Thursday, March 19, 2020

March 19, 2020 -- Thursday
令和二年三月十九日 -- 木曜日

Happy First Day of Spring!  The kanji for spring is   春  はる

Here is the translation of a famous haiku by Matsuo Bashō      松尾芭蕉

”Sitting quietly, doing nothing, Spring comes, and grass grows by itself.”

😊I wish I could see your spring faces today!  I hope you're able to get outside a little bit, safely.😊

The Chinese government says it has officially decided to use the Japanese-developed anti-influenza drug Avigan in treating people infected with the new coronavirus.  Please look at this encouraging link.

Some 日本語の vocabulary relevant to the current situation:

コロナウイルス                    Corona virus

情報    じょうほう                  information

誤報   ごほう                         misinformation

感染    かんせん                 infection

インフルエンザ                    influenza

マスク             (medical or industrial) mask (the counter is まい)

手 を 洗う           to wash hands  (て を あらう Group 1 verb)

健康な けんこうな  healthy (na adjective)

***I saw a wonderful little story on NHK.***  Here is the headline:

山梨県甲府市 中学生が自分で作った600枚のマスクを贈る。

You know some of these 漢字  kanji, right? 

 The headline says, "A middle school student in Yamanashi Prefecture, Koufu City, donates 600 masks she made herself."

What an outstanding young person!  Her name is Takimoto Hime, and she sewed them on her mother's sewing machine.

Japanese 3-4

You can email me any questions, and I'll answer them between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. today or tomorrow.

Please read. 

この 写真 を 見て 下さい。

写真 の 人 は 私 の 友達 です。

友達 の 前 に かわいい ねこ が います、ね。

まい日 の 六時 に 友達 は 起きます。

それから ねこ の 食べもの を 作ります。

Now, can you answer the following questions?  

If you're confused, or you don't know something, you can email me at 
 I'll be able to answer between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. today or tomorrow.

1. Who is in the photo?

2.  What kind of pet does this person have?

3.  When does he/she get up?

4. After that, what does this person do?

5. What does the pet eat?

Now practice writing the kanji for  the following words. Write each one 2 times, with whatever hiragana you need to complete the word.

Example:  to write         書く   書く

new                                                 old

gets up                                           goes to bed (lies down, sleeps)


宿題   しゅくだい   Homework

1. Write the 5 Japanese sentences above in English.  If you want me to check them, send them to me by email. They are due tomorrow, and they can improve your grade!

2.  Work on your daily project of finding an image relevant to Chapter 8 and writing 5 sentences about it.

3.  Write the kanji for the English words above.

Japanese 5-6

You can email me any questions, and I'll answer them between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. today and tomorrow.

Please read.  読んで下さい。

写真 を 見て 下さい。

せ が 高い 人 は 友達 の 忙しい お母さん(おかあさん)です。

お母さん は 昼ごはん を 作って います。

金ぱつ の ハンサムな お父さん(おとうさん) は 休んで いて、 新聞 を 読んで います。

あした の 朝 私 は 友達 と ごかぞく に 会います。

You can surely answer the following questions. Please do so.

Who is in the photo?

What is the busy person doing?

What is the handsome person doing?

What will   私 do tomorrow?

When tomorrow will that happen?

Write each of the English words below twicef in Japanese, using whatever kanji and hiragana are necessary.

Healthy/energetic                                        To rest

Name                                                              paper

To enter                                                          To leave      

 宿題   しゅくだい   Homework

1. The 5 Japanese sentences above 英語 で 書いて 下さい.  If you want me to check them, send them to me by email.  They are due tomorrow, and they can raise your grade.

2.  Work on your daily project of finding an image relevant to Chapter 10 and writing 5 sentences about it.

3.  Write the 漢字 for the 英語の words above  二度.


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