Thursday, September 19, 2013

September 18, 2013 -- Wednesday
平成二十五年九月十八日 -- 水曜日

Opening sequence, with verbs and numbers.  Counting months, hours, and people

Practicing new song, Furusato

"Beetle Queen Conquers Tokyo" -- 24 minutes of the documentary film, with subtitles --
themes: nature, humans in nature, humans as nature, the transitoriness of life, poetry, etc., insects as pets in Japan
Students took notes and handed them in

On the board for the other 2nd year class:

行きます・いきます goes
来ます・きます           comes
食べます・たべます   eats
飲みます・のみます   drinks
読みます・よみます    reads
聞きます・ききます     hears

来週・らいしゅう  next week, i.e. "the coming week"
来月・らいげつ         next month, i.e. "the coming month"
来年・らいねん        next year, i.e. "the coming year"


Pages 86 - 89  Kimono  の ワークブック -- number practice -- kanji no renshuu

***Note:  mid-quarter grades will be posted Thursday.***

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