Thursday, October 31, 2013

October 31, 2013 -- Thursday
平成二十五年十月三十一日 -- 木曜日

1. Warmup:

Handout --
ハピー ハロウィーン



まじょ と ゆうれい は 宿題 を して います。



おばけ は かぼちゃ パイ を 食べて います。


Write any 10 漢字 as fast as you can. - 1.8 K


1.    2.    3.    4.    5. 



6.    7.    8.    9.    10.

Additional usefulVocabulary: 単語 たんご:
おばけ   ゆうれい         まじょ        こわい かぼちゃ おばけやしき
ghost       spirit           witch       scary    pumpkin        haunted house
  」   言いました       って             ゆうかい
quotation   said  (formal)          said (informal)   ghost, apparition,
marks                                           spirit  (archaic)               

Candy was given to the first few to finish this correctly. 

2. As a reward for politeness, students watched part of Kobayashi's Kwaidan, a compilation of traditional Japanese ghost stories -- the class saw "Hoichi the Earless."

Write all of the Nakama Chapter 7 kanji, ten times each, on the squared paper that was handed out.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 30, 2013 -- Wednesday
平成二十五年十月三十日 -- 水曜日

A. しろばん で
homework   しゅくだい ーーー宿題     inn plus topic/title/theme 
train            でんしゃ    ーーー電車        electric plus car
telephone    でんわ     ーーー電話         electric plus speak/talk
Directions:  write each word five times, using the compound kanji expressions above.

B. There was some discussion of the verb practice sheets that were yesterday's in-class and homework assignment.

C. Students were allowed time to work on their original dialogues.
Assigned pairs:
Hevannli and Eddie
Emanuel and Kamran
Kenzo and Freya
Abie and Virginia
Brandon and Kayla
Max and Bryn
Alyssa and Riley
Jack (GUMI) and Nick
Sean and Wilson

Guidelines for dialogue were handed out again, and discussed.

   "Original Dialogue #1 – Guidelines

   "Imagine a dialogue between the brother and sister in the film Happy Family Game.”  Think of them as calling each other on their cell phones to talk about what they are doing and what family members are doing.  Your dialogue should include question words like who, what, where, and why.  The brother and sister should use the –te imasu form at least some of the time.  You should find a way for the dialogue to tell us what month it is, what day of the week, and what time of day the conversation is taking place.  Each partner in the dialogue should have a complete written script of the dialogue, both in Japanese (including hiragana, katakana, kanji that you know) and in English, to be handed in when the project is over.  Use only vocabulary you have already learned or vocabulary you find in Nakama.  Your dialogue can be fanciful or imaginative, but it may NOT refer to violence, drugs, or gang activities.  You may not denigrate any person or group or religion.
You will perform the dialogue twice.  The first time you may read the script.  The second time, you must perform it from memory.  Maximum length – 2 pages, typewritten.
   "Suggested vocabulary: 
   "question words, foods, drinks, sports, music, hobbies,  terms for family members (page 316 of Nakama), school subjects, kinds of stores

Some boys' names:  男の人  の  なまえーーひかる、よしたろう、けんじ、よし、ゆうきち、
Some girls' names:   女の人  の  なまえーーようこ、あいこ、みちこ、えみ、ゆうこ、ひさよ、

宿題 Homework:
Continue to work on the dialogues.  First performance (with script in hand) will take place

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 29, 2013 -- Tuesday
平成二十五年十月二十九日 -- 火曜日

1.Handout from 高校生活Koukou Seikatsu: Japanese for Secondary Students, Book 1 by Keiko Aitchison, VCTA Publishing, MacMillan Education Australia, Melbourne, 1997 -- page 94 -- Verb Practice, changing masu form into the te/de form.

There was discussion of the fhree verb groups and their descriptions were written on the board.  Students worked on the handout during much of the class.
Note:  orimasu おります is a Group 2 verb

2.Next week students will have to work on original dialogues that they have written with partners. 

     "Original Dialogue #1 – Guidelines
     "Imagine a dialogue between the brother and sister in the film Happy Family Game.”  Think of        them as calling each other on their cell phones to talk about what they are doing and what family members are doing.  Your dialogue should include question words like who, what, where, and why.  The brother and sister should use the –te imasu form at least some of the time.  You should find a way for the dialogue to tell us what month it is, what day of the week, and what time of day the conversation is taking place.  Each partner in the dialogue should have a complete written script of the dialogue, both in Japanese (including hiragana, katakana, kanji that you know) and in English, to be handed in when the project is over.  Use only vocabulary you have already learned or vocabulary you find in Nakama.  Your dialogue can be fanciful or imaginative, but it may NOT refer to violence, drugs, or gang activities.  You may not denigrate any person or group or religion.
     "You will perform the dialogue twice.  The first time you may read the script.  The second time, you must perform it from memory.  Maximum length – 2 pages, typewritten.

     "Suggested vocabulary: 
     "question words, foods, drinks, sports, music, hobbies,  terms for family members (page 316 of Nakama), school subjects, kinds of stores"

宿題 しゅくだい Homework:
1. complete verb conjugation worksheet described above
2. make notes for upcoming dialogue that you  will write and perform with a partner

Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28, 2013 -- Monday
平成二十五年十月二十八日 -- 月曜日

I.  しろがん で 

(カンランくん は)かぜ を ひいて います か。
おだいじ に

あたらしい 漢字(かんじ) new kanji
雨  あめ
電  デン
車  くるま、デン

金魚 (ガミくん が わかりました)

しつもん に こたえて ください

すきな 食べもの は 何 です か。
すきな スポーツ は 何 です か。

II. Crossword puzzle work in class (#16 and 26 in Japanese Crossword Puzzles Using Kana by Rita L. Lampkin, published by National Textbook Company, Lincolnwood, Illinois, 1998:
Below is some vocabulary used in the puzzle that students could not find in the textbook --
がまん                              endurance
とおい                                  far
できます                               can
とし                                        age, years
じかん は ない                there isn't time (casual)

III.  Students should start thinking about the original dialogue they will be writing, based on the brother and sister characters in Happy Family Game.  There will be time in class to start working on the dialogue.

宿題 しゅくだい Homework:
Finish the crossword puzzles

Friday, October 25, 2013

October 25, 2013 -- Friday
平成二十五年十月二十五日 -- 金曜日

Songs sung today:
1. 「い、ち、り、小さい つ、て”」

2. 「むすんで、ひらいて」

Reviewing new kanji from yesterday: 肉、魚

しろばん で:

肉 と 魚 が すき     です か。  
        きらい です か。

Write two Japanese sentences answering the questions above.

On the same paper, students were to write the questions read out loud, and then answer in Japanese.
from Nakama page 200.
① スーパー に どんな 食べもの が あります か。
② あさ 何 (なに)を よく 飲みます か。

The class as a whole read the grammar explanation on page 205 and 206 of Nakama.

Then students received a handout: pages 87 and 88 from the Nakama workbook.

Special vocabulary -- とくべつな たんご

どんな                              what kind of?
どの                                  which?
どう です か                How is it?

Two ways to say "and" between nouns (only)
と      means "and" in a closed series of nouns where all the eligible nouns are stated in the sentence.
          Example:   Japan's flag is red and white.    日本 の はた は あか と しろ です。
や     means "and" in an open series of nouns, where only some eligible nouns are mentioned.
          Example: Some American fruits are apples and bananas. 
      アメリカ の くだもの は りんご や バナナ です。

Notice the change in relational particles between affirmative and negative with expressions like
すき です。
______  すき です。

______  あまり すき じゃ ありません。

宿題 しゅくだい Homework:
Finish the handout -- Nakama workbook pages 87 and 88

1. Cell phones should not be visible in the classroom.  They should not be looked at, and they should not be charging.  Attention: Virginia, Hevannli, and Alyssa.
2. Using hand cream during class time is not appropriate.  Use it in the bathroom, before or after class.  Attention:  Nick, Kenzo, and Kamran.


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Ictiber 24m 2013 -- Thursday
平成二十五年十月二十四日 -- 木曜日

「ふるさと」 song's second verse, with informal words for father and mother

handout the questions on the film again and explain the -te imasu form again, so that they can do it again.
ピアノ を ひいて います。

Hand out sheet for Nakama Chapter 7 kanji.  The following two kanji were written on the board:
肉       niku        meat
魚       sakana   fish

Finish film and watch the supplementary section on food:

breakfast: rice, miso soup, nattou, pickled vegetables

Read through most of pages 200 and 201 in Nakama, with explanations of most expressions and vocabulary.

Be prepared to answer the following questions (on page 200), verbally, tomorrow --
A. 1, 2, and 3
B. 1, 2, and 3

October 23, 2013 -- Wednesday  (work in progress)

Students continued to watch "Happy Family Game."

Important vocabulary:

boxed lunch         おべんとう
take-out or delivered food 出前 でまえ

On board:

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 22, 2013 --Tuesday
平成二十五年十月二十二日 -- 火曜日

Students continued watching  "Happy Family Game," first receiving a handout explaining kinship terms in Japanese, that is, names for family members: father, mother, older sister, etc., from page 316 of our text,  Nakama.

In addition, students received the following handout.  For homework, they are to complete it, based on what they saw of the movie today.

     なまえ と みょうじ_________
          Answer the following questions in Japanese, according to information you get from the film,  
         “Happy Family Game.”  Be sure to write complete sentences and use the correct verb or 
          adjective tense in each answer.  That will usually be the same tense that is used in the questions. 
     よるmeans “(at)night”
よる、お父さん(おとうさん) は なに を して います か?
よる、お母さん (おかあさん) は なに を して います か。
よる、おばあさん は なに を して います か。
よる、おじいさん は なに を して います か。

Additional useful vocabulary:

(a kind of ) love      ラブラブ
live broadcast       なまほうそう
this, only         これだけ
3 million yen       三百万円  さんびゃくまん えん
walks           あるきます
plays (the piano)     (ピアノ を) ひきます
makes           つくります
boxed lunch        おべんとう
   (Japanese style)

宿題 しゅくだい  Homework:
Complete the handout, above, following the directions exactly.

Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21, 2013 -- Monday
平成二十五年十月二十一日 -- 月曜日

A. Kanji tests were handed back and discussed.  Students who received the note "must retake" must meet me after school either today 月曜日 or tomorrow, 火曜日 after school before 3:10 p.m.  Then they will retake the test.

B. Reward for working well on the te form:  the film, Happy Family Game

There was a handout about the city of Yokohama, where part of this film is set (as well as the OPRF Japanese Film Festival 's film,  From Up on Poppy Hill.

"Yokohama (横浜) is Japan's second largest city with a population of over three million. Yokohama is located less than half an hour south of Tokyo by train, and is the capital of Kanagawa Prefecture.

"Towards the end of the Edo Period (1603-1867), during which Japan maintained a policy of self-isolation, Yokohama's port was one of the first to be opened to foreign trade in 1859. Consequently, Yokohama quickly grew from a small fishing village into one of Japan's major cities.

"Until today, Yokohama remains popular among expats, has one of the world's largest chinatowns and preserves some former Western residences in the Yamate district. "
C. While watching the film, students recorded words they could understand in Japanese, wrote them down on a piece of paper, and handed them in at the end of the class.
へんな 人
おはよう ございます
ごめん なさい、 すみません
宿題 しゅくだい Homework:
今日 宿題 は ありません。

Friday, October 18, 2013

October 18, 2013 -- Friday
平成二十五年十月十八日 -- 金曜日

In class activity, with explanations:

Write the Japanese for the following English phrases, using form and います:

1. is drinking        ______________________

2. is eating                _________________________

3. am looking at        ________________________

4. are standing        _________________________

5. is meeting             ________________________

Which group does each of the Japanese verbs below belong to, Group I, Group II, or Group III

       帰ります    ______________

       読みます        ______________

       します            ______________

        食べます       ______________

10   聞きます        ______________

Write the words of the song that tells us how to convert Group I verbs in the ます form into the form.

Te-form Song

_____________, _________________,

_____________, _________________,





Followed by oral recitation of new story:

ハロウィーン ものがたり ―― かいだん (Ghost story)

小さい まじょ は 大きい かぼちゃ に すんで いました。
その まじょ は ハロウィーン が すき でした。
十月三十一日 に まじょ は こわい おばけやしき に 行きました。
ゆうれい と おばけ が おばけやしき に いました。
ゆっれい は うた を うあって いました。
おばけ は ホットケーキ を 食べて いました。
まじょ は げんかん で まって いました。
「おばけさん! います か。」
「はい、よこそう」と おばけ は 言いました。
「私 と ホットケーキ を 食べません か。」って
まじょ と おばけ と ゆうれい は いっしょに ホットケーキ を 食べました。
コーヒー も 食べました。

Vocabulary: 単語 たんご:
おばけ           ゆうれい       まじょ      こわい      かぼちゃ   おばけやしき

ghost      spirit    witch    scary  pumpkin    haunted house

  」   言いました     って             ゆうかい

quotation   said            said            ghost, apparition,
marks    (formal)       (informal)                                         
