Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 15, 2013 -- Tuesday
平成二十五年十月十五日 -- 火曜日
(Monday was Columbus Day and the school was closed.)

A. Class began with another use of the relational から  , along with a new relational,  まで。
     It is used when describing the hours that an institution is open.
     高校 は 八時 から 三時四分 まで です。
     Koukou wa hachi-ji kara san-ji yonpun made desu.
     The high school is (open) from 8 o'clock until 3:04. .

     The class then practiced with デパート、スーパー、レストラン、ゆうびんきょく、
     えいが、and パーティー。

B.  Handout about an October even in Japanese public schools, Sports Day, or, in Japanese,

C.   Students were handed a puzzle of kanji in outline form, with instructions to color in
     the ones that they have been taught so far.  On the back of the page, they were to
     write a list of each recognized kanji, along with its meaning in English.
     List of recognizable kanji in the puzzle:  金、高、出、生、行、今、五、読、

宿題 Homework
Complete the kanji puzzle as explained in C, above.

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