Hiatus Post 2020.04.06 Monday 休けい時間 きゅうけい じかん
令和2年4月6日 月曜日
おはよう ございます、みなさん Good morning, everyone.
週末(しゅうまつ)は どう でした か。何を しました か。
What did you do over the weekend?
私 は 読んだり、食べたり、テレビ を 見たり 散歩(さんぽ)したり しました、
I did things like reading, eating, watching TV, and taking walks.
(For grammar mavens, here’s the
explanation of --たり --たり する. You use this form (derived from the plain
past, with り added, and then する.
It means that you’re doing two or more things during the same time period, but not
simultaneously, and there may be other things that you don’t mention.)
Remember the song, Dango-3-Kyoudai? I’ve been sad because just now it’s not such a
good idea to go to Mitsuwa (or gather at other big places) to buy wonderful
traditional foods like dango. And I was
reminded of a famous Japanese proverb whose literal translation is, “Dumplings
before flowers,” meaning something like “necessities before luxuries.”
花より団子 (はな より だんご)
And after that それから I saw a wonderful
old (around 1630 C.E.) haiku that references that proverb.
Not for spring flowers
But because there are dumplings
Do wild geese return.
(Kimmel translation/paraphrase)
Matsunaga Teitoku
はな より も
So this haiku references 2 things that we particularly know
about: dumplings, and the kanji for the
verb “to return-home” 帰 帰る かえ(る)We can use it in a couple of nice kanji-combination words, too,
using kanji that we know or are learning.
帰来 きらい
home-coming (NOT in the sense
of the early-football celebration)
帰休 ききゅう
(military) leave, furlough return-home plus “to rest” 休む
帰心 きしん
homesickness “return-home” plus “heart/mind 心”
Japanese 3-4
Let’s practice numbers today.
Here’s a reminder, but you can also look at pages 267-269 in Chapter 8
of Nakama.
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十
いち に さん し ご ろく しち はち きゅう じゅう
千 万 円
せん まん えん not actually a number, but always used with
宿題 しゅくだい Homework
A. Look at the following kanji number
expressions. Rewrite the kanji, and then
write the hiragana pronunciation and the English meaning.
四月 十日 五まい 三本
十さつ 千円 一万人 四つ
二千二十年 八百十七 九月
B. Write a haiku about 桜 さくら cherry blossoms in either 日本語
or 英語。Please remember that the first line is
supposed to be 5 syllables (not words), the second line is supposed to be 7
syllables, and the last lines is supposed to be 5 syllables again.
Hiatus Post 2020.04.06 Monday 休けい時間 きゅうけい じかん
令和2年4月6日 月曜日
おはよう ございます、みなさん Good morning, everyone.
週末(しゅうまつ)は どう でした か。何を しました か。
What did you do over the weekend?
私 は 読んだり、食べたり、テレビ を 見たり 散歩(さんぽ)したり しました、
I did things like reading, eating, watching TV, and taking walks.
(For grammar mavens, here’s the
explanation of --たり --たり する. You use this form (derived from the plain
past, with り added, and then する.
It means that you’re doing two or more things during the same time
period, but not simultaneously, and there may be other things that you don’t
Remember the song, Dango-3-Kyoudai? I’ve been sad because just now it’s not such a
good idea to go to Mitsuwa (or gather at other big places) to buy wonderful
traditional foods like dango. And I was
reminded of a famous Japanese proverb whose literal translation is, “Dumplings
before flowers,” meaning something like “necessities before luxuries.”
花より団子 (はな より だんご)
And after that それから I saw a wonderful
old (around 1630 C.E.) haiku that references the proverb.
Not for spring flowers
But because there are dumplings
Do wild geese return.
(Kimmel translation/paraphrase)
Matsunaga Teitoku
はな より も
So this haiku references 2 things that we particularly know
about: dumplings, and the kanji for the
verb “to return-home” 帰 帰る かえ(る)We can use it in a couple of nice kanji-combination words, too,
using kanji that we know or are learning.
帰来 きらい home-coming (NOT in the sense
of the early-football celebration)
帰休 ききゅう return-home plus “to rest” 休む (military) leave, furlough
帰心 きしん homesickness “return-home” plus “heart/mind 心”
Japanese 5-6
We’re going to practice using the following verbs:
つとめる けっこん する すむ、すんで いる
to be employed to get
married to reside
ふとる やせる
to gain weight to lose
宿題 しゅくだい Homework
A. Rewrite the following questions in
Japanese, and then write the answers 日本語 で.
おじいさん は けっこん して います か。
おじいさん は いつ けっこん しました。
学生(You)は どこ に すんで います か。
どんな ところ に すむ の が すき です か。
さいきん(Recently)お友達 は やせました か。
今年(ことしthis year) 学生(You)の ペット は ふとりました か。
ライトフット市長さん[ しちょう さん ](mayor) は どこ に つとめて います か。
B. Write a haiku about 桜 さくら cherry blossoms in either 日本語
or 英語。Please remember that the first line is
supposed to be 5 syllables (not words), the second line is supposed to be 7
syllables, and the last lines is supposed to be 5 syllables again. Try to avoid using a, an, the, は、が… You get the idea: as much as possible, only strong words.
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