Tuesday, March 28, 2017

March 24, 2017 -- Friday

1.       Work sheet on vocabulary in the 2nd writing system, katakana –Students may use their charts and their textbooks while working on this.
2.       2. Students should work on their Japanese geography project, which will be due one week after we come back from break. 
3.       3. Students may watch a portion of the film “Mononoke Hime” (“Princess Mononoke”) in Japanese.  

Worksheet    17 copies

キメル先生の日本語の授業   ______ ________ __
「なかま」の第三、第四課   なまえ    みょうじ     番号

カタカナ の ことば を えいご で かきます。You will write the カタカナ words in (real) えいご words.

スーパー                            ベッド                     ドア                          アパート
_______             ______      ______      ______

オレンジ                            ペン                      ノート                 コンピュータ
________        ______      _______ ______

テレビ                                 テーブル                スタンド                ソファ
_______________       ___________      ___________      ____________

ガレージ                            トイレ                     シャワー                アメリカ
_________   _______ _______ _______

List of Japanese geographical names (17 copies)
Each student must choose a different name

Nagano City
Lake Biwa
Seto Naikai....the inland sea
Himeji Castle

Thursday, March 23, 2017

March 23, 2017 -- Thursday
平成29年3月23日 -- 木曜日  木=Tree, wood (the material)

Bingo with katakana words from Chapters 3 and 4 of Nakama -- prizes were packs of origami paper

Kanji handout
人 ひと           Person
十 じゅう、とお       10
子 こ            Child
大 おお(きい) Or ダイ  Big, great
日 にち、に、ひ、び     Day or son
月 つき、げつ、がつ     Moon, month
川 かわ           River
右 みぎ           Hand

大人  おとな           Adult
十人  じゅうにん 10      People
月 は 川 の なか に あります。The moon is in the water.
つき  かわ

十人十色  じゅうにんとおいろ  Ten people, ten colors.   Everyone is unique.

4th Quarter Project:  Japanese cities and areas – each student must choose a different name

Nagano City
Lake Biwa
Seto Naikai....the inland sea
Himeji Castle


しゅくだい  宿題  Homework

Start doing research on the part of Japan that you have chosen.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

March 22.2017 -- 

Warm-up  2017.03.22   平成29322日  水曜日  水=Water

The beginning of the ものがたり story…the introduction
わたし の ともだち は ゆうめい です。

おんな の ひと は ワンダー・ウマン です。

おとこ の ひと は キャプテン・アメリカ です。

ワンダー・ウマン の まち は ほっかいどう の さっぽろ です。

キャプテン・アメリカ の まち は しこく の たかまつ です。

Wonder Woman/Captain America dialogue かいわ を よみます。

 W.W.      こんにち は
 C.A.        すみません。ぼく は フランスご を はなしません。
 W.W.  ここ は にほん です よ。



At the time they are talking なん じ です か。  

なん 月、なん 日 です か。

Continuing with story:

ごぜん 3 時
4月 1日

4 Main islands of Japan: ほっかいどう、ほんしゅう、しこく、きゅうしゅう(Okinawa is not one of the main islands)

④ C.A.  にほん です か。 (Pointing at something) それ は なん です か。
⑤ W.W. さくら です。さくら は にほん の はな です。 はな が すき です か。
⑥ CA はい、はな が すき です。すみません、おなまえ は なん です か。
⑦ WW わたし の なまえ は ワンダー・ウマン です。はじめまして。
⑧ CA  ぼく は キャプテン・アメリカ です。どうぞ よろしく
⑨ WW どこ から きました か。
⑩ CA ぼく は たかまつ から きました。

しゅくだい  宿題   Homework

Write out all 10 sentences of the dialogue, double spaced, にほんご で

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

March 21, 2017 -- Tuesday
 平成29年3月21日 -- 火曜日  火=Fire

Warm-up  2017.03.21   

えいご の いみ は なん です か。What is the English meaning?

わたし の ともだち は ゆうめい です。

おんな の ひと は ワンダー・ウマン です。

おとこ の ひと は キャプテン・アメリカ です。

ワンダー・ウマン の まち は ほっかいどう の さっぽろ です。

キャプテン・アメリカ の まち は しこく の たかまつ です。

いま はなして います。(They are talking now.)  

かいわ を かきます。(You/we will write the conversation.)

Class a whole went over the paragrph on page 124 of Nakama and establishing which sentences did NOT describe the picture on page 123.

CLass as a whole started writing the Wonder Woman/Captain America dialogue

① W.W.      こんにち は
② C.A.        すみません。ぼく は フランスご を はなしません。
③ W.W.  ここ は にほん です よ。
④ C.A.
⑤ W.W.

しゅくだい   宿題    Homework

Write lines 4 and 5 of the dialogue

Monday, March 20, 2017

March 20, 2017 -- Monday
平成29年3月20日 -- げつようび  月曜日
              月=Moon, month
              曜日=Day of week

ワーム・アップ: えいご で かきます。
        (Read the handout about the vernal equinox, first.)

①  さくら の 木(き) は だいがく の まえ に あります。
   The cherry tree is in front of the university.
②  わたし は さくら が すき です。 I like cherry blossoms.
③  3月20日 は しゅんぶん の 日(ひ) です。
   The 20th of March is the spring equinox.

”Shunbun no hi    春分 の 日   しゅんぶん の ひ
”In Japan the vernal equinox is a welcome holiday as it marks the end of winter and the arrival of spring
”The vernal equinox (or spring equinox) marks the beginning of astronomical spring.
It occurs during the month of March in the Northern Hemisphere, and during September in the Southern Hemisphere. It usually falls on March 20 or 21.
In Japan the vernal equinox ('Shunbun no Hi') is a welcome holiday as it marks the end of winter and the arrival of spring.
At the same moment that the vernal equinox occurs in one hemisphere, it is the time of the autumnal equinox in the other hemisphere.
Traditionally, the equinoxes were a time to venerate ancestors, and the two dates of the Vernal and Autumnal equinoxes became holidays celebrated in Shinto to pay respects to past members of the imperial family.
In 1948, the holiday was changed to its current form as part of post war reforms that converted religious holidays into secular holidays. The day is intended to celebrate the love of nature and living things.

In modern Japan, the day still maintains its older traditions as visiting family graves and holding family reunions is a common way of celebrating the equinox.”

Students worked in pairs on reading on page 124, comparing content with drawing on page 123.   Write out the 4 INCORRECT sentences in the reading, the ones that don't match the drawing.

While they were working, some students performed the dialogue on page 103-104 of Nakama.

しゅくだい  宿題   Homework
1.Page 124 of Nakama, above.
2.Dialogue on pages 103-104 of Nakama.

March 17, 2017 -- Friday
平成29年3月17日 -- きんようび  金曜日
              金=Money, gold, metal
              日=Day, sun

More work on dialogue, pages 103-104 of "Nakama"

「もののけ ひめ」という アニメ

しゅくだい  宿題  Homework
かいわ(Dialogue, conversation) 「なかま」 の 103-104 百三、百四 ページ

Thursday, March 16, 2017

March 16, 2017 -- Thursday

Yesterday's assignment had not reached the sub until late during the class period, so students worked on it again today.

Students should reread the dialogue on pages 103 and 104 of the textbook, Nakama

Then they should pair up to write it out by hand, first in Romanization and then in the second writing system, Katakana.   Remember to skip lines.

After that, they should practice reading and reciting it many times together, quietly, with the purpose of memorizing it. 

This assignment will be due on Monday.
March 15, 2017 -- Wednesday

Students should reread the dialogue on pages 103 and 104 of the textbook, Nakama

Then they should pair up to write it out by hand, first in Romanization and then in the second writing system, Katakana.   Remember to skip lines.

After that, they should practice reading and reciting it many times together, quietly, with the purpose of memorizing it. 
March 14, 2017 -- Tuesday

Students continued study of Japanese high school in the 1960s, in the run-up to the first Tokyo Olympics:  KOKURIKU ZAKA NO UE KARA

Monday, March 13, 2017

March 13, 2017 -- Monday
平成29年3月13日 ーー げつようび  月曜日
              月=Moon, month  曜日=Day of week

Students should write out the 14 Japanese color words on pages 128 and 129 of the textbook, Nakama.  

Then they should write each color word in a separate sentence.  They may use the dictionary at the back of the textbook, but they may not use their cell phones or laptops while they do this exercise.  

They should write their sentences on a separate piece of paper, skipping lines, and underlining the color word in each sentence.  

Name and number should be written in the upper right hand corner of the page.

Sentences should be believable:  no purple cows, for example.  Students should work on this assignment individually, not in pairs or groups.  

Each sentence should be unique, and each student’s paper should be unique for that reason.

Friday, March 10, 2017

March 10, 2017 -- Friday
平成29年3月10日 -- きんようび  金曜日
             金=Money, gold, metal  日=Day, sun

Class went to computer lab.

インターネット に いきます。2016 (平成28年)の ことば を ローマじ で かきます。ビデオ を みます。 わらあいます。

You will go to the site.  Write out each of the 2016 words, in ROOMAji, with a short definition.  Watch all the silly videos.  Laugh.   

しゅくだい 宿題  Homework:
Finish the above for homework

Computer lesson--words of 2016

インターネット に いきます。2016 (平成28年)の ことば を ローマじ で かきます。ビデオ を みます。 わらあいます。

You will go to the site.  Write out each of the 2016 words, in ROOMAji, with a short definition.  Watch all the silly videos.  Laugh.   

Thursday, March 9, 2017

March 9, 2017 -- Thursday
平成29年3月9日 -- もくようび  木曜日
            木=Tree, wood 日=Day, sun

Quiz on buildings and affirmative-negative adjectives, along with sentence structure for "existence sentences" and appropriate relational particles.

Handout of visual image-- small restaurant with noren.
Vocabulary on image:
揚げ天(ぷら)   あげてん   Fried tempura
広島        ひろしま   Hiroshima (city)
宮島        みやじま   Miyajima (area)
まんもみじ     10,000 Red maple leaves
名物        めいぶつ   Famous thing
名産        めいさん   Famous product
焼きがき      やきがき   Fried oysters

しゅくだい   宿題   Homework
2.Visual image of small restaurant with noren

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

March 8, 2017 --  Wednesday
平成29年3月8日 -- すいようび   水曜日
             水=Water  日=Day, sun

きょう は おんな の ひと の こくさい ひ です。Today is Women's International Day. (International Women's Day)
「でも がんばりました。」”Nevertheless, (she) persisted.”

On board:

2.クイズ は 木曜日

A.  Write 2 sentences with the following content:
   Place no Noun-of-position ni There-is (exists) A subject
B. Write 2 sentences with the following content: 
   THE subject exists Place no noun of position ni

Student examples of the above:

ねこ の なか に こい が います。There is a (live) carp inside the cat.
アパート の した に レストラン が あります。There is a restaurant below the apartment。
トトロ は うち の となり に います。The Totoro is next door to the house.

In-class assignment:

Write 3 multiple-choice questions for tomorrow's test on Nakama Chapter 4.
Pages 100-102 for nouns of places in towns and colleges
Page 108, rectangle in the middle of the page, adjectives in affirmative and negative forms
Pages 77 and 88   nouns of position/location

しゅくだい   宿題   Homework

べんきょう! べんきょう!  べんきょう!

Study!   Study!   Study!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

March 7, 2017 --  Tuesday
29年3月7日   火曜日  かようび 火=Fire 

がくせい は した の ぶんしょ を よみます。えいご で かきます

はらじゅく えき の たてもの は あたらしく ない です。Harajuku Station's building is not new.

まち の なか に すてきな ぎんこう が あります。There is an attractive bank inside the town.

みぎがわ の きいろい レストラン は りっぱ じゃ ありません。The yellow restaurant on the right side is not splendid. 

よさの あきこ は ゆうめいな しじん です。(でした)Yosano Akiko is a famous poet. (was)

注意(ちゅうい)して ください Please NOTICE:
There will be a quiz on Thursday, March 9,  on Chapter 4 of Nakama, emphasizing the following items.
Page 100 names of kinds of buildings
Page 108 (rectangle in the middle) negative forms of these adjectives
Pages 76 and 88 nouns of position/location
Verbs of existence あります、います, plus desu

べんきょう の フラシ・カード を つくります。You will make study flash cards during class time today.  I suggest that, where possible, you put adjectives in pairs (old and new, black and white, red and blue, spacious and cramped, etc.).  Thinking of position/location nouns in pairs would also be useful (above and below, in front of and behind, inside and outside, left-side and right-side, etc.).

しゅくだい  宿題  Homework:

Complete the flash cards for homework.  Use them  to study for Thursday's test.

Monday, March 6, 2017

March 6, 2017 -- Monday
平成29年3月6日 -- げつようび  月曜日
           月=Month, moon 日=Day, sun

Sensei briefly taught the past affirmative tense of verbs in the opening exercises:
のばしました   Stretched   (のばします Stretches)
さわりました   Touched   (さわります Touches)
すいました    Inhailed   (すいます Inhales)
はきました    Exhaled    (はきます Exhales)

Affirmative past-tense ending of verb is ました(Take off  ます  replace with ました)

ワーム・アップ  Warm-up
Write カタカナ で  the lyrics of 「さくら」
ヤヨイ ノ ソラ ハ
ミワタス カギリ
カスミ カ クモ カ
ニオイゾ イズル
イザヤ イザヤ
ミ ニ ユカン

Handout of Japan Times article "The Sakura Front Sweeps Across Japan" by Hiroko Kimura (April 6, 2014)

Class went over the negative forms of adjectives in the middle of page 108 in Nakama -- adjectives in negative sentences.

Class read the Japanese paragraph at the top of page 123 of Nakama while Sensei read it out loud to them and explained confusing items.

There will be a quiz on Thursday on Chapter 4 of Nakama, emphasizing the following items.
Page 100 names of kinds of buildings
Page 108 (rectangle in the middle) negative forms of these adjectives
Pages 76 and 88 nouns of position/location
Verbs of existence, plus desu

しゅくだい   宿題   Homework

Read the Japan Times article and write a bullet-point summary

Friday, March 3, 2017

March 3, 2017 -- Friday
平成29年3月3日  金曜日   きんようび
               金=Gold, money, metal 日=Day or sun

ワーム・アップ 平成29年3月3日  金曜日   きんようび
               金=Gold, money, metal 日=Day or sun

Write three Japanese sentences about people and things that exist in オーク・パークこうこう の きょうしつ と たてもの。



Sentence pattern:

Place  の noun-of-position-location  に  
           subject  が います・あります。


Class as a whole went over dialogue on Nakama pages 103 and 104 -- choral speaking.  We will do this again on げつよび 月曜日 

DDiscussion of "noren project"

Noren (暖簾) are traditional Japanese fabric dividers, hung between rooms, on walls, in doorways, or in windows. They usually have one or more vertical slits cut from the bottom to nearly the top of the fabric, allowing for easier passage or viewing. Noren are rectangular and come in many different materials, sizes, colors, and patterns.
Exterior noren are traditionally used by shops and restaurants as a means of protection from sun, wind, and dust, and for display of shop name or logo.[citation needed] Names are often Japanese characters, especially kanji, but may be mon emblems, Japanese rebus monograms, or abstract designs. Noren designs are generally traditional, as they are associated with traditional establishments, but modern designs also exist. Interior noren are often used to separate dining areas from kitchen or other preparation areas, also serving to prevent smoke or smells from escaping.
Sentō (commercial bathhouses) also place noren across their entrances, typically blue in color for men and red for women with the kanji (yu, lit. hot water) or the corresponding hiragana . They are also hung in the front entrance to a shop to signify that the establishment is open for business, and they are always taken down at the end of the business day.
Because a noren often features the shop name or logo, the word in Japanese may also refer to a company's brand value. Most notably, in Japanese accounting, the word noren is used to describe the goodwill of a company after an acquisition.
Noren Project:

Working cooperatively with another student, make a 2-panel noren out of cloth.  Each panel must be 30 centimeters wide and 60 centimeters long.  The panels must be sewn together only near the top, with open stitches (like blanket stitches).  You are allowed to ask for help from relatives with shopping and sewing.

Each panel must have the following written/sewn on it:  the word restaurant レストラン in katakanaカタカナ and the name of the restaurant, using at least one of the kanji we have learned or a kanji that appeals to you (but check with me about suitability).  You may display the symbols either vertically or horizontally.

月  火  水  木  金  土  日. 森  林  川  山  田  

Example:    楽しい レストラン  (Fun, enjoyable restaurant

We will take a photo of each pair of students holding up the noren.  After each pair receives a grade, you may cut the panels apart and take them hope, if you wish.

Due date:   金曜日 の   3 月 10日

しゅくだい  宿題   Homework

Look at your homework from page 108 in Nakama, the assignment to write the adjectives (in the rectangle at the middle of the page) in negative sentences.  We will check these on げつようび  月曜日

March 2, 2017 -- Thursday

ワーム・アップ  平成29年3月2日   もくようび  木曜日
                     木=Tree  日=Day or sun

した の ぶんしょ を かきます。 それから えいご で かきます。

この こうこう に いい しょくどう が あります。
      There is a good cafeteria in this high school.

スターバー は きっさてん です か。 オーク・パーク に あります か。
       Is Starbucks a coffee shop?  Is it in Oak Park?

せまい きょうしつ に ゆうめいな がくせい が います。

      There is a famous student in the cramped classroom.

Work in class to finish origami O-hina dolls for Doll Festival, 
おひな祭り  O-hina Matsuri

えいが:「Up on Poppy Hill」

しゅくだい   宿題   Homework

Finish project

Noren Project

Noren Project:

Working cooperatively with another student, make a 2-panel noren out of cloth.  Each panel must be 30 centimeters wide and 60 centimeters long.  The panels must be sewn together only near the top, with open stitches (like blanket stitches).  You are allowed to ask for help from relatives with shopping and sewing.

Each panel must have the following written/sewn on it:  the word restaurant レストラン in katakanaカタカナ and the name of the restaurant, using at least one of the kanji we have learned or a kanji that appeals to you (but check with me about suitability).  You may display the symbols either vertically or horizontally.

月  火  水  木  金  土  日. 森  林  川  山  田  

Example:    楽しい レストラン  (Fun, enjoyable restaurant

We will take a photo of each pair of students holding up the noren.  After each pair receives a grade, you may cut the panels apart and take them hope, if you wish.

Due date:   金曜日 の   3 月 10日

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March 1, 2017 -- Wednesday
平成29年3月1日 -- すいようび  水曜日  水=Water

Warm-up 2017.03.01   Wednesday (What is the first kanji for Wednesday ?)
Find out what each of the English words below means in Japanese.  Then write each word in a sentence about where it exists.

Library                     gym                classroom                cafeteria          coffee shop






Origami O-Hina Matsuri Project
2 origami o-hina (dolls), one Emperor and one Empress
                                 Fastened to the paper provided
The words for the song, in Japanese (with kanji), written BEAUTIFULLY
On the paper so that they can be seen clearly

Hinamatsuri Song
Akari o tsukemashou bonbori ni

明かりをつけましょう ぼんぼりに
Ohana o agemashou momo no hana

お花をあげましょう 桃の花
Go-nin bayashi no fue taiko

五人ばやしの 笛太鼓

Kyo wa tanoshii Hinamatsuri


Let's light the lanterns
Let's set peach flowers
Five court musicians are playing flutes and drums
Today is a joyful Dolls' Festival

しゅくだい   宿題   Homework

Finish the warm-up, above, for homework.