Monday, April 13, 2020

Hiatus Post      2020.04.13     Monday        休けい時間 きゅうけい じかん 
令和2413   月曜日

Everybody is telling us we should be washing our hands as much as possible, and for 20 seconds each time.  Some people are singing “Happy Birthday” twice, slowly.  Here’s a song by the Japanese singing group, Arashi, that you can sing-along with while you wash your hands.  The verbs and special expressions are fun, too.

いつ 私たち は 手(て)を あらう? (So) when do we wash our hands?  
まい日 手 を あらう。Every day we wash our hands.  
ひまな 時(とき)手 を あらう。When we have free time, we wash our hands. 
スポーツ の 後(あと)で、手 を あらう。After sports, we wash our hands.
買い物(かいもの)の 後 で、手 を あらう。After shopping, we wash our hands.  
帰る(かえる)時(とき)手 を あらう。When we return  home, we wash our hands. 
寝る(ねる)前(まえ)に 手 と かお(face)を あらう。Before going to sleep, we wash our hands and face.

Japanese 3-4 and 5-6 students, all of you, write 3 more sentences about times that you wash your hands.  Fiction is OK.  They don’t have to be true or factual.

You may need the following expressions at the beginning of your sentences.
ひまな の 時(とき) in (my) free time
___ の 前(まえ)に before some (noun) event or activity, or a dictionary-form verb.
___ の 後(あと)で after some (noun) activity
___ の 時(とき)at the time when (you do or did some activity

See the sentences above for  examples.

Japanese 3-4

Dear Japanese 3-4 students,

Our goal by the end of the school year will be to finish Chapters 8 and 9 in Nakama, learning the grammar points and vocabulary in those chapters.   We should also learn the 漢字 kanji from the 漢字のシート kanji sheets for those chapters, including the number kanji for Chapter 8.
How are you doing with Chapter 8?  Do you feel that you know and understand most of it?  Don’t forget to send me questions if you have questions.

宿題 しゅくだい   Homework (Do not hand in until Wednesday)

Let’s practice making and recognizing the te forms for the following verbs. Don’t forget to (first) figure out what group the verb is in:  
group 1 (most numerous, extra “ i”syllable before the masu),
group 2 (less numerous than group 1, easiest to conjugate), or
group 3 (irregular, only 2 verbs, must memorize because there are no rules)

A.   From masu form and dictionary form to te form (Look at page 250 in Nakama if you need help.

Example:     あるきます  あるく  あるいて
      Walks                  To walk         te form

             Masu form                             dictionary            te form
   かきます             書く
   およぎます            およぐ
   はなします             話す
   のみます              飲む
   あそびます             あそぶ
   かえります             帰る
   たべます              食べる
   きます               来る
   みます               見る
   べんきょう します  勉強する               
B.   I have often used articles from The Japan Times to give you information about Japanese topics, including politics and culture.  How does it rate compared to other Japanese newspapers?  How biased is it?  Try to find out, and write 3 or 4 sentences in English about its history and reliability in your homework.  List the websites you used online in order to find out.

Japanese 5-6

Just so that you can keep this in mind, I want to tell you explicitly that our goal by the end of the school year will be to finish Chapters 10 and 11 in Nakama, learning the grammar points and vocabulary in those chapters.  How are you doing on Chapter 10.  Are you ready to move on?  Or should we do some more work on Chapter 10 before moving on to Chapter 11.  We should also learn the 漢字 kanji from the 漢字のシート kanji sheets for those chapters.
Don’t forget to send me any questions you have.

宿題 しゅくだい   Homework  Do not hand in until Wednesday

A. Chapter 10 is about family members, descriptions of people’s appearance and personality, and clothing (along with the verbs for wearing each type).  Read what Alice said when asked about her family.  それから 英語で書いて下さい。

 一. 父(ちち)も 母(はは)も 四十八才(さい)です。
 二.しんせつな 父 は コンピュータ の かいしゃ に つとめて います。
 三.あたま が いい 母 は 高校 の 先生 です。
四.月曜日 から 金曜日 まで 父 は せびろ を きて いて、おぼうし を かぶって います。
五.かぞく に きょうだい も います。
六.おとうと の ほう が あに より せ が 高い です。
七.かわいい ()おとうと は とても 元気(げんき)で、明るい(あかるい)男の子(おとこ の こ)です。
八.兄(あに)は いつも めがね を かけて います。
九.目(め)が 緑 色 の 姉(あね)は けっこん して いて、秋田(あきた)に すんで います。
B.   I have often used articles from The Japan Times to give you information about Japanese topics, including politics and culture.  How does it rate compared to other Japanese newspapers?  How biased is it?  Try to find out, and write 3 or 4 sentences in English about its history and reliability in your homework.  List the websites you used online in order to find out.

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