcome)           Humbly receive            It was a feast – thanks for the meal

です            じゃ ありません           でした             じゃ ありませんでした
Is/am/are      Isn’t/am not/are not           Was/were           Wasn’t/weren/t

ください      日本       日本語         日本人              ありがとう(ございます)
Please           Japan    Japanese        Japanese             Thank you (humbly)
                                  Language       Person

こうこう       だいがく      ―さい      ―ねんせい          なまえ              わたし・ぼく
High school    University    Years old   Year in school    Name                    I

―がつ               ―じ                ―ようび           どこ             から                     きました
Month                O-clock           Day-of-week     Where           From                     Came

なん・なに         なんがつ              なんさい           なんねんせい
What                  What month          How many         What year in school
                                                        years old

Indicates topic                   Question marker              Possessive                     At/in

おとこ の ひと   おんな の ひと     がくせい
man                                   woman                                      student

えんぴつ         ほん     ノート    けしゴム
pencil                            book                  notebook           eraser

だれ   いつ    どちら    こちら
who             when               which way           this way (this person)

この   その    あの     どの
this              that                that-over-there       which

これ   それ    あれ         どれ
this-one       that-one        that-one-over-there     which-one

8th period Dictation:
The university student is a French person.
   だいがく の がくせい は フランスじん です。
My friend is a Russian person.
  わたし の ともだち は ロシアじん です。

宿題 しゅくだい
Study for next week's test on Nakama Chapters 1 and 2

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

August 25, 2015 -- Tuesday
平成二十七年八月二十五日 -- 火曜日

Warm-up   2015.08.25  What are the differences between these two sets of sentences?

A.  ロシア に ロシア人 が います。 くま も います。
B.  日本 に ふじさん が あります。 とうきょう・タワー も あります。

Class as a whole went over the katakana crossword puzzle.
squash  =  スカッシュ

Handout:  practice test on chapters 1 and 2 of Nakama
  A. Answer the following しつもん about yourself in complete にほんご sentences:

なんねんせい です か。______________________________

[なにご が できます か。____________________________ ]

どこ から きました か。____________________________

あさごはん を たべます か。________________________

  1. えいご で, explain the meaning and usage of the following にほんご words:
がくせい                    ____________

はじめまして            ____________

だいがく                    ____________

こうこう                    ____________

アメリカじん            ____________

いきます                    ____________

  C.(2 points each)–
                Write the なまえ of the following countries にほんご で

Canada (Katakana)     ________________________

Korea (Hiragana)       ________________________

China (Hiragana)       ________________________

Mexico (Katakana)    ________________________

宿題 しゅくだい
Practice dialogue on pages 32 and 33 of Nakama -- performance tomorrow

Monday, August 24, 2015

August 24, 2015 -- Monday
平成二十七年八月二十四日 -- 月曜日

Warm-up 2015.08.24     Fill in the chart

Name of country
in English         Nationality           Language(s)  spoken          Katakana name

England                                                        えいご                                イギリス

Korea                           かんこく人    かんこく語  

India                                                            ウルドゥ 語                          インド

                                   ドイツ人   ドイツ語

Indonesia                                                インドネシア語

Practice proper expression/greeting for each situation:
おはよう、おはよう ございます、いって きます、いって らっしゃい
こんにち は、こんばん は、おやすみなさい、さようなら
ありがとう、ありがとう ございます
すみません、ごめん なさい

Reading out loud of dialogue from pages 32-33 of Nakama

宿題  しゅくだい
1. Katakana crossword puzzle from Kookoo Seikatsu 高校生活: Japanese for Secondary Students, Book 1 -- due Tuesday, August 25
2.Practice reading dialogue from pages 32-33 in Nakama -- due Wednesday, August 26

Friday, August 21, 2015

August 21, 2015 -- Friday
平成二十七年八月二十一日 -- 金曜日

Read this little story and translate into English.  えいご で かきます。

1.          あの ひと の なまえ は スーパーマン です。
2.          じゅうご さい です。
3.          こうこう の にねんせい です。
4.          スーパーマン は バットマン の えいが が すき じゃ ありません。
5.          でも スポーツ が すき です。

6.          しちがつ に スーパーマン は 日本 に いきました。

Aisatsu from textbook Genki
article about O-bon in Japan from the Japan Times
August haiku by Shiki

Go over Superman story and Katakana worksheet and Genki textbook list of aisatsu and article from Japan Times

Teach Tanko-bushi, a dance for Bon Odori from Kyuushuu

August Haiku by Shiki                1876 -- 1902
 Shima areba                            島あれば
Matsu ari kaze no                   松あり風の
Oto suzushi                              音すずし

“If there are islands/  there are also pine trees and/  cool sounds of the wind.”

“Masaoka Shiki (September 17, 1867 – September 19, 1902) was the pen-name of a Japanese author, poet, literary critic, and journalist in Meiji period Japan. His real name was Masaoka Tsunenori , but as a child he was called Tokoronosuke . Later, he changed his name to Noboru . 

Shiki was a strong advocate of modernization of Japanese poetry, introducing the terms haiku to replace stand-alone hokku, and tanka to replace the 31-mora waka.” 
“Some features of Shiki’s haiku:
“Advocated for and used the technique of shasei or "sketch from life", with open and natural writing that made minute observations of his surroundings, and created emotion in his work by manipulating the images he found.
“Flexibility in allowing him to draw upon scenes in his memory.
“Often used alliteration [repetition of consonant sounds].
“Often used assonance [repetition of vowel sounds].
“Evoked emotion by apt juxtaposition of images” 

しゅくだい  AssignmentWrite the above haiku beautifully in hiragana and in English, and illustrate it in some way, in colorUse an unlined sheet of paper at least 8 ½ by 11 inches in size.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

August 20, 2015 -- Thursday
平成二十七年八月二十日 -- 木曜日

なに が すき です か。Answer in Japanese with a complete sentence for each category: “I like ----.” Use hiragana and katakana only, no ROMAji.  Written and answered verbally, as well.

わたし は いぬ が すき です。
わたし は ねこ が すき です。
わたし は ピンク が すき です。
わたし は あお が すき です。
わたし は 日本 が すき です。
わたし は オーストラリア は すき です。
わたし は ハンガー・ゲームズ (Hunger Games) が すき です。
わたし は ディバージェント (Divergent) が すき です。
わたし は ワー・アンド・ピース (War and Peace) が すき です。
わたし は  が すき じゃ ありません。

Introduction of textbook  Nakama, including Japanese-English, English-Japanese dictionary and grammatical appendices at the back, and chapters 1 and 2 at the front

Katakana handout from 2nd level of Kimono text-workbook, pages 23 and 24 -- done in class
   イギリス   England
   ドイツ    Germany
   ちゅうごく    China
   日本      Japan
   アメリカ   Amerika
Verbal exchanges:
どこ から きました か。From where did (you) come?
日本 から きました。 (I) came from Japan.

Finish workbook pages


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

August 19, 2015 -- Wednesday
平成二十七年八月十九日 -- 水曜日

Warm-up ワーム・アップ 
ひらがな で かきます.  えいご の いみ は

nan, nani          nan-sai

nan-ban            nan-nen-sei

Students practiced doing jiko-shoukai using the information that came from answering the questions above.

7th Period -- Introduction to Japanese/English English-Japanese dictionary at the back of the textbook, Nakama.

ワード・サーチ 日本 の こと--hiragana versions of Word Search words

ぶっきょう            みんしゅとう
じしん               ふじさん
てんのう             にっさん
げいしゃ             おりがみ
ほっかいどう          さむらい
ほんだ              しんとう
ほんしゅう           さどう,  ちゃのゆ
じゅうじゅつ          こっかいぎいん
かぶき              とうきょう
からて              とよた (トヨタ)
きもの              よこはま

1.Make hiragana/katakana charts in students' own handwriting
2.Bring textbook to class so that class can learn more about its usefulness

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Classroom Expectations and Behavior

Japanese 3-4

日本語  Classroom Expectations   日本語

Expected Behavior

  1. Come to class.
(You receive no participation points for unexcused absences, half of the points for the excused absences after completing reading and writing make-up work)

Please remember, attendance is important in a language class because you will not be able to participate in listening and speaking activities unless you are present.)  

  1. Come to class on time and be seated when the bell rings.
(You will be marked tardy if not seated.)

  1. Bring all the required materials (no trip to lockers during the class).
-         pen and/or pencil
-         textbook
-         binder and loose-leaf paper – take notes and organize materials
-         smile J

  1. Start and finish warm-up on time.  You have 10 seconds after the bell to start warm-up.  Opening exercises and songs are part of vocabulary and grammar curriculum.  Always participate. 

  1. Pay attention

  1. Respect others
-         Don’t get up from your seat during the class unless you are told.
* keep your garbage untill the end of the calss
-         Don’t speak or make noise when others are speaking.
-         Remain seated until dismissed.
-         No bad words.

  1. Speak Japanese

  1. You are not allowed to go to the bathroom during the class.
-         Emergencies happen, but not often.  Once a semester is a lot.
-         You are old enough to control yourself.  Learn it.

  1. Please keep the following items in your bag (and never take them out).
-         Food (gum, candy included)                        -  Cell phone (I will answer calls)
-         Drink (water included)                                -  Make-up kit and lotion
-         Headphones                                               -  Knitting, crocheting

*  water  – don’t take it out too often, no borrowing

Participation Points (20 points/ week) – 25 % of grade

Students will receive 20 points for participation per week.  Points will be given when you keep the expected behavior listed. 

Attendance (2)
Come to class on time.  Start and finish warm-up on time.  Have materials ready.  Greet Sensei and friends in Japanese.

Volunteer in class 
            Volunteer answers and information at appropriate times.

Speak Japanese
            Make comments and ask questions in Japanese at appropriate times.

Speaking/ Listening Activity Participation
Participate in activities using Japanese only.  Listen to other’s speeches (weekend stories, etc.) and make comments using Japanese.  If you don’t understand what someone says in the class, ask questions, rather than relying on friend’s translation.

Writing/ Reading Activity Participation
Start and finish the activity on time.  Focus on the task. 

Use of English
            No English should be used except in an emergency.

            Look at the expected behavior sheet.  If you perform a correct behavioractivity with the frequency below, you will receive the specified credit points.

0                    Never
1                    Not Often/ Very little
2                    Sometimes
3                    Daily

* Attendance is 2 points.  Everything else is 3. 5 points per day, 20 points/ week.

Absence and Tardy Policy

Read the absence and tardy policy in the student code of conduct.  It is your responsibility to keep track of your attendance.  I don’t give you warnings, detentions etc.  When you reach the max number, you will be dropped from the class or lose credit for the course.  Pay attention to phone calls from the attendance office.  Remember, attendance is very important in a language class.    

I will simplify the absence and tardy policy for you here…

            Be present.  Be on time.

These behaviors are basic human good manners, even more important in Japanese society than in our own.

Wall of Shame
When you learn new words or phrases, you are expected to use them in Japanese.  If you say something in English when you know how to say it in Japanese, you will receive a “Wall of Shame” card.  It is a red card, therefore you will lose 5 points.  You need to write your name, what you said in English and what it is in Japanese, and hand it in to me the next day.  When you turn it in, your points will be given back to you (no making up assignments necessary). 

Use of Google Translate or any other online or computer translation program is plagiarism and will result in a failing grade.

Homework, Notebook & Test Policy


-         Write neatly:  if I can’t read it, you will not get credit.
-         Handle papers carefully (I will not accept papers with spills and wrinkles)
-         Write your FULL NAME (first and last names) and assigned number on everything you hand in.

Homework – 20 % of grade

-          Homework assignments are worth 10 points.
-         When you come to the class, drop your homework in the homework file before the bell rings or after the class is over.  NOT DURING THE CLASS.
-         Delayed Homework
-         points will be subtracted for each day you are late, unless you have a valid excuse. (After 5 days, you will not get any points).

Portfolio (Binder)

-         Your organized binder will be checked.  I will not always remind you.  Check the date on your own (on the board). 
-         Late work will result in lower grades.
-         An organized binder should have;
-         all the pages in order
-         all pages attached and handouts included
-         content should be correct and clean

Tests/Quizzes – 35 % of grade

-         You have to have a valid excuse (signed by a parent, guardian or doctor) to miss tests/quizzes.  If you miss a test or a quiz, it is your responsibility to make an appointment to make up within a week.
-         If you don’t have a valid excuse, you will NOT be able to make up the test.
-         The main tests/quizzes are vocabulary, grammar, and kanji quizzes.

Other Information

Grading Polic 
High school is a place where you learn not only academic content, but also the social skills, organizational skills, etc., to prepare you for living in society.  Therefore, tests and quizzes, which assess your knowledge of the academic content, are not the only  things that will count in this class.  When as when you have a job, sometimes you will need to do assignments you might not want to do (like homework) and you have to do it on time.  If you don’t respect your bosses and co-workers (like your teachers and classmates), you will not be able to keep any job.  This class is a mini-society.  Everything counts for your total success!!

                   Participation                           25 %

                        Homework & Portfolio          20 %

                        Tests & Quizzes                     35 %

                        Projects                                   20 %


                                    A         90% - 100 %

                                    B         80% - 89%

                                    C         70% - 79 %

                                    D         60% - 69 %

                                    F          59 % and below

Nitchoku (student leader)

            Nitchoku is responsible for
-         Leading the class to opening and closing greetings
-         Being a role model for the class
-         Assisting the teacher when necessary (handing out papers, erasing boards…)

Japanese Class Members are Family!!!
Schmadeke Sensei wrote: ‘This is going to be the most exciting thing!  We meet everyday for the entire year.  We are going to get to know each other well.  In Japan, we have a “homeroom class”.  Students in the class stay in the same room all day and take all the same classes.  They eat lunch together, talk and have fun together.  There are school events like Sports Day, Music Day and School Festivals during the year, and homeroom classes compete against each other.  These events, as well as the daily interaction, make all the students very close and there is almost a sense of “family” in the classroom.  I hope you feel that you truly belong here in Japanese class by the end of the year.  Get to know all of your classmates by greeting them and talking to them.  Watch out for each other even outside of the class.  We are a family!’

Family Living-and-Learning Room!
Schmadeke Sensei wrote: “This classroom is your shelter.  You belong here; and you always have a place in this classroom.  Let’s take care of the room and treat it with respect and love!  Distinguish between the regular garbage can and the recycling bin.  Don’t leave garbage on the desk or floor.  If you see things on the floor, throw them away even if they’re not yours.”  
