ワームアップ 平成31年4月16日 火曜日
お母さん、たいへん 気分がわるくて、にゅういん したら どう です か。
Mother, your condition is terrible, and so how about if you went into the hospital (got hospitalized).
Mother, your condition is terrible, and so how about if you went into the hospital (got hospitalized).
お姉さん、のど が いたくて、ねつ を はかったら どう です か。
Big Sister, your throat hurts and so how about if you measure your fever (take your temperature)?
Big Sister, your throat hurts and so how about if you measure your fever (take your temperature)?
お兄さん、かぜ を ひいて、くすり を 飲んだら どう です か。
Big Brother, you catch/caught a cold and so how about if you drink the medicine.
Big Brother, you catch/caught a cold and so how about if you drink the medicine.
ケンくん、長い間(ながい あいだ For a long time)はな が つまって、(お)いしゃ(さん)に 行ったら どう です か。
Ken, for a long time your nose has been congested, and so how about if you go to the doctor?
Ken, for a long time your nose has been congested, and so how about if you go to the doctor?
あなた、おばあさん の おみやげ(プレゼント)を もって、ありがとう の 短い 手紙(てがみ)を 書いたら どう です か。
Dear, you have Grandma's present, and so how about if you write a short thank you letter?
Dear, you have Grandma's present, and so how about if you write a short thank you letter?
先生、学生さん は 漢字 を たくさん わからなくて、漢字 を 教えたら どう です か。
Sensei, the students don't understand a lot a kanji, and so how about if you teach the kanji?
黒ばん で
おなか が すく
おなか が いっぱい
のど が かわく
白ばん で
Conjunction "and" between い adjectives and between all verbs:
Big and blue ---- 大きくて あおい
Small and pink ---- 小さくて ピンク
Not high and not wide ---- 高くなくて ひろくない
Reads and writes --- 読んで 書きます
Doesn't swim and doesn't sing ----
Students didn't understand yesterday's homework assignment. We discussed and explained it. It will be due tomorrow.
宿題 しゅくだい Homework
Complete yesterday's homework assignment
Sensei, the students don't understand a lot a kanji, and so how about if you teach the kanji?
黒ばん で
おなか が すく
おなか が いっぱい
のど が かわく
白ばん で
Conjunction "and" between い adjectives and between all verbs:
Big and blue ---- 大きくて あおい
Small and pink ---- 小さくて ピンク
Not high and not wide ---- 高くなくて ひろくない
Reads and writes --- 読んで 書きます
Doesn't swim and doesn't sing ----
Students didn't understand yesterday's homework assignment. We discussed and explained it. It will be due tomorrow.
宿題 しゅくだい Homework
Complete yesterday's homework assignment
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