Friday, September 30, 2016

September 30, 2016  -- Friday

Directions:  Arrange them in chronological order and then write a paragraph about each one.

Frederik L. Schodt


Miyazaki, Hayao

Astroboy   (鉄腕アトム、てつわんアトム)

Kon Satoshi   (family name is Kon)

        Studio Ghibli

Tezuka, Osamu 
Toei Animation



Finish the above assignment and hand it in on Tuesday.  Be sure to type it, double-spaced, in 12 point type, with 1 inch margins.

Study hiragana!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Computer Lab Lesson 3

Important Names in Animé

Directions:  Arrange them in chronological order and then write a paragraph about each one.

Frederik L. Schodt


Miyazaki, Hayao

Astroboy   (鉄腕アトム、てつわんアトム)

Kon Satoshi   (family name is Kon)

        Studio Ghibli

Tezuka, Osamu 
Toei Animation

September 29, 2016  --  Thursday
平成28年9月29日 -- 木曜日 Mokuyoubi

Rewrite 3 times in hiragana and 1 time in ROOMAji.
(仏像ぶつぞう  Buddhist statue

ぼく   I, for boys and young men in informal situations

ぼこくMother country             (母国語ぼこくご Mother tongue

はっぴ    Festival jacket

ふじ      Japan’s most famous mountain

へえ?!         Expression of surprise

木の葉このは     Leaves of the tree(s)

ひし      Diamond

はっぱ    Leaves    

ねぎ      Onion     ながい    Long     ながねぎ    green onion

)はか    (the honorable) family grave

はい!           (Respectful)  yes!

Playful Nihongo
Lissa --   の Does not equal   いいえ
If we make it into a sentence, it's 
の は いいえ じゃ ありません。
No wa iie ja arimasen.

After discussion of the warm-up, Sensei gave students a chance to practice listening comprehension:

わたし の ぼこく は アメリカ です。
Watashi no bokoku wa AMERIKA desu.   
       My native land/country is America.

わたし の ぼこくご は えいご です。
Watashi no bokoku-go wa eigo desu.
      My native language is English

ふじ は たかい です。
Fuji wa takai desu.
      Fuji (the mountain) is tall.

はっぱ は あかい です。
Happa wa akai desu. (a sentence suitable for fall)
       The leaves are red.

ひし は あかい です。
Hishi wa takai desu.   Diamonds are expensive.

Homework Shukudai しゅくだい 宿題
Study Hiragana! ひらがな を べんきょう して ください!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September 28, 2016 -- Wednesday
平成28年9月28日 水曜日 Suiyoubi


2016.09.28    平成28年9月28日 水曜日 Suiyoubi

If     is  ha  , and      is pa   ,  then what is  ROOMAji   for    

And the answer is Ba !


Autumn Haiku    あき の はいく


a very short poem with 3 lines, a 5-syllable line, a 7-syllable line, and a 5-syllable line                   Example in kanji, hiragana, and えいご

楽しい ひ        たのしい ひ
赤い 葉っぱ は        あかい はっぱ は
楓 の 葉             かえで の は
Enjoyable day / All the bright red foliage / Leaves of the maple

Please color in and decorate the poems and then write your own えいご の はいくEnglish haiku  for  fall below. 

Miyazaki Hayao anime film about Japanese high school life 50 years ago: From Up On Poppy Hill  「コクリク坂から」
Students wrote down Japanese words that they recognized -- まだ、 おはよう ございます、ありがとう、だいじょうぶ、すみません、Names  うみ and そら

Shown from the beginning to the point where the sisters enter the Latin Quarter clubhouse for the first time.

Homework  Shukudai しゅくだい  宿題
Complete the haiku assignment on the handout, above

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

September 27, 2016 -- Tuesday
平成28年9月27日 火曜日 Kayoubi

Warm-up   2016.09.27   Tuesday     平成28年9月27日 火曜日 Kayoubi
Write the following ROOMAじ words in hiragana, 3 X each.  All the words are “true” adjectives, also known in にほんご   as  い  keiyoushi.

Natsukashii              Longed for, homesick
                        _____________  _____________  _____________
Tadashii                   Correct, righteous
_____________  _____________  _____________
Nagai                       Long-in-length (opposite of short)
_____________  _____________  _____________
Takai                       Tall, also expensive
_____________  _____________  _____________
Ookii                   Big, large
_____________  _____________  _____________
Chiisai                      Small, little
_____________  _____________  _____________
Akai                         Red
_____________  _____________  _____________
Aoi                           Blue
_____________  _____________  _____________
Osoi                          Late
_____________  _____________  _____________
Tanoshii                  Enjoyable, fun

        _____________  _____________  _____________

The above adjectives were written on the board by the students.  Then a number of sentences were made up using these adjectives.

Sears Tower wa たかい です。
くつ wa  あかい です。
T-shirt wa  あおい です。
Porsche wa たかい です。
Shiroban  wa  おおきい です。
Pen  wa  ちいさい です。



Handout:  new hiragana row, は、ひ、ふ、へ、ほ

Homework  Shukudai  しゅくだい しゅくだい
Complete the new handout with the h row of hiragana

Monday, September 26, 2016

Song. Umi (the sea)

Umi wa hiroi na

Japanese Lyrics 

Rōma-ji Lyrics

English Translation

海は広いな 大きいな
月が昇るし 日が沈む
海は大波 青い波
海にお船を 浮かばせて
行ってみたいな よその国

umi wa hiroi na, ookii na
tsuki ga noboru shi, hi ga shizumu
umi wa oo-nami, aoi-nami
yurete doko made tsuzuku yara
umi ni ofune wo ukabasete
itte mitaina yoso no kuni

1.うみ は ひろい な おおきい な
つき が のぼる し、ひ が しずむ

2.うみ は おおなみ、あおい なみ
ゆれて どこ までつづく やら

3.うみ に おふね を うかばせて
いって みたいな よそ の くに

The ocean is wide, big
the moon climbs from the ocean,                                the sun sets down to the ocean
the ocean is big waves, blue waves
rocking, where will it end
we put the boat on the ocean
we want to go to other countries

September 26, 2016 -- Monday                                    
平成28926日  月曜日  Getsuyoubi

Namae ____________Myouji___________Bangou____
Warm-up  2016.09.26   Monday    平成28926日  月曜日  Getsuyoubi
Rewrite each of these sentences twice, once in using the necessary hiragana that you see, and once in ROOMAji  only.
一。(いち)Kore wa   あかい くつした です
  This-thing is a red sock.

二。(に)Kore wa  あおい くつ です。
  This-thing is a blue shoe.

三。(San) Shiroban  wa   おおきい です。
  The whiteboard is big.

四。(Yon)ねこ wa ちいさい です。
  The cat is small.

五。(ご)いぬ wa たのしい いぬ です。

  The dog is a fun/enjoyable dog.

Students then went on to read these sentences aloud, as selected by the teacher, and were given an oral grade.

Handout:   Paper with 50 interesting shapes, on which were supposed to be written the 25 (plain) hiragana we have studied so far and the 15 (fancy) hiragana with dakuten, making the unvoiced consonants into voiced consonants.  Philip's work-in-progress was shown as a good example.

Homework     Shukudai  宿題 しゅくだい
Finish the above assignment above with the handout.  

Sunday, September 25, 2016

September 23, 2016 -- Friday
平成28年9月23日 -- 
   Kinyoubi  きんようび  金曜日

On a separate piece of paper, copy each hiragana word 3 times and then write each word in ROOMAji once.

X ひらがな で かきます。 1 X   ローマじ で かきます

に がつ            February

く がつ                            September

ただしい Correct  (Adj.) 
いっ さい               One year old

し がつ                            April 
たのしい Enjoyable Adj.

に さい                            Two years old

いち がつ                                   January

What do you notice about these words? 
Can you separate them into groups?  
On what basis?

Sentences on the board:

一。(いち)Kore wa   あかい くつした です。
  This-thing is a red sock.

二。(に)Kore wa  あおい くつ です。
  This-thing is a blue shoe.
三。(San) Shiroban  wa   おおきい です。
  The whiteboard is big.

四。(Yon)ねこ wa ちいさい です。
  The cat is small.

五。(ご)いぬ wa たのしい いぬ です。
  The dog is a fun/enjoyable dog.

Homework 宿題 しゅくだい Shukudai

Be prepared to read the above sentences out loud on Monday, Getsuyoubi.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

September 22, 2016 -- Thursday
平成28年9月22日--  Mokuyoubi  --  木曜日

Warm-up   2016.09.22    平成28年9月22日

3 X かかいます。Write the hiragana words 3 times each.

ぬのう Cloth

ななさい  Seven years old

あき  Fall, autumn

なつ  Summer

ねこ  Cat

いぬ  Dog

あに  (My) big brother

あね  (My) big sister

Distribution of squared paper for playing Bingo with hiragana a through no (no dakuten characters)

Homework     Shukudai しゅくだい 宿題

Image with pictures of   くつ   and   くつした  .    Write the  appropriate word on each shoe and sock and then color shoes あお (blue) and the socks あか (red).

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

September 21, 2016 -- Wednesday
平成28年9月21日 -- 水曜日  Suiーyoubi



Warm-up    28年9月21日     水曜日  Suiyoubi

ROOMAじ で かきます。 Write the words in Roomaji.

くつ(Shoes)                               ___________

した (Under, below                          ___________

くつした(Socks                                  ___________

どっぐ(Chicago-style…                      ___________

あった(Existed!                                  ___________

ぐっど(Not bad                                  ___________

えどっこ(Child of Edo, now calledTokyo          


ざせき(A seat on the floor        ___________

たちぐい(Place where you eat standing up)


Discussion of difficulties distinguishing small tsu from big tsu.

Handout: hiragana pages for na, ni, nu, ne, no

New Song:  How to remember the order of the hiragana, necessary for using dictionaries

Tomorrow:  Bingo with hiragana

宿題 しゅくだい Shukudai  Homework
1.Finish today's handout
2.Make flash cards for な、に、ぬ、ね、の

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

September 20, 2016 -- Tuesday

平成28年9月20日   --  火曜日                                                                                                                                                

ワーム・アップ  Warm-up    Write the following English (Eigo えいご)  expressions in Japanese (nihongo にほんご) 3 times each, using ROOMAji

You're welcome

Do you understand?



Is/am/are NOT

This thing



Years old

Students wrote the correct answers for these words on the board...
dou itashimashte
wakarimasu ka
ja arimasen

Introduction of "small tsu" for making double consonants:
tatte   たって   Stand
gakkou がっこう  School
zasshi ざっし  Magazine
itte    いって   Say
nattou なっとう  Fermented soy beans (yuck!)

宿題 しゅくだい  Shukudai  Homework
Benkyou, benkyou, benkyou
Study, study, study 

Monday, September 19, 2016

September 19, 2016 -- Monday
平成28年9月19日 -- 月曜日

No warm-up.

Test on hiragana, あーーと、plus dakuten.

Handout on "Respect for Aged Day"  (From the "Public Holidays Global" website) 

1 Summarize the article in 2 paragraphs (10 sentences, total). Be sure to skip lines/double-space, even though it's handwritten.)
2 Write 2 paragraphs about the elderly person in your life whom you admire the most (10 sentences, total).  Be sure to skip lines/double-space, even though it's handwritten.)

Words for elderly people--
Formal  ろうじん 、としうえ の ひと
Informal おばあさん(Grandmother), おじいいさん(Grandfather), {お}としより

How to ask a person's age--
なん さい  です か。
Nan sai desu ka.

Some students performed their dialogues.  Only two people still to go, Y and J.

宿題 しゅくだい Shukudai  Homework
Finish the 4 paragraph (total) assignment above, the one related to today's holiday in Japan.

Friday, September 16, 2016

September 16, 2016 -- Friday
平成28年9月16日 -- 金曜日

Follow the directions for enabling your computer to word-process in Japanese。

Type up the following Japanese words (In both hiragana and ROOMAじ) and then hand them in.  Guidelines:
   Namae, myouji, and bangou in upper right hand corner
   Double space
   Use a 14 or 16 point font

しそ  A Japanese herb
じぞう The Japanese Buddhist saint for children, students, and travelers
つき  Moon
あう  To meet
くう  To eat (used mostly by men in informal situations)
です  Is/am/are
ください  Please
だく  To hug, to embrace
かぞく Family
つち  Soil, earth, ground
どうい Agreement
ちず  Map
ざいこ Stockpile
ぜい  Tax
づく  To become

We had a speaker come to talk to us, an OPRF HS student who spent time in Japan this summer, by herself!  She attended Koma High School in Yamanashi Prefecture, in the Minami ARUPUSU.

宿題 しゅくだい Shukudai  Homework
Study for next week's test on the first 20 hiragana, plus the 10 hiragana with dakuten that we learned.