Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21, 2013 -- Monday
平成二十五年十月二十一日 -- 月曜日

A. Kanji tests were handed back and discussed.  Students who received the note "must retake" must meet me after school either today 月曜日 or tomorrow, 火曜日 after school before 3:10 p.m.  Then they will retake the test.

B. Reward for working well on the te form:  the film, Happy Family Game

There was a handout about the city of Yokohama, where part of this film is set (as well as the OPRF Japanese Film Festival 's film,  From Up on Poppy Hill.

"Yokohama (横浜) is Japan's second largest city with a population of over three million. Yokohama is located less than half an hour south of Tokyo by train, and is the capital of Kanagawa Prefecture.

"Towards the end of the Edo Period (1603-1867), during which Japan maintained a policy of self-isolation, Yokohama's port was one of the first to be opened to foreign trade in 1859. Consequently, Yokohama quickly grew from a small fishing village into one of Japan's major cities.

"Until today, Yokohama remains popular among expats, has one of the world's largest chinatowns and preserves some former Western residences in the Yamate district. "
C. While watching the film, students recorded words they could understand in Japanese, wrote them down on a piece of paper, and handed them in at the end of the class.
へんな 人
おはよう ございます
ごめん なさい、 すみません
宿題 しゅくだい Homework:
今日 宿題 は ありません。

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