Wednesday, November 20, 2019

November 19, 2019 -- Tuesday

令和元年11月19日   火曜日        火=か=ひ=Fire

Japanese 3-4         ワームアップ                        Dictionary Exercise
Write the following Japanese words in hiragana, or if necessary katakana, and then write the English meaning and the page you found it on. Use the glossary at the back the textbook, Nakama.
jazu ____________________ _____________________
momen ____________________ _____________________
ringo ____________________ _____________________
boushi ____________________ _____________________
okurimono ____________________ _____________________
ongaku ____________________ _____________________
yasai ____________________ _____________________
eki ____________________ _____________________

Documentary about Regina Boone's search for her grandfather, who was a Japanese national.
To American photojournalist Regina Boone, her paternal grandfather was an enigma. He was a hard-working Japanese immigrant but was arrested on the day of the Pearl Harbor attack never to return home. Regina's father rarely spoke about him throughout his life. It was only 5 years ago on his deathbed that he asked Regina to find out the circumstances surrounding her grandfather's disappearance. Our camera follows her quest to uncover the trail of her missing Japanese grandfather.

Verb Kanji 漢字 in Outline (Work on reviewing these tomorrow)
話 帰
はなします speaks          かえります returns-home
 読      みます  reads

来 会 
ます comes      います meets       

きます  goes

食 言 
  べます eats         います  says      

ます sees
書 買 
きます writes      います buys      

みます drinks
 出 聞

      でます leaves          ます hears

宿題   しゅくだい   Homework

Finish Dictionary Exercise, above.  We will continue with the documentary tomorrow.


Japanese 5-6

ワームアップ   しつもん に こたえて 下さい。Write complete sentences to answer each question.  You may use your Chromebook to search for  日本の食べもの(和食)vocabulary.

Please imagine that  きょう は は 感謝祭(かんしゃさい)の日.  Answer the questions below using the continuative/progressive tense.

感謝祭(かんしゃさい)Thanksgivingの 時に 友達 は 何 を 食べて います か。

(謝祭(かんしゃさい)Thanksgivingの 時 に かぞく は 何 を 飲んで います か。(no alcohol !)

シカゴ大学の国際(こくさい International)ハウス(うち)で みな(ドイツ人、メキシコ人、ちゅうごく人、日本人、マリ人)は 何を して います か。

ドイツ人 は 

メキシコ人 は


日本人 は


If you can, draw a small picture of a turkey 七面鳥(しちめんちょう 7 aspect bird” below.


The te form song (to the tune of "3 Blind Mice")

い、ち、り ―――― ちいさい つ て         

に、み、び ―――― ん で        

き は いて                  ぎ は いで     

し は して            (はなして)                                        て フォーム

Nakama Chapter 8

Explain 3 uses of the て  form.  You may mention the situations when you use it, and show an example.

①  Polite commands  ___て(Form) +下さい

②  Permission ____て(Form) + も いい です(か)

③  Continuative ____て(Form) + います(Helping verb)
          Is/am/are doing/verbing

Write the following verbs in the て te form:  


宿題   しゅくだい   Homework

Write the following kanji 10 times each:

友達  音楽  前  後


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