Thursday, December 14, 2017

Dec. 14, 2017 -- Thursday
平成29年12月14日 -- 金曜日

Scantron Final

Work on oral presentation 

Dec. 13, 2017 -- Wednesday

Warmup -- write a complete sentence for each relational particle use below

Relational particle review:
wa (the "ha wa")  -- indicates topic/subject
ka -- turns a statement into a question
wo -- indicates direct object
de --
       1. indicates the place where the active verb happens
       2. "by means of" a tool or means of transport
ni --
       1.  indicates specific time (name or number)
       2. indicates destination, with traveling verbs (goes, comes, returns home, leaves-to-go-to, etc.)
       3. indicates place where things exist (verbs imasu or arimasu)
ga --
       1. "but" between independent clauses
       2. indicates grammatical subject in wa/ga pattern sentences
            Example:   Watashi wa AISU KURIIMU ga suki desu.
                                    Tomodachi wa ongaku ga tanoshii desu.

Students worked on their presentations for the oral part of the final.

Scantron final will be on Thursday, Dec. 14th

Oral final will be on Friday, Dec. 15th

Absences for either final will result in an Incomplete because Kimmel Sensei will be on medical leave starting Dec. 18th.  She will be out until February 6th.  At that time students may make up any portions of the final that they missed and the Incomplete grade will be replaced with a letter grade.  However, I hope that everyone will be present on the 14th and 15th.


Study, study, study

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

December 11, 2017 -- Monday

Warm-up     2017.12.11

Read the following little story in Japanese.  Can you understand it?  If you were a teacher, what Japanese questions would you have students answer?  Write 5 questions in Japanese.

Hedgehog はりねずみ は 高校 の 学生 だ。 
高校 は 大学 の ちかく に ある。
せんぱい の ともだち は かめ (Turtle)だ。
まい日 はりねずみ と かめ は 話す。
いつも おもしろい 会話 です。
来週 はりねずみ と かめ は 買いもの を する。
シカゴ の 本や は りっぱ だ。
本 を 買う の が たのしい。
本 を たくさん 買う。

To review vocabulary:
1. Nakama pages 182-183
2. Nakama pages 196-197: verbs, adjectives, adverbs
3. Nakama pages 200-201
4. Nakama pages 238-239:  verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions (plus GA)


Study, study, study, and work on your final oral project

December 12, 2017 -- Tuesday

Warm-up 2017 December 12, 2017

えい語 で write three characteristics of each of the verb groups below:

48.一 ばん の グループ    




49.ニ ばん の クループ  




50.三 ばん の グループ  


Class went over the characteristics of each group.  This information will be needed for the final.

Relational particle review:
wa (the "ha wa")  -- indicates topic/subject
ka -- turns a statement into a question
wo -- indicates direct object
de --
       1. indicates the place where the active verb happens
       2. "by means of" a tool or means of transport
ni --
       1.  indicates specific time (name or number)
       2. indicates destination, with traveling verbs (goes, comes, returns home, leaves-to-go-to, etc.)
       3. indicates place where things exist (verbs imasu or arimasu)
ga --
       1. "but" between independent clauses
       2. indicates grammatical subject in wa/ga pattern sentences
            Example:   Watashi wa AISU KURIIMU ga suki desu.
                                    Tomodachi wa ongaku ga tanoshii desu.

1. study for scantron final
2. work on final oral presentation

Monday, December 11, 2017

December 8, 2017 -- Friday

Warm-up   Dec. 8, 2017      Friday

Look at Chapters 6 and 7 in Nakama.  Which 5 categories do 

YOU most need to review.  List them below.






New kanji:

buys   買います (か{います})(バイ)

tall/expensive  高い(たか{い})(コウ)

school-institution  校 (コウ)

New kanji words:
買います   かいます
買いもの   かいもの
高校     こうこう
学校     がっこう
高い     たかい

Instigated by Lindsay, students gave Sensei a big, beautiful get-well poster that they all signed, plus delightful gifts.

みなさん、ほんとう に ありがとう ございました。

General discussion of the final:
Scantron on Thursday
Oral Final on Friday

Self-introduction, updated (performed from memory, with script handed in on the same day)

1. Nakama vocabulary only, in complete sentences
2. name
3. age
4. year in school
5. number of people in family
6. 4 things that you like/liked
7. comparisons
        Father likes A better than B (2 sentences)
        I like C better than D (2 sentences)
8. superlatives
        In a category, mother likes E best (2 sentences)
        In a category, I like F best (2 sentences
9.  I like-to-do (2 sentences)

10.  all sentences in neutral polite, affirmative, negative, present, or past


Study, study, study!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Oral Final Guidelines

Self-introduction, updated (performed from memory, with script handed in on the same day)

1. Nakama vocabulary only, in complete sentences
2. name
3. age
4. year in school
5. number of people in family
6. 4 things that you like/liked
7. comparisons
        Father likes A better than B (2 sentences)
        I like C better than D (2 sentences)
8. superlatives
        In a category, mother likes E best (2 sentences)
        In a category, I like F best (2 sentences)
9.  I like-to-do (2 sentences)
10.  all sentences in neutral polite, affirmative, negative, present, or past

Thursday, December 7, 2017

December 7, 2017 -- Thursday
平成29年12月7日 -- 木曜日

Students took a vocabulary test based on Pages 200 and 201 of Nakama.

Afterwards they received an article about "kanji reform", about which they were told to write a 4 paragraph summary.

Sensei announced that the semester final will be earlier than the regular exam days because she will go into the hospital on Dec. 18th.  The scantron portion will take place on Dec. 14th, but the oral portion will take place on Dec. 15th.

New kanji:

buys   買います (か{います})(バイ)

tall/expensive  高い(たか{い})(コウ)

school-institution  校 (コウ)

宿題   しゅくだい  Homework
Complete the summary of the article about "kanji reform"--
4 paragraphs of at least 4 sentences each

Early Final Exam Schedule

The final exam this semester will be early because of Sensei's hospitalization on Dec. 18, 2017.

December 14, 2017      Scantron Final

December 15, 2017      Oral Final

If you miss either of these finals you will not be able to make them up until next semester, and you will receive an Incomplete for this semester.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

December 6, 2017 -- Wednesday
平成29年12月6日 -- 水曜日

キメル先生 の たんじょうび

Write the following adjectives in all 4 plain/informal forms (no です).

__________ __________
__________ __________
__________ __________

__________ __________

Class went over the warm-up and agreed on the following answers:

ひろい    ひろくない
ひろかった  ひろくなかった

ゆうめい だ     ゆうめい じゃ ない
ゆうめい だった   ゆうめい じゃ なかった

Class reviewed kanji by playing Bingo

Are you studying the food, sports, and music vocabulary on pages 200 and 201 in Nakama?

There MIGHT be a pop quiz tomorrow ...   just saying


Study the vocabulary on pages 200 and 201 in Nakama

December 5, 2017 -- Tuesday
平成29年12月5日 -- 火曜日

Warm-up was a page from the Nakama workbook, practicing plain/informal forms, present affirmative and present negative.


行きます   行く   行かない
帰ります   帰る   帰らない
きます    くる   こない
します    する   しない
会います   会う   会わない
話します   話す   話さない

The class discussed the concept of plain adjectives, without desu.


新しい      新くない
新しかった    新しくなかった

きれい だ    きれい じゃ ない
きれい だった  きれい じゃ なかった

The class practiced identifying kanji as Sensei held up flash cards.


Study, study, study the vocabulary on pages 200 and 201 of Nakama:  foods, sports, music

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

December 4, 2017 -- Monday


Write the following adjectives in all 4 forms, present and past, affirmative and negative

おいしい です    おいしく ありません
おいしかった です  おいしく ありませんでした



Eight students performed the Nakama Chapter 7 dialogue on page 203.  The rest of the class will perform it tomorrow.

Short discussion of non-polite forms of adjectives, present and past:

i adjective    :  Take off the desu!
 おいしい   おいしく ない
おいしかった おいしく なかった

na adjective :  Add some form of plain desu, da, ja nai, datta, ja nakatta
しずか だ   しずか じゃ ない
しずか だった しずか じゃ なかった

宿題   しゅくだい   Homework
Study food, sports, and 
music vocabulary on 
Pages 200-201.  
Warning: this vocabulary will be important for the final exam!!!

Monday, December 4, 2017

December 1, 2017 -- Friday
平成29年12月一日 -- 金曜日

Students received handouts (from Nakama workbook、pp. 95-97) .

Students should also study the food, sports, and music vocabulary on pp. 200 and 201 in the Nakama text.

Students should continue to memorize the dialogue on p. 203 of Nakama.