Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Classroom Expectations

Japanese 1-2  (Kimmel Sensei)

日本語  Classroom Expectations   日本語

Expected Behavior

  1. Come to class.
(You receive no participation points for unexcused absences, half of the points for the excused absences after completing reading and writing make-up work)

Please remember, attendance is important in a language class because you will not be able to participate in listening and speaking activities unless you are present.)  

  1. Come to class on time and be seated when the bell rings.
(You will be marked tardy if not seated.)

  1. Bring all the required materials (no trip to lockers during the class).
-          pen and/or pencil
-          textbook
-          binder and loose-leaf paper – take notes and organize materials
-          Chromebook
-          smile J

  1. Start and finish warm-up on time.  You have 10 seconds after the bell to start warm-up.  Opening exercises and songs are part of vocabulary and grammar curriculum.  Always participate. 

  1. Pay attention

  1. Respect others
-          Don’t get up from your seat during the class unless you are told.
* keep your garbage untill the end of the calss
-          Don’t speak or make noise when others are speaking.
-          Remain seated until dismissed.
-          No bad words.

  1. Speak Japanese

  1. You are not allowed to go to the bathroom during the class.
-          Emmergency happens, but not often.  Once a semester is a lot.
-          You are old enough to control yourself.  Learn it.

  1. Please keep the following items in your bag (and never take them out).
-          Food (gum, candy included)                    -  Cell phone (I will answer calls)
-          Drink (water included)                             -  Make-up kit and lotion
-          Headphones                                              -  Knitting, crocheting

*  water  – don’t take it out too often, no borrowing

Participation Points (20 points/ week) – 25 % of grade

Students will receive 20 points for participation per week.  Points will be given when you keep the expected behavior listed. 

Attendance (2)
Come to class on time.  Start and finish warm-up on time.  Have materials ready.  Greet Sensei and friends in Japanese.

Volunteer in class 
            Volunteer answers and information at appropriate times.

Speak Japanese
            Make comments and ask questions in Japanese at appropriate times.

Speaking/ Listening Activity Participation
Participate in activities using Japanese only.  Listen to other’s speeches (weekend stories, etc.) and make comments using Japanese.  If you don’t understand what someone says in the class, ask questions, rather than relying on friend’s translation.

Writing/ Reading Activity Participation
Start and finish the activity on time.  Focus on the task. 

Use of English
            No English should be used except in an emergency.

            Look at the expected behavior sheet.  If you perform a correct behavioractivity with the frequency below, you will receive the specified credit points.

0                    Never
1                    Not Often/ Very little
2                    Sometimes
3                    Daily

* Attendance is 2 points.  Everything else is 3. 5 points per day, 20 points/ week.

Absence and Tardy Policy

Read the absence and tardy policy in the student code of conduct.  It is your responsibility to keep track of your attendance.  I don’t give you warnings, detentions etc.  When you reach the max number, you will be dropped from the class or lose credit for the course.  Pay attention to phone calls from the attendance office.  Remember, attendance is very important in a language class.    

I will simplify the absence and tardy policy for you here…

            Be present.  Be on time.

These behaviors are basic human good manners, even more important in Japanese society than in our own.

Wall of Shame

When you learn new words or phrases, you are expected to use them in Japanese.  If you say something in English when you know how to say it in Japanese, you will receive a “Wall of Shame” card.  It is a red card, therefore you will lose 5 points.  You need to write your name, what you said in English and what it is in Japanese, and hand it in to me the next day.  When you turn it in, your points will be given back to you (no making up assignments necessary). 

Use of Google Translate or any other online or computer translation program is plagiarism and will result in a failing grade.


Homework, Notebook & Test Policy


-          Write neatly:  if I can’t read it, you will not get credit.
-          Handle papers carefully (I will not accept papers with spills and wrinkles)
-          Write your FULL NAME (first and last names) and assigned number on everything you hand in.

Homework – 20 % of grade


-           Homework assignments are worth 10 points.
-          When you come to the class, drop your homework in the homework file before the bell rings or after the class is over.  NOT DURING THE CLASS.
-          Delayed Homework
-          points will be subtracted for each day you are late, unless you have a valid excuse. (After 5 days, you will not get any points).

Portfolio (Binder)

-          Your organized binder will be checked.  I will not always remind you.  Check the date on your own (on the board). 
-          Late work will result in lower grades.
-          An organized binder should have;
-          all the pages in order
-          all pages attached and handouts included
-          content should be correct and clean

Tests/Quizzes – 35 % of grade

-          You have to have a valid excuse (signed by a parent, guardian or doctor) to miss tests/quizzes.  If you miss a test or a quiz, it is your responsibility to make an appointment to make up within a week.
-          If you don’t have a valid excuse, you will NOT be able to make up the test.
-          The main tests/quizzes are vocabulary, grammar, and kanji quizzes.



Other Information

Grading Policy

High school is a place where you learn not only academic content, but also the social skills, organizational skills, etc., to prepare you for living in society.  Therefore, tests and quizzes, which assess your knowledge of the academic content, are not the only  things that will count in this class.  When as when you have a job, sometimes you will need to do assignments you might not want to do (like homework) and you have to do it on time.  If you don’t respect your bosses and co-workers (like your teachers and classmates), you will not be able to keep any job.  This class is a mini-society.  Everything counts for your total success!!

                   Participation                          25 %

                        Homework & Portfolio         20 %

                        Tests & Quizzes                     35 %

                        Projects                                  20 %



                                    A         90% - 100 %

                                    B         80% - 89%

                                    C         70% - 79 %

                                    D         60% - 69 %


                                    F          59 % and below

Nitchoku (student leader)

            Nicchoku is responsible for
-          Leading the class to opening and closing greetings
-          Being a role model for the class
-          Assisting the teacher when necessary (handing out papers, erasing boards…)


Japanese Class Members are Family!!!

Schmadeke Sensei wrote: ‘This is going to be the most exciting thing!  We meet everyday for the entire year.  We are going to get to know each other well.  In Japan, we have a “homeroom class”.  Students in the class stay in the same room all day and take all the same classes.  They eat lunch together, talk and have fun together.  There are school events like Sports Day, Music Day and School Festivals during the year, and homeroom classes compete against each other.  These events, as well as the daily interaction, make all the students very close and there is almost a sense of “family” in the classroom.  I hope you feel that you truly belong here in Japanese class by the end of the year.  Get to know all of your classmates by greeting them and talking to them.  Watch out for each other even outside of the class.  We are a family!’

Family Living-and-Learning Room!

Schmadeke Sensei wrote: “This classroom is your shelter.  You belong here; and you always have a place in this classroom.  Let’s take care of the room and treat it with respect and love!  Distinguish between the regular garbage can and the recycling bin.  Don’t leave garbage on the desk or floor.  If you see things on the floor, throw them away even if they’re not yours.”  

August 31, 2016 -- Wednesday
平成二十八年8がつ31日 -- 水曜日

No Warm-up:   There were three safety drills the previous period, so our eight period was a shorter period than usual.

Test on Nakama Chapter 1, including the first 10 hiragana and 6 formal expressions


Good morning、Hello-good day, formal good-bye, good evening, informal good-bye, good-night-before sleeping

Handout explaining the hiragana, katakana, and kanji-- assignment to write down 6 important facts from the handout.
Illustrated Japanese Characters, published by the JTB Publishing Company, 15th edition, 2009
Pages 14, 15, 18, 19

Course binders were handed out.

Homework    しゅくだい  宿題

Finish the above assignment, if you haven't already.
Study, study, study!
Benkyou, benkyou, benkyou  !

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

August 30, 2016 -- Tuesday
平成二十八年8月30日 -- 火曜日

ワーム・アップ   Warm-up
Write what you should say on these occasions:
1.When you meet at a Saturday night movie
2.At 7:30 a.m. to your cousin
3.Saying good-bye to your classmate
4.Before sleeping
5.At lunch-time
6.Saying good-bye to an older friend of your parents

Students practice the first 10 hiragana  10 times each.

***There will be a quiz on hiragana and the above expressions TOMORROW!***

Discussion of the terms in the word search to be collected tomorrow.

Homework  しゅくだい  宿題
Study, study, study
Benkyou, benkyou, benkyou

Monday, August 29, 2016

August 29, 2016 -- Monday
平成二十八年八月二十九日 -- 月曜日

Single hiragana:  あ、い、う、え、お 
       5 Times   Each
Hiragana words:  あき、こえ、おく、かう、いけ
       4 Times   Each

Vocabulary list for Nakama Chapter 1 -- work in progress

Practice quiz on writing   あーーーこ

Make flash cards  あーーーこ

Practice questions
1.Kore wa nan desu か。
2.Dare desu か。

Homework     shukudai

1. make a flashcard for each of the first 10 hiragana
2. word search -- find out what the unknown words mean

Friday, August 26, 2016

August 26, 2016 -- Friday
平成二十八年八月二十六日 -- 金曜日

Warm-up 2016.08.26  
ワーム・アップ  わーむ・あっぷ      平成二十八年八月二十六日

Write the following Japanese words in hiragana, 3 times each.
日本語 の ひらがな で 3 X かきます。

かく   (To write kaku)

      いけ  (Pond   ike)

くう   (To eat-- very informal  kuu)

      こえ   (Voice  koe)

えき   (Station  eki)

      おおきい  (Big   ookii)

あき    (Autumn    aki)

Students wrote the above words on the board.  Warm-up was collected.

Sentence homework was collected.

Hiragana packet was collected:  か、き、く、け、こ

Classroom Expectations packet was handed out.

宿題 しゅくだい  Homework   shukudai
1.Bring binder to class on Monday
2.Memorize hiragana, あーーーこ (Possible quiz next week)

Thursday, August 25, 2016

August 25, 2016 -- Thursday
平成二十八年八月二十五日 -- 木曜日


myouji to namae________ _________
WAAMU.APPU                                                                                   2016.08.25
ワーム・アップ             平成二十八年八月二十五日
ひらがな で 3 X  かきます。 
3 X hiragana de kakimasu 
You will write (each word) 3 times in hiragana.
ooi                ie            iu           ee         ao                        a
many            house      to say     yeah      blue (the noun)     ah

__ __ __      __ __     __ __     __ __    __ __                   __ __    

Handout:  ka through ko    か -- こ


Kore wa nan desu ka(?)    What is this-thing?    Dare desu ka(?)  Who is (it)?


(Noun)  desu.   It's (a noun).              (Name) desu.   

Example answers:

Kuma desu.    It's a bear.                   Tanaka-san  desu.    It's Mr./Ms. Tanaka                   

umi                      sea/ocean
tsukue                 desk
MAAKAA             marker
saru                     monkey
shiroban              whiteboard
enpitsu                pencil
hasami                scissors
[BOORU]PEN    ballpoint pen
hon                     book
kami                    paper (with a different kanji, god)  

Homework    しゅくだい  宿題  shukudai  

1. Finish the worksheet with the next 5 hiragana:  ka through ko    か----こ

2. In Japanese, write the question "What is this-thing?"  Then write an answer for each of the ten nouns above, following the pattern of the example sentence.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

August 24, 2016 -- Wednesday
平成二十八年八月二十四日 -- 水曜日


Bangou (number)_______
 Namae to myouji ________________
 (personal name and family name)

WAAMU.APPU                       2016.08.24     Suiyoubi   (Wednesday)
3 X  kakimasu     (You will write them 3 times)
Blue          No         Picture      Love        Up/above      Meets
aoi              iie            e                 ai                ue                        au
あおい いいえ え   あい  うえ                    あう
______     ______     ______     ______     _______            ______
______     ______     ______     ______     _______            ______
______     ______     ______     ______     _______            ______
Hajimemashite           namae            desu                              
 (how do you do)        name               is/am/are
___________                      _________                 __________
___________                      _________                 __________
___________                      _________                 __________

Class as a whole practiced yesterday's dialogue again.  Then students substituted other names for their own:  Godzilla, Kim Kardashian, etc. 

Some students were not able to get textbook, Nakama, at the bookstore (”all out" they said), so Kimmel Sensei said she would talk with the World Language Dept. about ordering more copies

Students wrote their names on folders, handed in yesterday's hiragana homework, and handed in today's warm-up.

Homework  しゅくだい  宿題
Learn first 5 hiragana:  あ、い、う、え、お

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

August 23, 2016 -- Tuesday
平成二十八年八月二十三日 -- 火曜日

1. ワーム・アップ  Warm-up

Student Information Sheet

2.  ntroduction of this blogspot curriculum blog

3.  Nakama chapter 1 – pages 6
Short Opening Dialogue

Hajimemashite                                                   How do you do (for the first time)
Watashi (boku) wa _______ desu.                  I am _________
            わたし(ぼく)は ____ です。
Douzo yoroshiku.                              Pleased to meet you (please be good to me)
            どうぞ よろしく
(o)namae wa?                                                      Your name?
            おなまえ は?

Watashi wa ________ desu
          わたし(ぼく)は ____ です。
Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.    More formal

          よろしく おねがい します

4.  Hiragana explanation handout

5.  Packet for あ、い、う、え、お From Dover book

6.  宿題 しゅくだい  Homework

Complete hiragana packet.above

Monday, August 22, 2016

August 22, 2016 -- Monday
平成二十八年8月二十二日 ーー 月曜日

日本語のアドベンチャ   Nihongo No ADOBENCHAA  

Japanese language adventure

かんげい!  Kangei     Welcome!

ようこそ   Youkoso    Glad to see you!

はい     Hai      Yes

ーーさん   San         ”The honorable"  adult  (use after the name)

ーーくん   Kun    ”The honorable" young male student (use after the name)

せんせい   Sensei     Teacher (use after the name)


Kimmel Sensei’s Japanese Classes                                                     
Opening Exercises

Minna-san, tatte  kudasai.                 Everyone, stand up please.

Minna-san, konnichi wa (answer: Sensei, konnnichi wa)

Nobashite, ashi (w)o sawatte kudasai.        
    “          “          “         “               Stretch, touch your feet/legs, please

Migi, sorekara hidari                         Right, after that left
 “         “            “

Nejitte (count)                                    Swivel: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
          Ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi,
          hachi, kyū, jū

Mawashite (count)                                       Make it go around

Gyaku ni                                            In reverse

Hakushu shite kudasai                       Clap your hands, please

Sutte, haite  Sutte, haite                     Inhale, exhale

Fuite kudasai                                     Inhale, blow out
(like blowing up a balloon)

Suwatte kudasai                                Sit, please

Song (to the tune of “Are You Sleeping” or “Frère Jacques”)

Minna de, minna de                                 Everybody, everybody

Konnichi wa, konnichi wa                        Hello, good day

Tanoshiku kyō mo, tanoshiku kyō mo         Enjoyably today, also                           

RAN RAN RAN, RAN RAN RAN                          [Just for the sound, no meaning]

みなさん、たって ください      Everyone, stand up please.

みなさん、 こんにち は   (answer: せんせい、こんにち は)

のばして、あし を さわって ください
    “          “          “         “               Stretch, touch your feet/legs, please

みぎ、それ から ひだり          Right, after that left
 “         “            “

ねじって (count)                             Swivel: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

まわして (count)                             Make it go around

ぎゃく に                                               In reverse

はくしゅ して ください          Clap your hands, please

すって、はいて、すって、はいて       Inhale, exhale

ふいて ください                          Inhale, blow out
(like blowing up a balloon)

すわって ください                      Sit, please

Song (to the tune of “Are You Sleeping” or “Frère Jacques”)

みんな で、みんな で                        Everybody, everybody

こんにち は、こんにち は                Hello, good day

たのしく きょう も、たのしく きょう もEnjoyably today, also                        
ラン ラン ラン              [Just for the sound, no meaning]

Homework:  Go get the textbook, Nakama, at the OPRF bookstore