Wednesday, March 18, 2020

March 18, 2020 -- Wednesday
令和二年三月十八日 -- 水曜日

  おはよう ございます、みなさん

Here is a link to a YouTube video I found about learning 漢字 kanji. 

It organizes the 漢字 kanji by radicals, the portions of 漢字 kanji used to put them in categories, enabling us to look them up in 漢字 kanji dictionaries (yes, such things exist).

There are 10 radicals shown in the video, and we know these radicals already.  We've also studied some of the kanji the video presents.  This may be a new way for you to think about them.

If you  want to do this, I suggest looking at just one or two radicals each day, not more, so that you're not overwhelmed.

I don't agree with everything here, but I think you would find this video to be useful.

Japanese 3-4

How is it going?  Have you been able to find images connected to Nakama Chapter 8 so far?  How about writing about them, using the vocabulary from Chapter 8?

Here's an example.  Imagine a photo of Takashimaya Department Store 高島屋デパート:

日本 に ゆうめいな デパート が あります。There is a famous department store in Japan.

たかしまやデパート です。It is Takashimaya Department store

あそこ で 買い物 を する の が 好き です。I like to do shopping (way over) there.

先月 私 は しんしふく うりば に 行きました。Last month I sent to the men's clothing department.

友達 の たんじょうび でした から あおい セーター を 買いました。It was my friend's birthday, therefore I bought a blue sweater.

三千円 でした。It was 3,000 yen.

Here are the kanji you should practice today. Write each one 5 times.

to make           

はじ(まる)  はじ(める)        お(わる)
to begin, to start                                                               to end

お(きる)                 ね(る)
to get up, to wake up                                                      to sleep, to lie down

宿題    しゅくだい   Homework

1,  Work on writing the 5 sentences for the image you've found for today.

2.  Practice writing the kanji above, 5 times each.

Japanese 5-6

How is it going?  Have you been able to find images connected to Nakama Chapter 10 so far?  How about writing about them, using the vocabulary from Chapter 10?

Now imagine a photo of your cousin. The word for cousin is  いとこ。

私 は いとこ の アリ が 好き です。I like my cousin, Ari.

茶ぱつ で かみ が みじかい です。(Ari) has brown hair and the hair is long.

ニューヨーク に すん いて 本田 に つとめて います。(Ari) lives/resides in New York and is employed by Honda.

しんせつ で あかるい 人 です。(Ari) is a kind and cheerful person.

今(いま)けっこん して いません が 来年 けっこん します。(Ari) is not married now but will get married next year.

Can you read the 漢字 below?  Write each one 3 times, and then add the pronunciation in ひらがな and the meaning in 英語.

休(む)              昼

物                  紙

宿題    しゅくだい   Homework

1,  Work on writing the 5 sentences for the image you've found for today.

2.  Practice reading the 漢字 above, writing each one 3 times and adding the hiragana pronunciation and the English meaning..

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