Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Hiatus Post      2020.03.31     Tuesday         
令和2331    火曜日
休けい時間 きゅうけい じかん     Time of Intermission

Here is very important vocabulary for what’s happening now:

The government is using the phrase しゃかい てき きょり かくほ for “social distancing.”
Many people are using phrase in katakana, however.
ソーシャルディスタンス because these are new words for many Japanese people.

こんにち は、みなさん。おげんき です か。I hope you are  in good health and safe at home with your families. 

****Very important!  ****

Please send me an email every day by 10 o’clock, or contact me through Skyward every day.  That way I will know that you have checked in and I will be able to mark you as present in class. 
Do that BEFORE you do whatever activities are scheduled for today.  If you don’t do that, you will be marked absent, and that would be ざんねん、unfortunate.

News from Japan is similar to our news here.  Mayor Koike, the mayor of Tokyo, has asked people to avoid gathering together to see the cherry blossoms, usually such an important activity at this time. It’s called 花見(はなみ, “flower + see”in Japanese, and I am sure you recognize the character for “see”   .

During normal cherry blossom season, people go to the parks and have picnics under the trees.  I remember doing it myself.  The parks (like Ueno Park in Tokyo) were very crowded.  “Social distancing” was impossible.

So people may be trying to stay at home to celebrate in their apartments.  The Japanese Consulate here in Chicago has sent out information about doing crafts at home to celebrate.  If you have younger siblings きょうだい at home, they might enjoy doing these things, with your help. ( I plan to sing the song, “Sakura” myself, today. ) If you do this, please send me photos of your families’ creations, I’ll forward them to the Consulate and give you extra credit.

This is the post from the Consulate:  Are you ready for today’s #JapanClassroom? “Why not create your very own garden of #Sakura, Japanese cherry blossoms? Click on the link for a series of cherry blossom crafts that are great for kids: https://bit.ly/2xzynIJ
“Make sure you share your finished creations with us [the Consulate]--
we love seeing them !”

Japanese 3-4

There are a lot of things we are not allowed to do now, but we don’t always know what they are.  Do you remember asking permission to go to the bathroom?  
おてあらい に 行って も いい です か。
Let’s ask about other activities:

Is it OK to go to the library?     
としょかん に いって も いい です か。
Yes, it’s OK.  はい、いい です。 
No, it’s bad/forbidden.   いいえ、だめ です。

宿題   しゅくだい   Homework
A.  Read the following questions, translate them, and write answers in Japanese according to whether it’s OK, or bad/forbidden, to do these activities now.

 Example below

 はな見 を して も いい です か。いいえ、だめ です。Is it ok to do cherry-blossom-viewing?  No, it’s bad/forbidden.

1.     デパート で 買いもの を して も いい です か。
2.     うち で まんが を 読んで も いい です か。
3.     音楽 を 聞いて も いい です か。
4.     こうえん で あそんで も いい です か。
5.     友達 に でんわ を かけて も いい です か。
6.     クッキー を 作って も いい です か。
7.     おばあさん(grandmother)に てがみ を 書いて も いい です か。

B.  Yesterday I asked you to find a Japanese popular song that you like a lot and send me the link.  If you have not done that yet, please do so.  If you’ve already sent me your song, please send me a link to your favorite Japanese TV show available online.  I’ll make a list of those shows, too.

Japanese 5-6

There are a lot of things we are not allowed to do now, but we don’t always know what they are.  Do you remember asking permission to go to the bathroom?  
おてあらい に 行って も いい です か。

Let’s ask about other activities:

Is it OK to go to the library?     
としょかん に いって も いい です か。
Yes, it’s OK.  はい、いい です。 
No, it’s bad/forbidden.   いいえ、だめ です。

宿題   しゅくだい   Homework (Send this to me as an email attachment)

A.  Write questions 日本語で, asking permission to do the following things and giving the answers. Write the underlined words in 漢字  Example below
 はな見 を して も いい です か。いいえ、だめ です。Is it Is it ok to do cherry-blossom-viewing?  No, it’s bad/forbidden.
1.     Is it ok to take a nap?  (nap 昼寝 ひるね)
2.     Is it ok to read comics at home?
3.     Is it ok to write letters?   (letter  手紙 てがみ  hand + paper)
4.     Is it ok to go-out to the park?
5.     Is it ok to make a phone call to (your) friend?
6.     Is it ok to make dinner? (晩ごはん)
7.     Is it ok to write a letter in kanji to your grandmother? (letter  手紙 hand + paper)

B.  Yesterday I asked you to find a Japanese popular song that you like a lot and send me the link.  If you have not done that yet, please do so.  If you’ve already sent me your song, please send me a link to your favorite Japanese TV show available online.  I’ll make a list of those shows, too.

Monday, March 30, 2020

March 30, 2020     Monday

Hiatus Post        

Link to Nakama online:  Here's the link!:

令和2330    月曜日

休けい時間 きゅうけい じかん 
Time of Intermission (after Spring Break)

みなさん、お帰りなさい。Welcome back.  

How have you been doing during during the past week?   I have thought about you often and hoped you were able to have fun in spite of having to be careful.

Now we’re gently getting back to doing a bit of studying and learning.

Here’s the link to a song about family members and dango dumplings (traditionally 4 dumplings with sweet sauce, on a stick) that is fun: 

だんご3兄弟(きょうだい) The 3 Dango Brothers     

Part of the joke is that it’s a tango, a dance from Argentina that became very popular in Japan a few years ago.  If we were in class now, we’d be starting to sing this and learning some words for brothers at the same time:

                               Oldest brother       長男  ちょうなん 
         Second brother      次男  じなん
                                Third brother          三男  さんなん

Please click on the link and listen, and try to sing along a little bit.  Send me questions about words or ideas you don’t understand.

Japanese 3-4

So what did you do last week?  日本語で

先週 私 は 映画 を 見ました。 Last week I watched movies.

友達 と 話しました。 (I ) talked with (my) friend.

食べました が、りょうり を しませんでした。(I ) ate but ( I ) did not cook.

ジーンズ を はきました。(I ) wore jeans.

宿題   しゅくだい   Homework 
1.     Write 4 sentences about what you did during the break, using the past tense, as in my sentences above.  At least one sentence should be about what you wore, using the vocabulary in Nakama Lesson 8.

2.     Send me 2 questions about the song, Dango 3 Kyoudai

3.     Find a Japanese popular song that you like a lot and send me the link.  I’ll share your songs with the others in the class, if you like.

Japanese 5-6

Special kanji:  休む  やすむ       キュウ  to rest
                             (    イ+木 Person by a tree, resting)

      Also used for words like spring vacation and lunch break
                                                                   春休み    昼休み
                                                               はるやすみ  ひるやすみ

                                 And used in the word for break, intermission    

I have been doing a lot of reading and writing during the break, including haiku.  Here’s a famous one by 芭蕉 Bashou  (called a川柳 senryuu in this case because it contains no seasonal reference.   The word “glasses/spectacles” is in it, not common word in haiku, or in any poetry that I know of.


 yobikoe ni hosoku nagaku wa meganeuri

Voice calls from the street
Incantation long and thin
Spectacle peddler                             translation/paraphrase by Kimmel

 the vendor of spectacles
 calls out in a thin
 and long voice                                  translation by Gabi Greve

megane uri, meganeuri 眼鏡売り selling glasses,
 exchanging old ones for new ones

 One of the first pairs of glasses in Japan was in the possession of Shougun Tokugawa Ieyasu, now preserved at Kunouzan Toushou-guu  久能山東照宮., a shrine in Shizuoka Prefecture.

The vendors and repairmen of glasses were big news, and startling to many people, in the beginning of the Edo Period (1603).  Later on, people got more used to them. The vendors  carried their merchandise in a wooden box with glasses painted on them.

They called out from the street in order to advertise their merchandise, using a loud, high-pitched voice,

meganeeya megane めがねーーーや めが

(There were still many people who could not read or write in the beginning of the Edo period.)
 MORE about spectacles in Japan

So what shall we talk and write about today?  Let’s go back to thinking about our family members, describing them and talking about what they are wearing, as in Lesson 10 of Nakama.


せ が 高い 兄(あに) は めがね を かけて います。(My) tall older brother is wearing glasses.
            (You could also break this up into 2 sentences, if this seems difficult. 
                       兄 は せ が 高い です。 
                       兄 は めがね を かけて います。)

忙しい 母(はは)赤い 赤い くつ下 を はいて います。(My) busy mother is wearing red socks.

金ぱつ の 妹(いもうと)は 緑色 の ワンピース を きて 昼ごはん を 食べて います。 (My) blonde younger sister is wearing a green dress and eating lunch.

宿題   しゅくだい   Homework 
1.     Write 4 sentences describing family members, and then, using the continuative/progressive –te imasu tense, tell what they are doing, as in my sentences above.  See  Nakama Lesson 10.

2.     Send me 2 questions about the song, Dango 3 Kyoudai

3.     Find a Japanese popular song that you like a lot and send me the link.  I’ll share your songs with others in the class, if you like.

Friday, March 20, 2020

March 20, 2020 -- Friday
令和二年三月二十日 -- 金曜


Spring vacation はるやすみ starts tomorrow!   Hurray!  

Did you hear the storm last night in Oak Park?  It woke me up here in Chicago.  I like storms, if they are not too violent.  And I love these weather words.

Storm                  heavy rain                         snow                           snow viewing
嵐      大雨        雪        雪見
あらし    おおあめ      ゆき       ゆきみ

Wind                   light rain, drizzle              cloud                           thunder
風      小雨        雲        雷
かぜ     こさめ      くも      かみなり


Here’s a wonderful proverb with “rain” in about enduring adversity.

雨 降って 地 固まる。  あめ ふって じ かたまる。
Literally, “rain falls and the earth hardens.”  But metaphorically it means something like, “Adversity will strengthen one’s foundation/character.”   It’s sort of like that saying in English (by Nietsche?), “That which does not kill me makes me stronger.”

I also love the proverb, 七転び八起き  なな ころび や おき
      You probably remember this one.  “7 times down, 8 times up.”

So these proverbs reassure us that we will recover from the difficulties we are facing now.  We won’t give up.  We, as a country, as a world, will rise up again.

Japanese 3-4

You can email me any questions, and I'll answer them between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. today or tomorrow.  Just to remind you, my school email address is

Spring はるやすみ will start 始まる tomorrow   あした。No more lessons online 土曜日 から 来週 の 日曜日 まで。 So what will you do?  何 を します か。What do you like to do? 何を する の が すき です か。

Write 4 sentences in Japanese about what you like to do during spring vacation. Send them to me by email, either typed or as a scan or as an image.  I will enjoy thinking about you doing these things.  Remember, you have to use the plain/dictionary form of the verb before すき です

はるやすみ に 私 は 友達 に あう の が すき です。
During spring vacation, I like to meet my friends.

Now practice reading the following kanji expressions. Write each one in hiragana and English.

Example:   七時半   しちじはん   Half past 7, or 7:30

四週間                                     新しい友達     古い木

楽しい映画        音楽は終わる    宿題を始める

宿題   しゅくだい   Homework

1.     Write your 4 original Japanese sentences telling what you like to do during spring vacation.  If you want me to check them, send them to me by email. I will enjoy thinking of you and hoping that you get to do these things.

2.  Send me your daily project of finding an image relevant to Chapter 8 and writing 5 sentences about it. Please send it as an attachment to email.

3.  Write the hiragana and English for the kanji expressions above.

Japanese 5-6

You can email me any questions, and I'll answer them between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Write the 英語の sentences below in 日本語で.  Each one has a different use of the form for verbs and the くて form for combining い  adjectives. I will help you out by reminding you that the word for spring vacation is 春休み、はるやすみ。
Teacher, may I drink (green) tea during spring vacation?    
先生、はる休み に お茶 を 飲んで いい です か。

During/in spring vacation, teachers watch movies and make delicious food.

Those boys over there are wearing red and pink shoes.

Please go and do the laundry.

Every morning, do you get up in the morning and take a shower?

Now let’s practice kanji.

下 の  漢字の expressions 読んで, and the ひらがな pronunciation and the 英語の meaning を 書いて 下さい.

楽しい はる休み                                      きれいな おり紙 の 紙

名前 の 漢字            好きな食べ物

元気な 女の人            大学 に 入る

 宿題   しゅくだい   Homewor

1. The 5 Japanese sentences above 英語 で 書いて 下さい.  If you want me to check them, send them to me by email.  They are due tomorrow, and they can raise your grade.

2.  Send your daily project of finding an image relevant to Chapter 10  and writing 5 sentences about it. Please send it as an attachment to email.