Thursday, September 5, 2019

September 4, 2019 -- Wednesday

ワームアップ   令和元年94   水曜日                =すい=みず=Water  

ろうどうさい(Labor Day) (しゅう)まつ           しました  か。 どう  でした  か。

三つ (みっつanswers   かきます。 Write 2 complete sentences after each number,  with 3 different verbs (動詞 どうし) at the end! (and 3 different adjectives  形容詞 けいようし)

         週まつ  (    えいが    みました。 えいが  よかった   です。
          During the weekend I saw a movie.                   The movie was good.  




Japan's Labor Day is called 動労感謝の日(きんろう  かんしゃ  )  "Thanks to Labor Day" and takes place on November 23rd.

Europe celebrates Labor Day on May 1st as International Labor Day.  May 1st was also May Day, which originated as a pre-Christian religious festival.  

Labor Thanksgiving Day  (Wikipedia)

Labor Thanksgiving Day (勤労感謝の日 Kinrō Kansha no Hi) is a national holiday in Japan celebrated on November 23 of each year. The law establishing the holiday cites it as an occasion to commemorate labor and production and give one another thanks.
Events are held throughout Japan, one such being the Nagano Labor Festival. The event encourages thinking about the environmentpeace and human rights.[citation needed]
Early-grade elementary students often create drawings for the holiday and give them as gifts to local kōbans (neighborhood police stations).

Labor Thanksgiving Day is the modern name for an ancient harvest festival known as Niiname-sai (新嘗祭, also read as Shinjō-sai), celebrating the harvest of the Five Cereals (ricebarley/wheatfoxtail milletbarnyard milletproso millet, and beans). The classical chronicle the Nihon Shoki mentions a harvest ritual having taken place during the reign of the legendary Emperor Jimmu (660–585 BC), as well as more formalized harvest celebrations during the reign of Emperor Seinei (480–484 AD). Modern scholars can date the basic forms of niiname-sai to the time of Emperor Tenmu (667–686 AD).[2] Traditionally, it celebrated the year's hard work; during the Niiname-sai ceremony, the Emperor would dedicate the year's harvest to kami (spirits), and taste the rice for the first time.

The modern holiday was established after World War II in 1948 as a day to mark some of the changes of the postwar Constitution of Japan, including fundamental human rights and the expansion of workers rights.[3] Currently, Niiname-sai is still held privately by the Imperial House of Japan on the same day as Labor Thanksgiving Day, which has become a public national holiday.

May 1 is also celebrated as Labor Day by many trade unions in Japan,[5] which hold large rallies and marches in TokyoOsaka and Nagoya.

On this day, school children prepare cards or gifts to distribute to police officers, firefighters, hospital staffs, personnel of the Japan Self-Defense Force and the Japan Coast Guard and other people in the labor sector to show appreciation for their contributions to the country. Companies review their accomplishments and congratulate their workers for their dedication. Families get together and have dinner at home on this holiday.

Discussion  えい語 で of the meanings and implications of "Labor Day" in various countries.

On the board  白ばん

Look at page 135 in Nakama and find から   meaning "therefore/so"

Look at page 191 in Nakama and find  から  meaning "therefore/so"

Cause                                                           Effect
sentence                   から                            sentence

きのう は さむかった です       から         私 は でかけませんでした。
Yesterday was cold,                       so/therefore     I didn't go out.


1. what is the word "because" in Japanese?

2. Where does the word "because" come in a Japanese sentence?

     A. At the beginning of the Reason sentence
            (ex. Because "I was bored")

     B.  At the beginning of the Reason sentence.
           (ex.  "I was bored"  because

3.  Translate:

     a.   I go to school.  Because it's Monday. 
    月曜日 です から 私 は 学校 に 行きます。

     b.   I made turkey.  Because it's Thanksgiving.
    かんしゃさい です から 私 は しちめんちょう を つくりました。

     c.   I didn't buy the house.  Because it was small

     d.   Andrew called Cassidy.  Because Cassidy is attractive.

Special vocabulary:

turkey               Thanksgiving             house                   attractive
七面鳥     かんしゃさい    うち     すてき(な)

宿題   しゅくだい   Homework

Complete the handout by writing all the sentences (a, b, c, d) in Japanese, but transforming them into sentences with causes and effects.

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