Friday, September 13, 2013

September 13, 2013 -- Friday  (uh-oh)
平成二十五年九月十三日 -- 金曜日

It was a short class, only about 32 minutes long.  At the beginning, Sensei handed back the tests from Tuesday.  Students may consult after class or on Wednesday afternoon after school if they have individual questions.

There were two handouts.

 1. The first was the 漢字 ーー  for みます
-- "read/reads"

It is made up of two simpler 漢字.  The left side is  "say/says"  If you think of it as lying down sideways, it might help you remember it.  That way, it looks like sound coming out of a mouth  口)))-
The right side is "sell/sells"   Some people think of it as a man sitting at a desk -- his legs are visible under the desk.  Put together into one 漢字, it means "read/reads."  Maybe you have to be able to read to talk and sell things.  People have made up little stories to help themselves remember 漢字.  This is one of those little stories.

2. The second handout reviewed elements of the     ゴジラ  story

GOJIRA came from RAGOS-shima ラゴスしま から きました
HARO.KITI  ハローキティ came from Akihabara あきはばら , in Tokyo とうきょう の あきはばら
They met in Tijuana メキシコ の ティフアナ で あいました. 
Then GOJIRA went to the Bahamas  バハマ.
He ran はしりました from the Bahamas to New York, and Hello Kitty went by plane (hikouki ひこうき で)
Yesterday じゅびy  GOJIRA ate New York ニューヨーク を べました.
Then he and Hello Kitty went to Chicago シカゴ.
In Chicago, GOJIRA got up at 7 o-clock.
He will buy earphones イアーフォン at Radio Shack. ラジオ・シャック で
Hello Kitty will go to Macy's and buy clothing  ようふく (youfuku)
Tomorrow あした Hello Kitty will see a Brad Pitt movie.
GOJIRA will listen to Death Metal music  イアーフォン で  デス・メタル の おんがく with earphones.

Gojira will drink Lake Michigan  ミシガンこ を みます。

In class, students suggested the following books that GOJIRA and Hello Kitty will read みます tomorrow あした.
ゴジラ -- Game of Thrones
ハローキティ -- Harry Potter
Add this information at the end of the story.

宿題 プロジェクト Homework Project: due 火曜日

Write out the story entirely in Japanese, and illustrate it as well.  Color is mandatory.  Students who feel that they don't draw well may use pictures from magazines or from the Internet.
Put the text and the illustrations on unlined paper at least 8 and a half by 11 inches.  No fringes!
Students who have Japanese word processing ability may type.  Others must write by hand.  In any case, skip lines.  Students may write the story either vertically or horizontally.

Here are some other helpful notes:
おととい means "day before yesterday."
きのう  means "yesterday."
きょう  means "today."
あした means "tomorrow."
あいました means "met.."

Be sure to use relational particles correctly and write complete sentences.

Destination   いきました。(... someone went to a destination)

At a specific time      七時  おきました。

Location  かいます。 (...someone will buy at a location)

By means of   ひこうき  いきました。(...someone went by means of a plane)

Students may bring their writing to Sensei on  月曜日  for corrections and proofreading.

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