November 29, 2016 -- Tuesday
平成28年11月29日 -- かようび -- 火曜日
Unit tests for Nakama Chapter 2, Reading and Writing
しゅくだい 宿題 Homework
Write out the ひらがな words to Furusato (song) on a separate piece of piece of paper, and write under them the ろーまじ。
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Monday, November 28, 2016
November 28, 2016 -- Monday
平成28年11月28日 -- げつようび 月曜日
平成28年11月28日 -- げつようび 月曜日
げつようび 月曜日「ありがとう」から、はじめよう。
kara hajimeyou.
Let's begin by giving thanks. (“From thanks, let us begin.”)
いただきます。Itadakimasu! ["humbly
receive"] And be grateful for life itself. In
Japan, every meal, every day is Thanksgiving.
The characters
for arigatou consist of the verb 有る(ある ; aru) meaning to
Write arigatou
and itadakimasu 3 times each in hiragana.
______________________________ _______________________________
______________________________ ________________________________
_____________________________ ________________________________
The class as a group worked through all the flash cards for Nakama Chapter 2
Dictation sentences:
1.けん くん は かんこく から きました。
2.なおみ さん の えんぴつ は おおきい です。
3.これ は しろばん です。
Extra vocabulary on the しろがん
Desk つくえ
Chair いす
And (between nouns) と
しゅくだい 宿題 Homework
べんきょう! Study for Nakama Chapter 2 comprehensive test tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
November 22, 2016 -- Tuesday
平成二十八年十一月二十二日 -- かようび 火曜日
28 11 22
Warm-up --
Continue to review Nakama Chapter 2 worksheet.
Remember the names of the main Japanese islands!!!!
北海道 ほっかいどう Hokkaidou Northernmost island
本州 ほんしゅう Honshuu Main island
四国 しこく Shikoku Smallest of the 4 islands
九州 きゅうしゅう Kyuushuu Southwest island
Handout of vocabulary for Nakama Chapter 2 vocabulary
Handout of Thanksgiving Card
Happy しちめんちょう Day
{Turkey image}
Activity -- making flashcards for the vocabulary for Nakama Ch. 2 (see separate blog entry)
しゅくだい 宿題 Homework
Study for Nakama Chapter 2 comprehensive test next week -- Monday
平成二十八年十一月二十二日 -- かようび 火曜日
28 11 22
Warm-up --
Continue to review Nakama Chapter 2 worksheet.
Remember the names of the main Japanese islands!!!!
北海道 ほっかいどう Hokkaidou Northernmost island
本州 ほんしゅう Honshuu Main island
四国 しこく Shikoku Smallest of the 4 islands
九州 きゅうしゅう Kyuushuu Southwest island
Handout of vocabulary for Nakama Chapter 2 vocabulary
Handout of Thanksgiving Card
Happy しちめんちょう Day
{Turkey image}
Activity -- making flashcards for the vocabulary for Nakama Ch. 2 (see separate blog entry)
しゅくだい 宿題 Homework
Study for Nakama Chapter 2 comprehensive test next week -- Monday
November 21, 2016 -- Monday
平成二十八年十一月二十一日 -- 月曜日 げつようび
28 11 21
Warm-up on board
かんしゃさい の たべもの (Thanksgiving Foods)
Look in the glossary of Nakama to find the words in Japanese
Turkey しちめんちょう
Potato ぽてと(ポテト)
Fruit くだもの
Work-sheet reviewing vocabulary from Nakama Chapters 1 and 2
(see vocabulary list on separate post)
Homework しゅくだい 宿題
Study for Nakama Chapter 1 and 2 test, postponed to Monday after Thanksgiving break
平成二十八年十一月二十一日 -- 月曜日 げつようび
28 11 21
Warm-up on board
かんしゃさい の たべもの (Thanksgiving Foods)
Look in the glossary of Nakama to find the words in Japanese
Turkey しちめんちょう
Potato ぽてと(ポテト)
Fruit くだもの
Work-sheet reviewing vocabulary from Nakama Chapters 1 and 2
(see vocabulary list on separate post)
Homework しゅくだい 宿題
Study for Nakama Chapter 1 and 2 test, postponed to Monday after Thanksgiving break
Vocabulary Nakama Ch. 1 and 2
for Nakama Chapter 2――Be able to read and write them!
おんな の ひと おとこ の ひと にほんご
woman (polite) man
(polite) apanese language
がくせい せんせい わたし
student teacher I
ともだち ――じん なに じん
friend nationality-person Person
of what country
(お)なまえ なん、なに こうこう
name what high
にほん(じん) かんこく(じん) ちゅうごく(じん)
Japan (Person) Korea(Person) China(Person)
あめりか(じん) かなだ(じん) おおすとらりあ(じん)
America(Person) Canada(person) Australia(Person)
です じゃ ありません きました
is/am/are isn’t/aren’t/am
not came
どこ ――さい なんさい
where ――years-old how
――ねんせい なんねんせい なん がつ
year in school what
year in school what
は(The ha wa) を か
Indicates subject Indicates
direct object Makes a question
ありがとう こんにち は さようなら
Thank you Hello,
good day Good-bye
いち に さん し、よん ご ろく しち、なな
one two three four five six seven
はち きゅう じゅう ひゃく まん
eight nine ten hundred ten-thousand
から の
from Apostrophe “s” , possessive
Saturday, November 19, 2016
November 18, 2016 -- Friday
平成二十八(28)年十一(11)月十八(18)日 ーー 金曜日 きんようび
On the board:
一。Warm-up -- O'Hare Airport
二。「なかま」Page 54
三。Number kanji handout -- 1 - 10 一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十
四。Complete dialogue on handout, below (similar to what's called for in the "Role Play" section on page 45)
you write more of the dialogue?
Some students seemed puzzled about how to go on with this...
田中: がくせい です か。
Are you a student?
がくせい: はい、がくせい です。
Yes, I'm a student.
田中: なんさい です か。
How old are you?
がくせい: じゅうはっさい です。(十八才)
I'm 18.
田中: なんねんせい です か。
What year are you?
がくせい: さんねんせい です。(三年生)
I'm a junior (third year student).
どこ から きました か。
Where did you come from?
田中: おおさか(大阪)から
きました。 I came from Osaka.
Note: The family name, Tanaka, is a common one in Japan. The kanji are 田中。田 (た)means rice field. 中 (なか)means "inside" or "in" or "middle." Many Japanese family names, like many British family names, come from place names or geographic features: Bridges, Rivers, Field, Townsend, etc.
Other notes on the board:
Japanese per)son (a Japanese national) is にほんじん(日本人)。
A Japanese-American (or Japanese-Canadian or Japanese-Brazilian, etc. )is にっけい じん。
しゅくだい 宿題 Homework
Study for final-test-that-counts on Nakama's Chapter 2. Monday will be a work-sheet done in class using text and notes and charts if necessary. Tuesday will be the test itself, the test-that-counts.
平成二十八(28)年十一(11)月十八(18)日 ーー 金曜日 きんようび
On the board:
一。Warm-up -- O'Hare Airport
二。「なかま」Page 54
三。Number kanji handout -- 1 - 10 一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十
四。Complete dialogue on handout, below (similar to what's called for in the "Role Play" section on page 45)
O’Hare おヘアー くうこう で At O’Hare Airport
Tanaka has just arrived at the airport, having come from Japan.
The student, Mari Yamada, is a Japanese-American who has come to the airport to meet him.
Tanaka has just arrived at the airport, having come from Japan.
The student, Mari Yamada, is a Japanese-American who has come to the airport to meet him.
がくせい: すみません
田中(たなか)さん: はい
がくせい: たなか さん です か。
田中: はい、そうです。
がくせい: わたし は 山田(やまだ)まり です。
田中: はじめまして
がくせい: はじめまして
Some students seemed puzzled about how to go on with this...
田中: がくせい です か。
Are you a student?
がくせい: はい、がくせい です。
Yes, I'm a student.
田中: なんさい です か。
How old are you?
がくせい: じゅうはっさい です。(十八才)
I'm 18.
田中: なんねんせい です か。
What year are you?
がくせい: さんねんせい です。(三年生)
I'm a junior (third year student).
どこ から きました か。
Where did you come from?
田中: おおさか(大阪)から
きました。 I came from Osaka.
Note: The family name, Tanaka, is a common one in Japan. The kanji are 田中。田 (た)means rice field. 中 (なか)means "inside" or "in" or "middle." Many Japanese family names, like many British family names, come from place names or geographic features: Bridges, Rivers, Field, Townsend, etc.
Other notes on the board:
Japanese per)son (a Japanese national) is にほんじん(日本人)。
A Japanese-American (or Japanese-Canadian or Japanese-Brazilian, etc. )is にっけい じん。
しゅくだい 宿題 Homework
Study for final-test-that-counts on Nakama's Chapter 2. Monday will be a work-sheet done in class using text and notes and charts if necessary. Tuesday will be the test itself, the test-that-counts.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
November 17, 2016 -- Thursday
平成28年11月17日 木曜日 もくようび
ワーム アップ : かんしゃさい の たべもの (Thanksgiving Foods)
かきます。 それから えいご (英語) で
かきます。 You
will write/copy in hiragana. After that
you will write in English.
二。にほん じん (にほんじん) は ごはん (the honorable rice) が すき です。
三。かんこく じん は ぎゅうにく (beef) が すき すき です。
Class worked on Exercises 1 and 2 on page 54 of Nakama.
Due tomorrow
Class will work on Role Play tomorrow
Notes on hiragana:
ぐ = Gu
ぎゅ= Gyu
じ = Ji
じゅ= Jyu
宿題 しゅくだい Homework
Complete Exercises 1 and 2 from Page 54 of Nakama
平成28年11月17日 木曜日 もくようび
ワーム アップ : かんしゃさい の たべもの (Thanksgiving Foods)
は しちめんちょう(turkey) が すき
二。にほん じん (にほんじん) は ごはん (the honorable rice) が すき です。
三。かんこく じん は ぎゅうにく (beef) が すき すき です。
Class worked on Exercises 1 and 2 on page 54 of Nakama.
Due tomorrow
Class will work on Role Play tomorrow
Notes on hiragana:
ぐ = Gu
ぎゅ= Gyu
じ = Ji
じゅ= Jyu
宿題 しゅくだい Homework
Complete Exercises 1 and 2 from Page 54 of Nakama
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
November 16, 2016 -- Wednesday
平成28年11月16日 すいようび 水曜日
On the board:
1. Warm-up
2. Willoughby performances by individuals, introducing imaginary friend, Willoughby
3. page 54 of Nakama
平成28年11月16日 すいようび 水曜日
On the board:
1. Warm-up
2. Willoughby performances by individuals, introducing imaginary friend, Willoughby
3. page 54 of Nakama
ワーム・アップ 平成28年11月16日 すいようび 水曜日
What: なん、なに Haiku with “what”
by Basho
あき ふかき Deeper into fall
となり は なに を Next door what
are those people
する ひと ぞ Doing,
I wonder.
Answer the following しつもん questions with complete
なんさい How many years old.. なんがつ What month..
なんねんせい What year in school..
かんしゃさい(Thanksgiving) は なんがつ です か。
ともだち は なんさい です か。
がくせい は なんねんせい です か。
Selected students wrote the questions on the board, with appropriate answers.
Then, while some students performed their Willoughby assignments for Sensei, the rest of the class was working on page 54 of Nakama, interviewing each other, recording the information in a chart, and writing out conversations between their fellow students.
Homework しゅくだい 宿題
Work on page 54 assignment, above
Selected students wrote the questions on the board, with appropriate answers.
Then, while some students performed their Willoughby assignments for Sensei, the rest of the class was working on page 54 of Nakama, interviewing each other, recording the information in a chart, and writing out conversations between their fellow students.
Homework しゅくだい 宿題
Work on page 54 assignment, above
November 15, 2016 -- Tuesday
平成28年11月15日 -- 火曜日 かようび
Pop quiz on hiragana through n(g).
Extra vocabulary "lazy person" Don't be this person!
Hiragana reading exercise, using the words from "Seiya," 「聖夜」Buddhist song, "The Sacred Night"
Homework しゅくだい 宿題
Finish transcribing the hiragana of the song into ROMAji
平成28年11月15日 -- 火曜日 かようび
Pop quiz on hiragana through n(g).
Extra vocabulary "lazy person" Don't be this person!
Hiragana reading exercise, using the words from "Seiya," 「聖夜」Buddhist song, "The Sacred Night"
Homework しゅくだい 宿題
Finish transcribing the hiragana of the song into ROMAji
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
November 14, 2016 -- Monday
平成28年11月14日 -- 月曜日 げつようび
日本語 の ひらがな で かきます。
You will write in Japanese in hiragana.
Ni-nen-sei no
otoko no ko wa nana-sai desu.
Answer: にねんせい の おとこ の こ は ななさい です。
San-sai no onna no ko no namae wa
Naomi-chan desu.
Answer: さんさい の おんな の こ の なまえ は なおみ ちゃん です。
How can you ask someone what he/she likes?
How can you tell someone what you like?
Statement: "A person likes a thing."
Person は thing が すき です。 (More technical translation, "As for Person, thing is liked.")
For example:
Superman likes Catwoman.
Catwoman likes Batman.
Batman likes Wonderwoman.
Another example:
わに は さかな が すき です。
Crocodile(s) like fish.
The class mentioned a number of words for things:
あにめ アニメ
(Candy given to children of 7, 5, and 3 years of age on November 15th, Shichigosan )
いぬ Dog
すぽおつ スポーツ Sports
たべもの Food
おんがく Music
びでお・げえむ ビデオ・ゲーム Video game(s)
The class has learned a number of words for various people
にほん じん
ちゅうごく じん
みなさん The honorable everybody
かんこく じん
And here is how you ask the question, "What do you like?"
なに が すき です か。
しゅくだい 宿題 Homework
Write 8 sentences, one for each thing-liked in the list above. You must also use each of the words for various people. Each sentence you write will be different.
Example: にほん じん は えんぴつ が すき です。
Answer: さんさい の おんな の こ の なまえ は なおみ ちゃん です。
How can you ask someone what he/she likes?
How can you tell someone what you like?
Statement: "A person likes a thing."
Person は thing が すき です。 (More technical translation, "As for Person, thing is liked.")
For example:
Superman likes Catwoman.
Catwoman likes Batman.
Batman likes Wonderwoman.
Another example:
わに は さかな が すき です。
Crocodile(s) like fish.
The class mentioned a number of words for things:
あにめ アニメ
(Candy given to children of 7, 5, and 3 years of age on November 15th, Shichigosan )
いぬ Dog
すぽおつ スポーツ Sports
たべもの Food
おんがく Music
びでお・げえむ ビデオ・ゲーム Video game(s)
The class has learned a number of words for various people
にほん じん
ちゅうごく じん
みなさん The honorable everybody
かんこく じん
And here is how you ask the question, "What do you like?"
なに が すき です か。
しゅくだい 宿題 Homework
Write 8 sentences, one for each thing-liked in the list above. You must also use each of the words for various people. Each sentence you write will be different.
Example: にほん じん は えんぴつ が すき です。
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
November 9, 2016 -- Wednesday
平成28年11月9日 -- すいようび 水曜日
Sensei's colleague at Northeastern Illinois University wrote the following statement, which is posted here in support of all of the students at OPRF, including of course the students studying Japanese.
Crossword puzzle with numbers
しゅくだい 宿題 Homework
Finish crossword puzzle
平成28年11月9日 -- すいようび 水曜日
Sensei's colleague at Northeastern Illinois University wrote the following statement, which is posted here in support of all of the students at OPRF, including of course the students studying Japanese.
“[I am] Getting ready to teach students who are very
important to me, even if they are not important to our President-elect. At
Northeastern Illinois University, our student body
is 40% Latino, 34% white, 10% black, 10% Asian, .5% Native American, 4% mixed
race. 5% of our students are international students, who are from 45 countries.
A very large percentage of our students are Muslim. My allegiance is to them. #americaisdiversity
by Courtney
Small Francis
Warm-up 2016.11.09 Wednesday
平成28年11月9日 すいようび 水曜日
えいご で かきます。You will copy
these ひらがな words ひらがな で and then write
their えいご の meanings.
しろばん えんぴつ おんな の ひと ものさし
ふでばこ つくえ いす まど
こうこう がくせい せんせい おとこ の ひと
Crossword puzzle with numbers
しゅくだい 宿題 Homework
Finish crossword puzzle
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
November 8, 2016 -- Tuesday
平成28年11月8日 かようび
平成28年11月8日 かようび
2016.11.08 Tuesday
ひらがな で かきます。You
will write in hiragana.
shimasu senkyou kouhousha
votes (verb) election candidate
_______________ _______________ ______________
kyouwatou minshutou jimintou
Republican Party Democratic Party Liberal Democratic Party
(U.S.) (U.S.) (Japan)
_______________ _______________ _______________
Mid-unit dianostic test, reading.
On the board: days fo the week
にちようび Sunday 日曜日
げつようび Monday 月曜日
かようび Tuesday 火曜日
すいようび Wednesday 水曜日
もくようび Thursday 木曜日
きんようび Friday 金曜日
どようび Saturday 土曜日
にちようび Sunday 日曜日
Write them in your notebooks and also make a flashcard for each one.
しゅくだい 宿題 Homework
1.Write a flashcard for each day of the week
2.Write two paragraphs about whichever Japanese proverb you choose from the list of four on the handout
Mid-unit dianostic test, reading.
On the board: days fo the week
にちようび Sunday 日曜日
げつようび Monday 月曜日
かようび Tuesday 火曜日
すいようび Wednesday 水曜日
もくようび Thursday 木曜日
きんようび Friday 金曜日
どようび Saturday 土曜日
にちようび Sunday 日曜日
Write them in your notebooks and also make a flashcard for each one.
しゅくだい 宿題 Homework
1.Write a flashcard for each day of the week
2.Write two paragraphs about whichever Japanese proverb you choose from the list of four on the handout
Monday, November 7, 2016
November 7, 2016 -- Monday
平成28年11月7日 げつようび
平成28年11月7日 げつようび
ひらがな で かきます。 You will write in (with) (by means of) hiragana.
tomodachi daijoubu
(friend) (all
gakkou myouji
(school) (family
choujo nyoubou
(eldest daughter) (wife)
enpitsu ryouri
(pencil) (cooking,
Kankokujin (Korean person)
Then compare your writing with a classmate’s
Students wrote the correct versions of the hiragana words on the board.
Then class reviewed the story about Willoughby, and some of them spoke the story from memory
ゆうめいな ことわざ (諺) Famous Proverbs
門前小僧習わぬ経を読む もんぜん こぞう ならわぬ きょう を よむ The child who lives by the temple gate can
recite the Sutras (gospels) without studying.
Homework しゅくだい 宿題
1. If you haven't prepared to the Willoughby story yet, be prepared to do it tomorrow.
2. Choose one of the proverbs above. Rewrite it and then write two paragraphs explaining your response.
3. Tomorrow will be a diagnostic reading test
Homうめいな ことわざ (諺) Famous Proverbs
Students wrote the correct versions of the hiragana words on the board.
Then class reviewed the story about Willoughby, and some of them spoke the story from memory
ゆうめいな ことわざ (諺) Famous Proverbs
芸は身を助ける げい は み を たすけるArts/skills will save our lives.
十人十色 じゅうにん とお いろTen people, ten colors. (Everyone is different.)
花より団子 はな より だんご Dumplings before
flowers. (Necessities before luxuries.)
Homework しゅくだい 宿題
1. If you haven't prepared to the Willoughby story yet, be prepared to do it tomorrow.
2. Choose one of the proverbs above. Rewrite it and then write two paragraphs explaining your response.
3. Tomorrow will be a diagnostic reading test
Homうめいな ことわざ (諺) Famous Proverbs
芸は身を助ける げい は み を たすけるArts/skills
will save our lives.
十人十色 じゅうにん とお いろTen people,
ten colors. (Everyone is different.)
花より団子 はな より だんご Dumplings
before flowers. (Necessities before
門前小僧習わぬ経を読む もんぜん こぞう ならわぬ きょう を よむ The child who lives by the temple gate can
recite the Sutras (gospels) without studying.
ゆうめいな ことわざ (諺) Famous
芸は身を助ける げい は み を たすけるArts/skills will save our lives.
十人十色 じゅうにん とお いろTen people, ten colors. (Everyone is different.)
花より団子 はな より だんご Dumplings before flowers. (Necessities before luxuries.)
門前小僧習わぬ経を読む もんぜん こぞう ならわぬ きょう を よむ The
child who lives by the temple gate can recite the Sutras (gospels) without
studying.ゆうめいな ことわざ (諺) Famous
芸は身を助ける げい は み を たすけるArts/skills will save our lives.
十人十色 じゅうにん とお いろTen people, ten colors. (Everyone is different.)
花より団子 はな より だんご Dumplings before flowers. (Necessities before luxuries.)
門前小僧習わぬ経を読む もんぜん こぞう ならわぬ きょう を よむ The
child who lives by the temple gate can recite the Sutras (gospels) without
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