Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 29, 2013 -- Tuesday
平成二十五年十月二十九日 -- 火曜日

1.Handout from 高校生活Koukou Seikatsu: Japanese for Secondary Students, Book 1 by Keiko Aitchison, VCTA Publishing, MacMillan Education Australia, Melbourne, 1997 -- page 94 -- Verb Practice, changing masu form into the te/de form.

There was discussion of the fhree verb groups and their descriptions were written on the board.  Students worked on the handout during much of the class.
Note:  orimasu おります is a Group 2 verb

2.Next week students will have to work on original dialogues that they have written with partners. 

     "Original Dialogue #1 – Guidelines
     "Imagine a dialogue between the brother and sister in the film Happy Family Game.”  Think of        them as calling each other on their cell phones to talk about what they are doing and what family members are doing.  Your dialogue should include question words like who, what, where, and why.  The brother and sister should use the –te imasu form at least some of the time.  You should find a way for the dialogue to tell us what month it is, what day of the week, and what time of day the conversation is taking place.  Each partner in the dialogue should have a complete written script of the dialogue, both in Japanese (including hiragana, katakana, kanji that you know) and in English, to be handed in when the project is over.  Use only vocabulary you have already learned or vocabulary you find in Nakama.  Your dialogue can be fanciful or imaginative, but it may NOT refer to violence, drugs, or gang activities.  You may not denigrate any person or group or religion.
     "You will perform the dialogue twice.  The first time you may read the script.  The second time, you must perform it from memory.  Maximum length – 2 pages, typewritten.

     "Suggested vocabulary: 
     "question words, foods, drinks, sports, music, hobbies,  terms for family members (page 316 of Nakama), school subjects, kinds of stores"

宿題 しゅくだい Homework:
1. complete verb conjugation worksheet described above
2. make notes for upcoming dialogue that you  will write and perform with a partner

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