Friday, May 22, 2020

Hiatus Post      2020.05.22    Friday        休けい時間 きゅうけい じかん 

令和2522   金曜日


The word(s) above represents what we’re not having this spring, final exams at the end of the semester.  You probably don’t wish you had to take them. 

I wish I could see you all as I write this.  We teachers have missed you students more than you probably realize.  I am sure you miss each other, too.  This has been, and still is, a unique experience for us, this 休憩時間(きゅうけいじかん)hiatus.

This summer, I wish for you and your families health and peace and happiness, in spite of the unusual situation we find ourselves in.

お体を大切にして下さい。Please make your health a priority.

お気を付けて下さい。Please take care.

As for me, I will look forward to seeing you again before too long.  That will be a happy day for me.

またお会いしましょう。Let us meet again.

For now, dear 学生さん、さよなら。

Japanese 3-4

You will be doing the class assignments created by Yoko Schmadeke Sensei from now on.  Send them /post them to me, however, as I will be grading them in Skyward.

Japanese 5-6

宿題   しゅくだい   Homework    

A. Finish as many assignments as you can.  I am sure it has been very hard to  focus on schoolwork at this time.  Congratulations to those who were able to do so!

B.  If you think about Japanese during the summer, watch Japanese movies online and occasionally look at the kanji sheets to keep them fresh in your mind.

C.  It was due Wednesday, May 20, 2020, Wednesday.

Aim for 12 sentences in ひらがな、カタカナ、漢字  (NO  ENGLISH  WORDS in ローマじ)Try to make it coherent, with a beginning, a middle, and an end.  Skip lines, please, and start each sentence on a new line. Those of you who can type/word process in   日本語   please do so.

Be sure to use each of the following expressions at least once.

At the time when           (Somebody) said               I heard that

(の)時    ――と 言いました  ――そう です

Had the experience of doing        ( I ) thought (that)

――こと が あります    ――と 思いました

Use vocabulary from Nakama, only, unless you clear it with me, first.


C.  Here's the link to the Nakama textbook, online:

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Hiatus Post      2020.05.21    Thursday  休けい時間 きゅうけい じかん 

令和2521   木曜日

I have a friend who climbed 富士山 ふじさんMt. Fuji when he lived in Shizuoka Prefecture some years ago.  He is fit, though not a mountaineer or rock climber, and he said he found it to be a pretty tough climb.  The elevation in over 12,000 feet, so altitude sickness can be an issue.   It’s much colder at the top of the mountain than at sea level, so you have to carry warmer clothes in addition to water, he said.  And if climbing on foot (there are buses now, I hear) most climbers have to spend one night on the mountain, staying overnight in a mountain hut (for which they have made a reservation).

No one is going to climb Mt. Fuji this summer season, however, because the authorities have officially closed the mountain, due to corona virus concerns.  This is a sign of the times we find ourselves in.  

Some of you may someday climb Mt. Fuji.  I hope you will.  It is said to be a spiritual as well as physical accomplishment.

Japanese 3-4

You will be doing the class assignments created by Yoko Schmadeke Sensei from now on.  Send them /post them to me, however, as I will be grading them in Skyward.

Japanese 5-6

In the homework I’m getting, I see that people are still having trouble with “–have had the experience” and “doing things like …”  For both patterns, you have to be solid on the plain past form of the verb, which is derived from the te form.  And knowing how to make the te form means knowing which verb group the verb is in.  So let’s practice.

宿題   しゅくだい   Homework    

A.    To have had an experience – plain past ta/da form of verb plus koto ga aru.  – た・だ こと が ある・あります
Example:  Last year I had the experience of swimming in the sea.      きょ年私は うみ で、およいだ こと が あります。
Now you try:

I did not have the experience of riding the bus in Hawai’i.

(My) friend has had the experience of climbing Mt. Fuji.

B.   To do things like ----, to do things by turns (but not simultaneously) during a time period.    You use the plain past form of the verb, add ri, and end the sentence with suru/shimasu.
Example:  なつ休みに母はこうえん で あそんだり、
としょかん で 読んだり します。During summer vacation, (my) mother will do things like playing in the park and reading in the library.
Now you try.

Tomorrow I will do things like writing letters and eating o-senbei.

Last  week (my) older sister did things like riding the bicycle and taking photos.

C.  Due yesterday, May 20, 2020, Wednesday.

Aim for 12 sentences in ひらがな、カタカナ、漢字  (NO  ENGLISH  WORDS in ローマじ)Try to make it coherent, with a beginning, a middle, and an end.  Skip lines, please, and start each sentence on a new line. Those of you who can type/word process in   日本語   please do so.
Be sure to use each of the following expressions at least once.

At the time when                 (Somebody) said               I heard that
(の)時     ――と 言いました  ――そう です

Had the experience of doing        ( I ) thought (that)
――こと が あります    ――と 思いました

Use vocabulary from Nakama, only, unless you clear it with me, first.


C.  Here's the link to the Nakama textbook, online:

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Hiatus Post      2020.05.20    Wednesday  休けい時間 きゅうけい じかん 

令和2520   水曜日

The Japanese you have been learning is standard Japanese, Tokyo-dialect Japanese, also known as  標準語(ひょうじゅんご)which is taught in Japanese schools as 国語(こくご)the national language.

There are other dialects, however, which differ depending on the part of the country you are in.  I recently saw a link to the dialect of Akita Prefecture, 秋田弁(あきた べん).  If the Japanese spoken by our guests from 能代松陽 高校Noshiro Shouyou High School this January occasionally sounded a little different to your ears, you may have been noticing some of the differences explained in this link.

Japanese 3-4

You will be doing the class assignments created by Yoko Schmadeke Sensei from now on.  Send them /post them to me, however, as I will be grading them in Skyward.

Japanese 5-6

How are you doing on the Chapter 11 の漢字?  Are you able to recognize and read them consistently?  Are you able to write them? You can practice reading them below.

宿題   しゅくだい   Homework    

A. 英語で書いて下さい。

一.    なつ休みに母と父は一度ハワイに行くと言いました。

二.    先生のご兄弟は北海道(ほっかいどう)に住んでいます。

三.    六月に私はスポーツをしたり友達と出かけたりする。

四.    明日、強い子供はウエートトレーニングをすると思いますが、弱い子供はしません。

五.    OPRF高校 の 姉妹(しまい)校は秋田(あきた)に  ある。  Note:  if 兄弟  means brothers as well as siblings, what do you think 姉妹   means?

六.    ざんねんですが、私はあの元気な人のお名前を忘れました。

B. Due today, May 20, 2020, Wednesday.

Aim for 12 sentences in ひらがな、カタカナ、漢字  (NO  ENGLISH  WORDS in ローマじ)Try to make it coherent, with a beginning, a middle, and an end.  Skip lines, please, and start each sentence on a new line. Those of you who can type/word process in   日本語   please do so.

Be sure to use each of the following expressions at least once.

At the time when                (Somebody) said               I heard that

(の)時      ――と 言いました  ――そう です

Had the experience of doing        ( I ) thought (that)

――こと が あります    ――と 思いました

Use vocabulary from Nakama, only, unless you clear it with me
, first.


C.  Here's the link to the Nakama textbook, online:

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Hiatus Post      2020.05.19    Tuesday  休けい時間 きゅうけい じかん 

令和2519   火曜日

Have you experienced the tea ceremony and drunk the vary strong, special green tea served at that time?  Matcha?  まっちゃ 抹茶

Matcha is also used for making various sweets.  
“Late spring to early summer is the best time to enjoy matcha products in Japan, and numbers of shops, cafes, and restaurants [offer] matcha flavored food and drinks for late May and early June.  Matcha dessert buffet is an anticipated food event of the year, which is held at several hotels in Tokyo such as the ANA Intercontinental Hotel. “  Japan Web Magazine

Of course there is matcha ice cream, which you may have tasted at Japanese restaurants.  Online you can find recipes for matcha desserts:  green tea flavored swiss roll, matcha flavored layered cheesecake, tiramisu with added matcha flavor, matcha flavored macaron.  These are some of the most popular. [ You could classify a matcha latte as a dessert, even though it’s a drink. ]

Japanese-Americans and Japanese nationals in Los Angeles and San Francisco have celebrated matcha festivals in recent years.

Japanese 3-4

You will be doing the class assignments created by Yoko Schmadeke Sensei from now on.  Send them /post them to me, however, as I will be grading them in Skyward.

Japanese 5-6

This would be a good day to review the vocabulary of Nakama Chapter 11, which you can find on Google Classroom.        Are there any items that you can add to your 思い出 essay   before tomorrow?
宿題   しゅくだい   Homework   

「なかま」第11課  No extra homework assignment for today because your memory/experience essay is due tomorrow May 20, 2020, Wednesday.

Aim for 12 sentences in ひらがな、カタカナ、漢字  (NO  ENGLISH  WORDS in ローマじ)Try to make it coherent, with a beginning, a middle, and an end.  Skip lines, please, and start each sentence on a new line. Those of you who can type/word process in   日本語   please do so.
Be sure to use each of the following expressions at lea
st once.

At the time when                  (Somebody) said               I heard that

(の)時      ――と 言いました  ――そう です

Had the experience of doing        ( I ) thought (that)

――こと が あります    ――と 思いました

Use vocabulary from Nakama, only, unless you clear it with me, first.


Here's the link to the Nakama textbook, online:

Monday, May 18, 2020

Hiatus Post      2020.05.18    Monday  休けい時間 きゅうけい じかん 

令和2518   月曜日

 おはよう ございます、みなさん。

Are you wearing masks when you go out?  Do you see other people wearing them?  Just as some companies here are retooling and reorganizing to make masks instead of their usual products, so people in Japan are figuring out ways to use older items in new ways.  Here is are links to stories about this phenomenon.   Some masks with little cooling packs are being sold in vending machines, 販売機(はんばいき) and, if you scroll down, you will see that beautiful, artisanal 浴衣(ゆかた)yukata (summer kimono) material is being used to make masks.

Japanese 3-4

You will be doing the class assignments created by Yoko Schmadeke Sensei from now on.  Send them /post them to me, however, as I will be grading them in Skyward.

Japanese 5-6

Reviewing some major points of Nakama Chapter 11.   
宿題   しゅくだい   Homework   

「なかま」第11課 Questions – how many can you answer correctly without checking?

A.  Fill in the blanks.  Use   漢字  for underlined words.

火山 に ___________________________。
                        Have you ever climbed…………..?

はりねずみ(hedgehog)は フロリダ に____________。
                                                                  (  I  )  heard that ( hedgehog ) went.

弟 は しんぱい して いた ___________。
                                                                     (he) said.

バス に ________________________。
                        Do you like to ride……………?

______ わに (alligator) の 友達 は
At the time when he was small …….

                                          (he) did things like fishing and going to the zoo.

猫 は 日本語 が 上手(じょうず)だった_______
                                                                                                             (  I ) thought

犬 は ___________________________。
                            returned to the hotel (in order) to rest.

B.  英語で書いて下さい。

思い出                                                         けいけん

________                                ________

きせつ                                                         ひ行き

________                ________

ふゆ休み                                                    すずしい

________                                ________

びっくり する                                     わらう

________                                ________

C.  日本語で書いて下さい。Use at least 1漢字   in each underlined word.

(honorable) festival                                 church

______________                                  _______________

ocean                                                            to stop, to quit doing

-------------------------                                   _______________

bad mood                                                    cool (as in “cool weather”)

_________________                         __________________

happy                                                           to be/get angry

_________________                               __________________


Don’t forget to work on the essay about your (or someone else’s) memories, which will be due on May 20, 2020, Wednesday. Aim for 12 sentences in ひらがな、カタカナ、漢字  (NO  ENGLISH  WORDS in ローマじ)Try to make it coherent, with a beginning, a middle, and an end.  Skip lines, please, and start each sentence on a new line. Those of you who can type/word process in   日本語   please do so.

Be sure to use each of the following expressions at least once.

At the time when                  (Somebody) said               I heard that
(の)時      ――と 言いました  ――そう です

Had the experience of doing        ( I ) thought (that)

――こと が あります    ――と 思いました

Use vocabulary from Nakama, only, unless you clear it with me, first.


Here's the link to the Nakama textbook, online: