Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 27, 2013 -- Tuesday
平成二十五年八月二十七日 -- 火曜日

あいさつ、ラジオたいそう、二つ の うた
Opening greetings, exercises with verb forms and counting, 2 songs (hiragana/katakana song and "Dango-san Kyoudai")

Discussion of first meetings between people:  vocabulary, presenting meishi, etc.
Some appropriate vocabulary
はじめまして、わたし は _____ です。
どうぞ よろしく。
おなまえ は なん です か。
わたし の なまえ は ______ です。
めいし を どうぞ・・・
どこ から きました か。
なにじん です か?
____じん です。
___ご できます か。
なんねんせい です か。
Explanation of the following terms:
はじまして -- said only the first time you meet some one
こちらこそ -- "I should say that."
どうぞ -- when offering something "here, take it" -- sometimes means "please"
どうぞ よろしく --

Students practiced appropriate dialogue in pairs.
Two pairs demonstrated the dialogue.  (Eventually all students will need to perform it.)
Abie and Sean
Alyssa and Nick

Handout of pages from Nakama workbook, to review for tomorrow's test -- students complete the handout in class, asking questions.

Study for test!

***Students need to be reminded of certain items from the document you have already received -- ***"Classroom Expectations / Expected Behaviors"

  1. Pay attention
  1. Respect others
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-         <!--[endif]-->Don’t get up from your seat during the class unless you are told.
* keep your garbage until the end of the class
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-         <!--[endif]-->Don’t speak or make noise when others are speaking.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-         <!--[endif]-->Remain seated until dismissed.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-         <!--[endif]-->No bad words. [Abie] No mean remarks.

  1. Speak Japanese 
  1. You are not allowed to go to the bathroom during the class.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-         <!--[endif]-->Emergencies happen, but not often.  Once a semester is a lot.

  1. Please keep the following items in your bag (and NEVER take them out).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-         <!--[endif]-->Food (gum [Edward], candy included)       -  Cell phone (I will answer calls)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-         <!--[endif]-->Drink (water included)                                -  Make-up kit and lotion

<!--[if !supportLists]-->-         <!--[endif]-->Headphones

Students will receive 20 points for participation per week.  Points will be given when you act in accordance with the expected behavior listed.  
* Attendance is 2 points.  Other categories earn 3.  You can earn 20 points/ week.

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