Hiatus Post 2020.05.22 Friday 休けい時間 きゅうけい じかん
令和2年5月22日 金曜日
The word(s) above represents what we’re not having this spring, final
exams at the end of the semester. You
probably don’t wish you had to take them.
I wish I could see you all as I write this. We teachers have missed you students more
than you probably realize. I am sure you
miss each other, too. This has been, and
still is, a unique experience for us, this 休憩時間(きゅうけいじかん)hiatus.
This summer, I wish for you and your families health and peace and
happiness, in spite of the unusual situation we find ourselves in.
お体を大切にして下さい。Please make your
health a priority.
お気を付けて下さい。Please take care.
As for me, I will look forward to seeing you again before too long. That will be a happy day for me.
またお会いしましょう。Let us meet
For now, dear 学生さん、さよなら。
Japanese 3-4
will be doing the class assignments created by Yoko Schmadeke Sensei from now
on. Send them /post them to me, however,
as I will be grading them in Skyward.
Japanese 5-6
宿題 しゅくだい Homework
A. Finish as many
assignments as you can. I am sure it has
been very hard to focus on schoolwork at
this time. Congratulations to those who were
able to do so!
B. If you think about Japanese during
the summer, watch Japanese movies online and occasionally look at the kanji
sheets to keep them fresh in your mind.
C. It was due Wednesday, May 20, 2020, Wednesday.
Aim for 12 sentences in ひらがな、カタカナ、漢字 (NO
ENGLISH WORDS in ローマじ)。Try to make it coherent, with a
beginning, a middle, and an end. Skip
lines, please, and start each sentence on a new line. Those of you who can type/word process
in 日本語
please do so.
Be sure to use each of the following expressions at least once.
At the time when (Somebody) said I heard that
(の)時 ――と 言いました ――そう です
Had the experience of doing
( I ) thought (that)
――こと が あります ――と 思いました
Use vocabulary from Nakama, only, unless you clear it with me, first.
C. Here's the link to the Nakama textbook,