Hiatus Post 2020.03.31 Tuesday
令和2年3月31日 火曜日
休けい時間 きゅうけい じかん Time of
Here is very important vocabulary for what’s happening now:
The government is using
the phrase しゃかい てき きょり かくほ for “social distancing.”
Many people are using
phrase in katakana, however.
ソーシャルディスタンス because
these are new words for many Japanese people.
こんにち は、みなさん。おげんき です か。I hope you
are in good health and safe at home with
your families.
important! ****
Please send me an email every day by 10 o’clock, or contact
me through Skyward every day. That
way I will know that you have checked in and I will be able to mark you as
present in class.
Do that BEFORE you do whatever activities are scheduled for today. If you don’t do that, you will be marked
absent, and that would be ざんねん、unfortunate.
News from Japan is similar to our news here. Mayor Koike, the mayor of Tokyo, has asked
people to avoid gathering together to see the cherry blossoms, usually such an
important activity at this time. It’s called 花見(はなみ, “flower + see”)in Japanese, and I am sure you recognize
the character for “see” 見 .
During normal cherry blossom season, people go to the parks and have
picnics under the trees. I remember
doing it myself. The parks (like Ueno
Park in Tokyo) were very crowded.
“Social distancing” was impossible.
So people may be trying to stay at home to celebrate in their
apartments. The Japanese Consulate here
in Chicago has sent out information about doing crafts at home to
celebrate. If you have younger siblings きょうだい at home, they
might enjoy doing these things, with your help. ( I plan to sing the song,
“Sakura” myself, today. ) If you do this, please send me photos of your
families’ creations, I’ll forward them to the Consulate and give you extra
This is the post from the Consulate: “Are you ready for today’s #JapanClassroom? “Why not create your
very own garden of #Sakura, Japanese cherry blossoms? Click on the link for a
series of cherry blossom crafts that are great for kids: https://bit.ly/2xzynIJ
“Make sure you share
your finished creations with us [the Consulate]--
we love seeing them !”
Japanese 3-4
There are a lot of things we are not allowed to do now, but we don’t
always know what they are. Do you
remember asking permission to go to the bathroom?
おてあらい に 行って も いい です か。
Let’s ask about other activities:
Is it OK to go to the library?
としょかん に いって も いい です か。
Yes, it’s OK. はい、いい です。
No, it’s bad/forbidden. いいえ、だめ です。
宿題 しゅくだい Homework
A. Read the following questions, translate them,
and write answers in Japanese according to whether it’s OK, or bad/forbidden,
to do these activities now.
Example below
はな見 を して も いい です か。いいえ、だめ です。Is it ok to do
cherry-blossom-viewing? No, it’s
1. デパート で 買いもの を して も いい です か。
2. うち で まんが を 読んで も いい です か。
3. 音楽 を 聞いて も いい です か。
4. こうえん で あそんで も いい です か。
5. 友達 に でんわ を かけて も いい です か。
6. クッキー を 作って も いい です か。
7. おばあさん(grandmother)に てがみ を 書いて も いい です か。
B. Yesterday I asked you to find a Japanese
popular song that you like a lot and send me the link. If you have not done that yet, please do
so. If you’ve already sent me your song,
please send me a link to your favorite Japanese TV show available online. I’ll make a list of those shows, too.
There are a lot of things we are not allowed to do now, but we don’t
always know what they are. Do you
remember asking permission to go to the bathroom?
おてあらい に 行って も いい です か。
Let’s ask about other activities:
Is it OK to go to the library?
としょかん に いって も いい です か。
Yes, it’s OK. はい、いい です。
No, it’s bad/forbidden. いいえ、だめ です。
宿題 しゅくだい Homework (Send this to me as an email
A. Write questions 日本語で, asking permission to do the following
things and giving the answers. Write the underlined words in 漢字
Example below
はな見 を して も いい です か。いいえ、だめ です。Is it Is it ok to
do cherry-blossom-viewing? No,
it’s bad/forbidden.
1. Is it ok to take
a nap? (nap 昼寝 ひるね)
2. Is it ok to read
comics at home?
3. Is it ok to write
letters? (letter 手紙 てがみ
hand + paper)
4. Is it ok to go-out
to the park?
5. Is it ok to make
a phone call to (your) friend?
6. Is it ok to make
dinner? (晩ごはん)
7. Is it ok to write
a letter in kanji to your grandmother? (letter 手紙 hand + paper)
B. Yesterday I asked you to find a Japanese
popular song that you like a lot and send me the link. If you have not done that yet, please do
so. If you’ve already sent me your song,
please send me a link to your favorite Japanese TV show available online. I’ll make a list of those shows, too.