Thursday, October 10, 2013

October 10, 2013 -- Thursday
平成二十五年十月十日 ーー 木曜日

Students worked in pairs, asking and answering questions in writing, only.  Student pairs could choose their own topics.  One of the questions had to be:

ひまな とき なに を します か。What do you do in your free time?
See Bits and Pieces: 51 Activities for Teaching Japanese K-12 published by Kodansha International
The following question words were written on the board, and students were supposed to use them in their silent dialogues:
       どうして、なぜ  Why
       なん、なに    What
       どこ       Where
       いつ       When
       だれ       Who(m)

Handout of sentences with the na adjective, hima -- sentences from

土曜日暇なです。 Saturday is when my father is free.
暇な時間書きます I write poems in my free time.
あなた暇な時間利用できます。 You can take advantage of your free time.


宿題 Homework:
Be sure to learn the question words used in the silent conversations.
Read this book at your leisure.
   ひまな とき に この ほん を 
   よんで ください。

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