Wednesday, May 24, 2017

May 25, 2017 -- Wednesday       Scantron Final Will Take Place Tomorrow


Sentence Structure

Explanation of Final Oral Presentation  ( to be performed May 31, 2017 at 10:15

Sentence Structure Plus Verbs

Sentence Structure (Nakama Ch 1-5)

Word Order in Sentences:

 Kimmel’s First Law:  ”Verb Comes Last” repeated 3 times

Sentences with active verbs
 From the great Russian linguist of Japanese language learning, Prof. Titipov

                    TTPOV: Time,  Topic/Subject,   Place,    Object,     Verb (Active)
                                           Ni                     wa       de            wo
Sentences with existence verbs

                Place no position ni subject ga arimasu/imasu

Sentences with traveling verbs

              Time    (ni if it has a name or number)  Topic/subject wa Destination ni traveling-verb

Wa/ga pattern sentences

        Topic wa grammatical-subject ga adjective desu.

        Example:  Sensei wa o-sushi ga suki desu.     Sensei likes sushi.  

A = B Sentences

        Subject wa complement desu.     A は B  です。

  A is usually a noun, but B can be a noun or an adjective.

Active verbs   (examples)  
たべます、Eats                        のみます、Drinks
   かきます、Writes                よみます、Reads
            みます、Sees                            ききます、Listens-to
   はじまります、Begins  おわります、Ends
            べんきょう します、Studies

Traveling verbs (examples)
            いきます、Comes                    きます、Comes
            かえります、Returns home
   でます Leaves                    はいります、Enters

Existence verbs
            います(Exists, animate)

            あります (Exists, inanimate)

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 23, 2017 -- Tuesday
平成29年5月23日 -- 火曜日

More reviewing for Japanese 2 final, 2017

1. handout of all kanji
2. handout of all kanji compounds
3. on the board
      a.   numbers

じゅういち、じゅうに ---
      b.   counters
Days of week: 曜日 ようび

Days of month
Months of year
   いちがつ  一月
O'clock   時  ジ
Hours    時間 じかん
Ordinal "number" for teams, phone numbers  ばん  (番)
Years-old  さい
Years-in-school ねんさい  年生

Extra kanji:
      林  はやし  Woods
      森  もり   Forest

Tomorrow:  verbs and sentence structure

しゅくだい  宿題  Homework

Finish most recent handout: writing kanji, writing pronounciations of kanji words

Kanji-compound Vocabulary Review

Kanji Compound Vocabulary Review

山    やま、サン                            Mountain
火山 かざん                              Volcano
ふじ山  ふじさん         Mt.Fuji
日  ひ、び、ニチ、二         Sun, day
日本   にほん          Japan
日本人  にほんじん        Japanese person
日本語  にほんご         Japanese language
田    た、だ、デン       Rice field
田んぼ  たんぼ          Rice field
本    ホン、もと        Source, book
日本   にほん          Japan
学    ガク、ガッ        Learn
学生   がくせい         Student
大学   だいがく         University
学っこう がっこう         School
生    セイ           Life, to live
学生   がくせい         Student
先    セン、さき        Previous,ahead
先生   せんせい         Teacher
先週   せんしゅう        Previous week
私    わたし、シ        I,private
川    かわ、がわ、セン     River
人    ひと、ジン        Person
日本人  にほんじん        Japanese person
アメリカ人  あめりかじん     American person
上      うえ         On, up, above
下      した、くだ      Below, under, down
下さい    ください       Please
中      なか、チュウ     In, middle, center
中ごく    ちゅうごく      China
大      おお、ダイ      Big, large
大きい    おおきい       Big, large
大学     だいがく       University
大学生    だいがくせい     University student
小      ちい、ショウ     Small
小さい    ちいさい       Small
言      い、ゲン       Says
言います   いいます       Says
語      ゴ、かた(ります_) language, word, narration
月      つき、ガツ、ゲツ   Moon, month
一月     いちがつ       January
5月     ごがつ        May
月曜日    げつようび      Monday
火      カ、ひ        Fire
火曜日    かようび       Tuesday
火山     かざん        Volcano
水      スイ、みず      Water
水曜日    すいようび      Wednesday
木      モク、き       Tree, wood (the material)
木曜日    もくようび      Thursday
金       キン、かね      Gold, money, metal
お金      おかね       Money
金曜日     きんようび     Friday
土       ド、つち      Soil,dirt,earth
土曜日     どようび      Saturday
曜       ヨウ        Day of week
木曜日     もくようび     Thursday
年       ネン、とし     Year
2017年                               Year 2017(A.D.)
29年     にじゅうくねん   Year 29(Heisei)
時       ジ、とき      O‘clock,time
時時      ときどき      Sometimes
間       カン、あいだ    Interval,duration
時間      じかん       Hour
一時間     いちじかん     One hour
週       シュウ       Week
先週      せんしゅう     Last week
一週間     いっしゅうかん   One week
何       なん、なに     What
何月      なんがつ      What month
何日      なんにち      What day of month
何曜日     なんようび     What day of week
半       ハン        Half
一時半     いちじはん     1:30、Half past one
分       ふん、ぷん、わ(かります)
一時一分    いちじいっぷん   1:01
今       いま、コン     Now
今日      きょう       Today
今週      こんしゅう     This week

今年      ことし       This year

Monday, May 22, 2017

May 22, 2017 -- Monday

Warm-up:New kanji:  日本語 の 語

             More review for the final --- Students have requested the following---

     list of kanji-compound vocabulary

     discussion/explanation of sentence structure

     ordinal numbers

     numbers with counters

      verb review

Extra Credit: Haiku by Basho

Extra credit:                        平成29年5月22日   月曜日

Beautiful, colorful, appropriately illustrated writing of this haiku in kanji and ROMAji and English translation


aoba wakaba no
hi no hikari

It is with awe
That I beheld
Fresh leaves, green leaves,
Bright in the sun.
-Matsuo Basho

Desciption of oral part of final exam May 31, 2017

16 complete sentences, both written and spoken 

Written portion will be handed in when the speech is performed.

Self introduction:

     name, age, name of school, year in school

Daily activities:

     eat, drink, study, see, listen-to

Weekend activities:

      eat, drink, study, see, listen-to

I like _____.

I don't like _____

どうぞ よろしく

May 19, 2017 -- Friday

This WILL be on the final exam

Review ---
Nakama.Ch.4.Reading.  Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.


Where is this place?

a.       Detroit
b.      New York
c.       San Francisco
d.      Chicago
e.       San Jose

What does the writer think of this town?

a.       Very big
b.      Very good
c.       Not very big
d.      Not very good
e.       Both A and B

 Where is the bank?

f.       In front of the library
g.      To the right of the library
h.      In front of the bookstore
i.        To the right of the bookstore
j.        To the left of the bookstore

Choose the wrong sentence about this town.

k.      There is a big library in this town.
l.        The bank is a very tall building.
m.    There is a black book store.
n.      The bookstore is not big.

What kind of good book does the bookstore carry?

o.      American literature
p.      New York travel book
q.      San Francisco travel book
r.        Photography book

s.       Both B & C

Friday, May 19, 2017

Time words: day, week, month, year

Time/day words

Past                                             Present             Future

Day:  hi

ototoi                   kinou                 kyou               ashita                asatte

Week: shuu

sensenshuu         sennshuu            konnshuu        raishuu             saraishuu

Month: tsuki

senseigetsu          sengetsu            kongetsu          raigetsu            saraigetsu

Year:  toshi

ototoshi                 kyonen              kotoshi           rainen                sarainenn      

Question words

Question Words  (Nakama 1-5:


だれ                                どこ

なんがつ               何月  
何日                                なんにち

なんようび                何曜日   
なんじ           何時


なんさい                 何さい






We added the following to the list:

どう      How (often answered with an adjective)   How is the test?  It's difficult.


どうやって   how, in what way (often answered with an adverb or street directions)

May 18, 2017 -- Thursday
平成29年5月18日 -- 木曜日

Scantron portion of final exam will take place on
May 25th, Thursday, during the regular class period

Preparation (writing and oral practice) for oral final will take place
May 26th, Friday, during the regular class period

Oral portion of final exam will take place on
May 31st, Wednesday, at 10:15 a.m.

Question words list handout:
Question Words  (Nakama 1-5:
だれ                                      どこ
いつ                                      なんがつ               何月                           
何日                                      なんにち
なんようび                何曜日                              なんじ     何時
なんさい                 何さい
どう                                      どんな

どうして、なぜ             どれ                                      どれ     どの

We added the following to the list:

どう      How (often answered with an adjective)   How is the test?  It's difficult.

どうやって   how, in what way (often answered with an adverb or street directions)

Reading. (Postpone until Friday} Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.


Where is this place?

a.       Detroit
b.      New York
c.       San Francisco
d.      Chicago
e.       San Jose

What does the writer think of this town?

a.       Very big
b.      Very good
c.       Not very big
d.      Not very good
e.       Both A and B

 Where is the bank?

f.       In front of the library
g.      To the right of the library
h.      In front of the bookstore
i.        To the right of the bookstore
j.        To the left of the bookstore

Choose the wrong sentence about this town.

k.      There is a big library in this town.
l.        The bank is a very tall building.
m.    There is a black book store.
n.      The bookstore is not big.

What kind of good book does the bookstore carry?

o.      American literature
p.      New York travel book
q.      San Francisco travel book
r.        Photography book

s.       Both B & C

Short Dialogue (N5 Level)  (Postpone until Friday) kanji, etc.

Note:  来ました=きました

学生:先週の木曜日    マイケルさん、
学生:そう  ですか。今日、来ますか。
先生:今日、マイメルサン    たぶん、来ます。

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

がくせい :あっ。せんせい、おはようございます。 
がくせい :せんしゅう  の もくようび     マイケルさん     きましたか。 
せんせい:いいえ、せんしゅう  の もくようび   に きませんでしたよ。 
がくせい:そう  ですか。きょう、 きますか。 
せんせい:きょう、   マイケル  さん    たぶん、きます。 
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Gakusei Ah. Sensei, ohayougozaimasu. 
Sensei Ohayougozaimasu. 
Gakusei Senshuu no mokuyoubi ni maikeru-san, kimashita ka. 
Sensei Iie, senshuu no moku-youbi ni kimasendeshita yo. 
GakuseiSou desu ka. Kyou,  kimasu ka. 
Sensei Kyou, Maikeru-san  wa  tabun, kimasu. 
GakuseiA. Sou desu ka.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 

★★★ Free Study Materials →

しゅくだい   宿題   Homework

Study for final: kanji,Vocabulary,
Sentence structure,Verbs