Thursday, October 24, 2013

Ictiber 24m 2013 -- Thursday
平成二十五年十月二十四日 -- 木曜日

「ふるさと」 song's second verse, with informal words for father and mother

handout the questions on the film again and explain the -te imasu form again, so that they can do it again.
ピアノ を ひいて います。

Hand out sheet for Nakama Chapter 7 kanji.  The following two kanji were written on the board:
肉       niku        meat
魚       sakana   fish

Finish film and watch the supplementary section on food:

breakfast: rice, miso soup, nattou, pickled vegetables

Read through most of pages 200 and 201 in Nakama, with explanations of most expressions and vocabulary.

Be prepared to answer the following questions (on page 200), verbally, tomorrow --
A. 1, 2, and 3
B. 1, 2, and 3

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