Friday, September 20, 2013

September 19, 2013 -- Thursday
平成二十五年九月十九日 -- 木曜日

Kanji for verbs   動詞(どうし)の漢字

食べます・たべます   eats
飲みます・のみます   drinks
読みます・よみます    reads
聞きます・ききます     hears
                                              門 gate
                                                          And inside it, an
                                                                        “The ear at the gate, listens and hears.”

行きます・いきます goes
              =   =    derived from “crossroads”   “Go to the crossroads.”

来ます・きます           comes

来週・らいしゅう  next week, i.e. "the coming week"
来月・らいげつ         next month, i.e. "the coming month"

来年・らいねん        next year, i.e. "the coming year"

Collect kanji number homework.

It's clear from the ゴジラ・ハローキティ project that the class
needs to do more work on relational particles.

Continue with the documentary film, "The Beetle Queen of Tokyo."

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