Thursday, May 29, 2014

May 28, 2014 -- Wednesday        

Oral presentation final, plus food-related and other cultural experience

May 27, 2014  --   Tuesday

Second half of scantron final, plus relational-particle section and writing sample.
May 23, 2014 -- Friday

First scantron final, plus verb grammar section.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

May 22, 2014 -- Thursday
平成二十六年五月二十二日 -- 木曜日

Review of verb groups, conjugational forms, and counters.

Students received review handouts of kanji (ones they had received before).  They wrote kanji they didn't yet know on the board.  Classmates together reminded each other of the pronunciations and meanings of various individual kanji and compounds.

Students asked to be reminded of adjectives and how they should be grammatically combined in sentences.

Students were reminded of ways of saying "and" depending on the part of speech, and ways of saying "but/however."

宿題    Homework

Study for scantron-and-grammar test on Friday, tomorrow.
Study for scantron-and-writing-sample test Tuesday of next week.
Study for memorized oral presentation on Wednesday of next week.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 21, 2014 -- Wednesday
平成二十六年五月二十一日 -- 水曜日

Beginning of class emphasized verb groups and the te-form song.

Extra Expressions from Lesson 10

けっこん して います。 To be married

 かいしゃ に つとめて います。 To be employed at a company

 朝 あさ   Morning        今朝  けさ this morning

 ひる   Noon

 より   Night


朝食 ちょうしょく   Breakfast 

昼食 ちゅうしょく        Lunch
Students worked on their final dialogues in class, asking questions when necessary.
 宿題 Homework;
Practice dialogue. to be formed next Wednesday
Study for final -- scantron on Friday and Tuesday
                     (with writing sample)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 20, 2015  Final Review Individual Kanji and Cultural Items
平成二十六年五月二十日 -- かようび

Kanji for  May  final


                         やま                                                  mountain

                         かわ                                                  river

                         き、もく                                          tree, wood

                         はやし                                              woods

                         もり                                                  forest

                         に、にち、ひ、び                          day, sun

田       た、だ                                              rice field

人       ひと、にん、じん、り                  person

上       うえ                                                  above, up

                         した                                                  below, down

                         なか                                                  middle, inside

大きい                 おおきい、だい、たい                  big, great, large

小さい                 ちいさい、しょう                          little, small

                         ほん                                                  book; counter for

                                                                                            long, thin things

                         がく                                                  learning

                         せい                                                  life, live

                         こう                                                  school institution

                         せん                                                  ahead, previous

                         わたし                                              I

一、一つ             いち、ひとつ                                  one

ニ、二つ             に、ふたつ                                       2

三、三つ             さん、みっつ                                  3

四、四つ             し、よん、よ、よっつ                   4

五、五つ             ご、いつつ                                       5

六、六つ             ろく、むっつ                                  6

七、七つ             しち、ななつ                                  7

八、八つ             はち、やっつ                                  8

九、九つ             きゅう、く、ここのつ                  9

                         じゅう、とお                                  10

                         ひゃく、びゃく                              100

                         せん、ぜん                                      1,000

                         まん                                                  10,000

                         えん                                                  yen, circle

                         つき、げつ、がつ                          moon, month

                         か、ひ                                              Fire

                         みず、すい                                      Water

                         き、もく                                          tree, wood

                         きん、(お)かね                          gold, money,


                         ど、つち                                          earth, dirt

                         よう                                                  Day of week suffix

                         ねん、とし                                       Year

                         とき、じ                                          Time, o’clock

                         かん、あいだ                                  Interval, duration

                         しゅう                                              Week

                         なん、なに                                       what

                         はん                                                  half

                         ふん、ぷん、ぶん、わ(ける)  minute, to divide,

                                                                                      to understand

                         いま、こん                                     now

                         くるま、しゃ                                  car, vehicle, cart

                         にく                                                  meat

                         さかな                                              fish

                         ねこ                                                  cat

                         いぬ                                                  dog

                         うま                                                  horse

五輪                     ごりん                                              Olympics, 5 rings

大会                     たいかい                                          Contest

                         くち、ぐち                                       mouth, opening

目       め             Eye

                         みみ                                                  Ear

                         もん                                                  Gate

聞く                     きく                                                  hears, listens to

見る                     みる                                                  sees, looks at

出る      でる                                                        leaves, emerges

会う                     あう                                                  meets (a person)

行く                     いく                                                  goes

来る                     くる                                                  comes

帰る                     かえる                                       returns home                                                                                     
起きる                 おきる                                              gets up

浴びる                 あびる                                              showers,

is flooded

食べる                 たべる                                              eats

飲む                     のむ                                                  drinks

書く                     かく                                                  writes

読む                     よむ                                                  reads

寝る                     ねる                                                  goes to sleep

買う                     かう                                                  buys

作る                     つくる                                        makes

忙しい                 いそがしい                                      busy                     

古い                      ふるい                                              old

新しい                 あたらしい                                       new

楽しい                 たのしい                                            enjoyable, fun

                         いろ                                                 color

赤い                     あかい                                              red

青い                     あおい             blue

                         みどり                                              green

黄                                                             yellow

お茶                (お)ちゃ                   green tea (kanji by
                itself means tea in general

白い                     しろい                                              White

黒い                     くろい                                              Black

                         はは、(お)かあ(さん)            Mother

                         ちち、(お)とう(さん)          Father

子                                                             Child

兄                      あに、(お)にい(さん)           older brother

女       おんな                                              Woman

                         おとこ                                              Man

平成                     へいせい            reign name of the

                                                                                      present Emperor

Final Review – some cultural items – 2014.05

 Takoyaki            yakitori           kabuki

 (Oo)Sumo(u)        miso shiru          ikebana

 Sakura              Furusato           Tonari no Totoro

 Kimi ga yo          Dango-3-kyoudai    koi

 Nishiki-goi        Abe Shinzou        Miyazaki Hayao

 Hirohito           Nakasone Yasuhiro  Natsume Soseki

 Origami             Kurosawa Akira     Heisei Emperor

 O-shougatsu        Boys/childrens Day  onigiri

 Sukiyaki            samurai             kabuki

 The Noh            Godzilla            Jero

 Issei              Nisei               Sansei

宿題 Homework

Study for final.
Memorize dialogue.