August 29, 2013 -- Thursday
平成二十五年八月二十九日 -- 木曜日
Today was also an unusual day as far as schedule was concerned. Class began at ごご いち時さんじゅうななふん(1:37 p.m.) instead of いち時にじゅうさんぷん (1:23) The class began with a discussion of existence verbs, looking at pages 60 and 61 in Nakama.
What is the difference between あります and います ? あります is for inanimate things, and います is for animate things.
Then there was a dictation exercise. Kimmel Sensei read 6 sentences to students, who wrote them in their notebooks. Afterwards, individuals wrote the sentences on the board while the class answered questions. ただしい です か。 ただしくない です か。Is it correct? Is it incorrect?
私 の はなし を きいて ください。それから、ぶんしょ を かいて ください。
1.へや の なか に もの が あります。
2.テレビ が あります。
3.ベッド の した に ねこ が います。
4.つくえ の うえ に でんわ は あります。
5.まど の そと に いぬ が います。
6.テレビ の みぎがわ に たんす が あります。
Class will meet in room 386 on 金曜日, but then will go to the language lab. せんせい will check binders.
宿題 しゅくだい Homework:
せんせい did not tell がくせい what the homework for 金曜日 is, but told them to look at the blog.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
August 28, 2013 -- Wednesday
Today was a late-start day at OPRF, and so the period was shorter than usual.
Students took a quiz on Chapters 1 and 2 of Nakama. Some finished the quiz right away, whereas others took longer.
Students who finished the quiz when on to review katakana while working on a page from the Nakama workbook. If the page was not finished in class, students are to finish it for homework.
There was some discussion of behavior expectations and participation grades.
Finish katakana review sheet.
See blog for assignment for Friday.
Today was a late-start day at OPRF, and so the period was shorter than usual.
Students took a quiz on Chapters 1 and 2 of Nakama. Some finished the quiz right away, whereas others took longer.
Students who finished the quiz when on to review katakana while working on a page from the Nakama workbook. If the page was not finished in class, students are to finish it for homework.
There was some discussion of behavior expectations and participation grades.
Finish katakana review sheet.
See blog for assignment for Friday.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
八月三十日の宿題 Project for Friday, Aug.30
カタカナひょう(チャート)を かいて ください。
Students will make a full-color, handwritten, katakana chart, to be handed in on 金曜日 Friday, August 30th, at the beginning of class.
Size: at least 8.5" by 11" (larger is also OK)
Paper: unlined paper -- no lined paper will be accepted
Number of symbols:
at least the 46 basic katakana
Purpose: review of katakana
Source material:
the katakana chart handed out in class, or the textbook, Nakama
Make it beautiful, colorful, and easy to read.
がんばって ください。(Try hard; persevere; keep on keeping on!)
Students will make a full-color, handwritten, katakana chart, to be handed in on 金曜日 Friday, August 30th, at the beginning of class.
Size: at least 8.5" by 11" (larger is also OK)
Paper: unlined paper -- no lined paper will be accepted
Number of symbols:
at least the 46 basic katakana
Purpose: review of katakana
Source material:
the katakana chart handed out in class, or the textbook, Nakama
Make it beautiful, colorful, and easy to read.
がんばって ください。(Try hard; persevere; keep on keeping on!)
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
August 27, 2013 -- Tuesday
平成二十五年八月二十七日 -- 火曜日
あいさつ、ラジオたいそう、二つ の うた
Opening greetings, exercises with verb forms and counting, 2 songs (hiragana/katakana song and "Dango-san Kyoudai")
Discussion of first meetings between people: vocabulary, presenting meishi, etc.
Some appropriate vocabulary
はじめまして、わたし は _____ です。
どうぞ よろしく。
おなまえ は なん です か。
わたし の なまえ は ______ です。
めいし を どうぞ・・・
どこ から きました か。
なにじん です か?
____じん です。
___ご できます か。
なんねんせい です か。
Explanation of the following terms:
はじまして -- said only the first time you meet some one
こちらこそ -- "I should say that."
どうぞ -- when offering something "here, take it" -- sometimes means "please"
どうぞ よろしく --
Students practiced appropriate dialogue in pairs.
Two pairs demonstrated the dialogue. (Eventually all students will need to perform it.)
Abie and Sean
Alyssa and Nick
Handout of pages from Nakama workbook, to review for tomorrow's test -- students complete the handout in class, asking questions.
Study for test!
***Students need to be reminded of certain items from the document you have already received -- ***"Classroom Expectations / Expected Behaviors"
平成二十五年八月二十七日 -- 火曜日
あいさつ、ラジオたいそう、二つ の うた
Opening greetings, exercises with verb forms and counting, 2 songs (hiragana/katakana song and "Dango-san Kyoudai")
Discussion of first meetings between people: vocabulary, presenting meishi, etc.
Some appropriate vocabulary
はじめまして、わたし は _____ です。
どうぞ よろしく。
おなまえ は なん です か。
わたし の なまえ は ______ です。
めいし を どうぞ・・・
どこ から きました か。
なにじん です か?
____じん です。
___ご できます か。
なんねんせい です か。
Explanation of the following terms:
はじまして -- said only the first time you meet some one
こちらこそ -- "I should say that."
どうぞ -- when offering something "here, take it" -- sometimes means "please"
どうぞ よろしく --
Students practiced appropriate dialogue in pairs.
Two pairs demonstrated the dialogue. (Eventually all students will need to perform it.)
Abie and Sean
Alyssa and Nick
Handout of pages from Nakama workbook, to review for tomorrow's test -- students complete the handout in class, asking questions.
Study for test!
***Students need to be reminded of certain items from the document you have already received -- ***"Classroom Expectations / Expected Behaviors"
- Pay attention
- Respect others
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-
<!--[endif]-->Don’t get up from your seat during
the class unless you are told.
* keep your garbage until the end of the class
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-
<!--[endif]-->Don’t speak or make noise when
others are speaking.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-
<!--[endif]-->Remain seated
until dismissed.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-
<!--[endif]-->No bad words. [Abie] No mean remarks.
- Speak Japanese
- You are not allowed to go to the
bathroom during the class.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-
<!--[endif]-->Emergencies happen, but not often.
Once a semester is a lot.
- Please keep the following
items in your bag (and NEVER take them out).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-
<!--[endif]-->Food (gum [Edward], candy included) - Cell
phone (I will
answer calls)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-
<!--[endif]-->Drink (water
included) - Make-up kit and lotion
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-
Students will receive 20
points for participation per week.
Points will be given when you act in accordance with the expected behavior listed.
* Attendance is 2 points.
Other categories earn 3. You can
earn 20 points/ week.
Monday, August 26, 2013
August 26, 2013 -- Monday
平成二十五年八月二十六日 -- 月曜日
今週アリささん は にっちょく です。
This week, Alissa-san is "lead student.."
あいさつ、うんどう (ラジオたいそう)、うた
Opening greeting, counting exercises with verbs and numbers, and song of hiragana/katakana order
New song -- video/xlacu_dango-san-kyoudai_ shortfilms
Student-made meishi were collected -- we will practice with them tomorrow.
Handout: reference charts of ひらがな と カタカナ。
Review of vocabulary students learned last year from Nakama, chapters 1 and 2 -- ガミくん was the only one to hand in a list of material covered last year. ニクくん spoke up and identified known vocabulary from the xeroxed vocabulary list that was handed out. Quiz will take place on 水曜日, that is, day after tomorrow, and will include verbs from the handout last week.
The following material will not be on Wednesday's test: colors, adverbs of frequency
Finish this handout, which was begun in class --
平成二十五年八月二十六日 -- 月曜日
今週アリささん は にっちょく です。
This week, Alissa-san is "lead student.."
あいさつ、うんどう (ラジオたいそう)、うた
Opening greeting, counting exercises with verbs and numbers, and song of hiragana/katakana order
New song --
Song: Dango-san
Kyoudai The
Three Dumpling Brothers
だんご3きょうだい {だんご3兄弟}
1.くし に ささえて だんご、だんご、
みっつ ならんで だんご だんご
しょうゆ ぬられて だんご だんご
だんご さん きょうだい {Four
hand claps}
2.いちばん うえ は ちょうなん、ちょうなん
いちばん した は さん なん、 さんなん
あいだ に はさまれ じなん、じなん
だんご さん きょうだい {Four hand claps}
Handout: reference charts of ひらがな と カタカナ。
Review of vocabulary students learned last year from Nakama, chapters 1 and 2 -- ガミくん was the only one to hand in a list of material covered last year. ニクくん spoke up and identified known vocabulary from the xeroxed vocabulary list that was handed out. Quiz will take place on 水曜日, that is, day after tomorrow, and will include verbs from the handout last week.
The following material will not be on Wednesday's test: colors, adverbs of frequency
Finish this handout, which was begun in class --
Dictionary Exercise
Write the following Japanese words in hiragana, and then write the English meaning. Use the glossary at the back the textbook, Nakama.
yubiwa ____________________ _____________________
momen ____________________ _____________________
sekken ___________________ _____________________
ringo ____________________ _____________________
boushi ____________________ _____________________
okurimono ____________________ _____________________
ongaku ____________________ _____________________
yasai ____________________ _____________________
eki ____________________ _____________________
zou ____________________ __ elephant ________
Recommended dictionary, easily available --
Random House Japanese-English English-Japanese
(the small size, with the white cover)
Sunday, August 25, 2013
August 23, 2013, Friday
平成二十五年八月二十三日 -- 金曜日
Cards were handed back so that students could complete writing verbs on them.
A handout explaining the Meishi assignment was also handed out (see yesterday's blog)-- students said they had not received a katakana chart in the past; so we found one in the Nakama text on page 89. Hiragana explanations are in charts on pages 15 and 22.
Students worked together in pairs, developing questions for the answers listed on page 46 of Nakama.
Some question words that are relevant:
どこ、 なん、なに、だれ、なんねんせい、 なにご、 Etc.
where what who what year in school what language
Special vocabulary on page 46:
アジアけんきゅう Asian Studies ("Asia Research)
だいがく University/college
だいがくいん Graduate school (university)
がくせい University/college student
だいがくいんせい Graduate student
Words on board:
desk, chair, dresser, clock, photo, closet, bookshelf, building
つくえ、 いす、 たんす、 とけい、 しゃしん、 おしいれ、 ほんだな、 たてもの
Student answered questions about what they could see in the classroom.
きょうしつ で なに を みます か。
とけい を みます。
つくえ を みます。
おしいれ を みます。
1. Meishi, as explained in yesterday's blog entry and in the handout given to students today.
2. Review chapters 1 and 2 in Nakama and make a list of words and grammar points that should be on a review test next week.
平成二十五年八月二十三日 -- 金曜日
Cards were handed back so that students could complete writing verbs on them.
A handout explaining the Meishi assignment was also handed out (see yesterday's blog)-- students said they had not received a katakana chart in the past; so we found one in the Nakama text on page 89. Hiragana explanations are in charts on pages 15 and 22.
Students worked together in pairs, developing questions for the answers listed on page 46 of Nakama.
Some question words that are relevant:
どこ、 なん、なに、だれ、なんねんせい、 なにご、 Etc.
where what who what year in school what language
Special vocabulary on page 46:
アジアけんきゅう Asian Studies ("Asia Research)
だいがく University/college
だいがくいん Graduate school (university)
がくせい University/college student
だいがくいんせい Graduate student
Words on board:
desk, chair, dresser, clock, photo, closet, bookshelf, building
つくえ、 いす、 たんす、 とけい、 しゃしん、 おしいれ、 ほんだな、 たてもの
Student answered questions about what they could see in the classroom.
きょうしつ で なに を みます か。
とけい を みます。
つくえ を みます。
おしいれ を みます。
1. Meishi, as explained in yesterday's blog entry and in the handout given to students today.
2. Review chapters 1 and 2 in Nakama and make a list of words and grammar points that should be on a review test next week.
Friday, August 23, 2013
August 22, 2013 -- Thursday
平成二十五年八月二十二日 -- 木曜日
Hevannli is にっとく , but she was absent today.
Today Nick V. was transferred into this class.
ラジオ体操 (らじお たいそう)のような
Opening exercises and hiragana song (to "famous tune")
Students received 5"by 8" inch white cards and rubber bands, with instructions to write each ひらがな verb from yesterday's handout on one side and the えいご English translation on the other side of each card.
平成二十五年八月二十二日 -- 木曜日
Hevannli is にっとく , but she was absent today.
Today Nick V. was transferred into this class.
ラジオ体操 (らじお たいそう)のような
Opening exercises and hiragana song (to "famous tune")
Students received 5"by 8" inch white cards and rubber bands, with instructions to write each ひらがな verb from yesterday's handout on one side and the えいご English translation on the other side of each card.
Nakamaの第五課 百三十二132ページ
シャワー を あびます(浴びます)
(ラジオ を ききます{聞きます})
コーヒー を のみます(飲みます)
がっこう に いきます(行きます)
きょうしつ に きます(来ます)
じゅぎょう が あります
べんきょう します
じゅぎょう が あります
えいが が はじまります(始ります)
ひるごはん を たべます(食べます)
うち に かえります(帰ります)
ばんごはん を たべます(食べます)
(宿題)しゅくだい を します
(テレビ を みます {見ます})
おふろ に はいります(入ります)
ほん を よみます(読みます)
Students who finished early practiced in pairs.
Students also received yesterday's homework, and problems with homework yesterday were reviewed:
"The ha wa" meaning that the hiragana ha は is pronounced wa when it appears by itself, following the topic or subject of the sentence. There was a discussion of what Kimmel Sensei calls "relational particles."
Be sure to double-space between lines when writing Japanese.
The hiragana and kanji versions of watashi: わたし 私
In the context of this discussion, Sensei reminded students of the rule: "No bad words. No mean remarks"
(Review the "Classroom Expectations: Expected Behavior" handout.)
Discussion of business/personal cards in Japan, called meishi めいし。
Pages 49 and 50 in Nakama.
Assignment, due Monday 月曜日:
Directions for students: Make your own meishi, using one of the 5x8 cards received today. It must be きれい clean, pretty, and in color いろ. Use katakana カタカナ and hiragana ひらがな as much as you can, and make sure your writing is sized to fill the whole card, rather than just a little card in the middle of a big white space.
「 |
なまえ と みょうじ どこ から 来ました か・
personal name and last name Nationality
じゅうしょ なに ご?
address languages you speak
でんわ ばんごう phone number
OPRF こうこう の {に}ねんせい
(Choose appropriate year)
|_ _|
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
August 21, 2013 -- Wednesday
平成二十五年八月二十一日 -- 水曜日
にっちょく for this week is Hevannli.
Opening greeting and exercises, plus Kimmel's hiragana/katakana song,
to a famous tune.(!)
Homework assigned yesterday was collected today --
3 sentences about oneself.
Review of です じゃ (では)ありません
たとえば tatoeba (For example)
私 は おんな の ひと です。
Watashi wa onna no hito desu.
わたし は オーストラリアじん じゃ ありません。
Watashi wa OOSUTORARIAjin ja arimasen.
Students practiced making statements about themselves and also about
President Obama オバマ大統領(だいとうりょう)
Kimmel's First Law of Japanese Grammar
The verb comes last; the verb comes last; the verb comes last.
Handout for verb review:
Students practiced making statements about themselves and also about
Hugh Jackman (as Wolverine), using the verbs above.
Nakama, p. 32, top half of the page -- translate into English
平成二十五年八月二十一日 -- 水曜日
にっちょく for this week is Hevannli.
Opening greeting and exercises, plus Kimmel's hiragana/katakana song,
to a famous tune.(!)
Homework assigned yesterday was collected today --
3 sentences about oneself.
Review of です じゃ (では)ありません
たとえば tatoeba (For example)
私 は おんな の ひと です。
Watashi wa onna no hito desu.
わたし は オーストラリアじん じゃ ありません。
Watashi wa OOSUTORARIAjin ja arimasen.
Students practiced making statements about themselves and also about
President Obama オバマ大統領(だいとうりょう)
Kimmel's First Law of Japanese Grammar
The verb comes last; the verb comes last; the verb comes last.
Handout for verb review:
Nakamaの第五課 百三十二132ページ
シャワー を あびます(浴びます)
(ラジオ を ききます{聞きます})
コーヒー を のみます(飲みます)
がっこう に いきます(行きます)
きょうしつ に きます(来ます)
じゅぎょう が あります
べんきょう します
じゅぎょう が あります
えいが が はじまります(始ります)
ひるごはん を たべます(食べます)
うち に かえります(帰ります)
ばんごはん を たべます(食べます)
(宿題)しゅくだい を します
(テレビ を みます {見ます})
おふろ に はいります(入ります)
ほん を よみます(読みます)
Students practiced making statements about themselves and also about
Hugh Jackman (as Wolverine), using the verbs above.
Nakama, p. 32, top half of the page -- translate into English
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
August 20, 2013
平成二十五年 八月二十日
へいせい にじゅうご ねん (25th year of the reign of the Heisei Emperor)
1.Course profile -- particular attention to the following -- best way to communicate, for now
708- 434-3512
Curriculum blog:
2.Classroom expectations -- particular attention to the following --
**If you are absent, check the curriculum blog to find out what you missed:
平成二十五年 八月二十日
へいせい にじゅうご ねん (25th year of the reign of the Heisei Emperor)
1.Course profile -- particular attention to the following -- best way to communicate, for now
708- 434-3512
Curriculum blog:
2.Classroom expectations -- particular attention to the following --
**If you are absent, check the curriculum blog to find out what you missed:
**Please keep the following
items in your bag (and NEVER take them out).-
Food (gum, candy included) Cell
phone (I will
answer calls)
Drink (water
included) Make-up kit and lotion
**You are not allowed to go to the
bathroom during the class. Emergencies happen, but not often.
Once a semester is a lot. [Emmanuel used his once-a-semester permission]
** Interesting, helpful websites
3. ひらがな chart for any student who wanted one
4. song and morning exercises
5. paper with squares on it
Class Activities:
1. students are seated in alphabetical order
2. opening あいさつ、followed by morning exercises
3. fill out index card with the following information
なまえ と みょうじ personal and family names
かぞく family
日本語 どうして? why Japanese?
きょうみ、しゅみ interests, hobbies
すきな たべもの foods you like
4. writing in class -- 三つのぶんしょ、じぶんのこと -- 3 sentences, about yourself
in ひらがな if possible, or in ローマじ
Some students read them out loud.
三つのぶんしょ、じぶんのこと -- 3 sentences, about yourself
Write out neatly and hand in tomorrow.
Monday, August 19, 2013
August 19, 2013
Name: Carol Ruth Kimmel 708- 434-3512
First Grading Period
Second Grading
Third Grading Period
Fourth Grading Period
3-4 (second year)
Name: Carol Ruth Kimmel 708- 434-3512
Room: 386
Office hours: By appointment.
493 Japanese 3-4 This second-year Japanese course
continues the development of the four language skills. Advanced vocabulary and
grammar are presented with emphasis on oral and written responses. There is
increased use of Japanese in the classroom. Additional Kanji characters are taught. Cultural materials and projects are an
integral part of the course.
Nakama 1;
textbook; ©2000; Makino/et al; Houghton Mifflin; ISBN 0669275832
§ Binder with index tabs,
divider, loose-leaf paper
The total number of points accumulated during the
quarter determines the quarter grade. The following factors are used as
guidelines to determine the quarter grade:
§ Tests & quizzes/oral & written (35%) § Class
participation (25%)
§ Homework
portfolio (20%) § Special
projects (20%)
The following grading scale is
A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F 59% and below
final exam grade for all world language classes is valued at 20% of the total
semester grade.
semester grade is determined by the average of the 2 quarter grades (40% each)
and the final exam grade (20%).
Progress report copy will be mailed to students’ home at
the end of the quarter. If you would
like more information regarding progress reports, please look at Skyward or
contact me at school.
No cell phone use is allowed during class. Cell phone use during any assessments will
result in no grade.
Please refer to the
student handbook.
First Grading Period
Nakama 1 chapters 6&7
Second Grading
Nakama 1 chapter 8
Special grammar unit
Third Grading Period
Nakama 1
chapter 9
Fourth Grading Period
§ Nakama 1
chapter 10
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