Friday, September 13, 2013

September 12, 2013 -- Thursday
平成二十五年九月十二日 -- 木曜日

Classroom activities

I. Pages 132-3 in Nakama, Section B only

Write numbers 1-99 in kanji.

Then, in note section, numbers 1-5

1. last 4 digits of student ID number in kanji (not social security number)

3. write OPRF HS phone number in kanji -- 708-383-0700
       ZERO (or rei or maru, for zero) is written in kanji in a circle, not an oval

II. Continue GOJIRA ゴジラ  story

Gojira came from RAGOS-shima ラゴスしま から きました
HARO.KITI  ハローキティ came from Akihabara あきはばら , in Tokyo とうきょう の
They met in Tijuana メキシコ の ティフアナ. 
Then Gojira went to the Bahamas  バハマ.
He ran はしりました from the Bahamas to New York, and Hello Kitty traveled by plane (hikouki ひこうき で)
Yesterday じゅびy  Gojira ate New York ニューヨーク を 食べました.
Then he and Hello Kitty went to Chicago シカゴ.
In Chicago, Gojira got up at 7 o-clock.
He will buy earphones イアーフォン at Radio Shack. ラジオ・シャック
Hello Kitty will go to Macy's and buy clothing  ようふく (youfuku)
Tomorrow あした Hello Kitty will see a Brad Pitt movie.
Gojira will listen to Death Metal music デス・メタル の おんがく with earphones.
Gojira will drink Lake Michigan  ミシガンこ を 飲みます。

Hevannli, Jack (ガミ), and Nick (アフロ) made real efforts to tell the story in Japanese, when called upon to do so.


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